Perlindungan Bagi Awak Kapal Penangkap Ikan Asing Berdasarkan Hukum Internasional
Gede Khrisna Kharismawan, I Gede Pasek Eka Wisanjaya
“Artikel ini merupakan respon terhadap pemberitaan Mei 2020 berupa adanya dugaan eksploitasi yang dialami oleh beberapa awak kapal penangkap ikan asing yang berkewarganegaraan Indonesia. Tujuan penulisan adalah untuk melakukan analisa deskriptif terhadap perlindungan hukum bagi awak kapal penangkap ikan internasional dilihat dari instrumen hukum yang ada, khususnya awak kapal rawai. Metode penelitian hukum normatif digunakan melalui pendekatan kasus, dan perundang-undangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (i) perlindungan hukum bagi awak kapal secara umum telah mencukupi dalam instrumen hukum nasional maupun internasional, (ii) namun tidak demikian halnya dengan perlindungan hukum bagi awak kapal penangkap ikan internasional, hingga disempurnakan melalui kehadiran Konvensi ILO 188. Kata kunci: Awak Kapal, Internasional, Kapal Nelayan, Perlindungan Hukum ABSTRACT This article is a response to news report in May 2020 which indicate exploitation of longline fishing crew resulting in death of Indonesian citizens. This article provides descriptive analysis towards legal protection of international fishing crew, especially longline ship, based on national and international legal instrument, using statute and case approach. This article shows that: (i) there already protection within national and international legal instrument toward vessel crew in general, (ii) but not so much protection for international longline fishing crew because of minimum regulation and enforcement leads to none of specific protection until recent introduction of ILO Convention 188. Keywords: Fishing Crew, Fishing vessel, International, Legal protection”
Awak Kapal, Internasional, Kapal Nelayan, Perlindungan Hukum ABSTRACT This article is a response to news report in May 2020 which indicate exploitation of longline fishing crew resulting in death of Indonesian citizens. This article provides descriptive analysis towards legal protection of international fishing crew, especially longline ship, based on national and international legal instrument, using statute and case approach. This article shows that: (i) there already protection within national and international legal instrument toward vessel crew in general, (ii) but not so much protection for international longline fishing crew because of minimum regulation and enforcement leads to none of specific protection until recent introduction of ILO Convention 188. Keywords: Fishing Crew, Fishing vessel, International, Legal protection
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How To Cite
KHARISMAWAN, Gede Khrisna; WISANJAYA, I Gede Pasek Eka. Perlindungan Bagi Awak Kapal Penangkap Ikan Asing Berdasarkan Hukum Internasional.Kertha Wicara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 4, p. 322-334, feb. 2021. ISSN 2303-0550. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi:
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Vol 10 No 4 (2021)
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