
Ni Putu Diah Puspita Sari, Desak Putu Dewi Kasih


“ABSTRAK Negara Indonesia merupakan negara hukum, kalimat ini sudah tidak awam lagi bagi kita sebagai Warga Negara Indonesia, segala hal dalam Negara Indonesia sudah ada pengaturannya masing-masing dalam sebuah dasar hukum. Seluruh belahan dunia pada awal 2020 dikejutkan dengan kehadiran wabah virus Covid-19 yang menyebabkan jumlah kematian meningkat, dan menimbulkan aturan baru untuk meradakan virus dengan cara tetap berada dirumah, work from home, ketika melakukan kegiatan diluar rumah wajib menggunakan masker kesehatan, dan lain sebagainya. Tujuan penelitian artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahui penegakan hukum persaingan usaha terhadap praktek monopoli yang terjadi pada masa pandemi Covid-19 dalam penjualan masker Kesehatan dan untuk mengetahui peran lembaga KPPU dalam penegakan hukum persaingan usaha pada praktek monopoli penjualan masker kesehatan di masa pandemi. Artikel ini menggunakan suatu penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan komparatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pengaturan utama mengenai larangan praktek monopoli penjualan masker kesehatan di masa pandemi diatur dalam UU 5/1999. Dalam hal ini KPPU memiliki peran dalam menegakkan hukum sesuai dengan aturan UU 5/1999 dimana tugasnya sudah sepadan dengan wewenang KPPU yang diatur dalam Pasal 36, dalam hal ini berkaitan dengan wewenang KPPU melakukan tindakan penyelidikan atau pemeriksaan terhadap kasus-kasus praktek monopoli penjualan masker kesehatan di masa pandemi ini. Kata Kunci: Monopoli, Masker Kesehatan, KPPU ABSTRACT Indonesia is a state of law, this sentence is no longer common to us as Indonesian citizens, everything in the State of Indonesia has its own regulations in a legal basis. All parts of the world at the beginning of 2020 were shocked by the presence of the Covid-19 virus outbreak which caused the number of deaths to increase, and created new rules to contain the virus by staying at home, working from home, when doing activities outside the home, wearing a health mask, and so on. The purpose of this article is to determine the enforcement of business competition law against monopolistic practices that occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic and to determine the role of the KPPU in enforcing business competition law on the monopolistic practice of selling health masks during the pandemic. This article uses a normative legal research with a statutory and comparative approach. The results of this study indicate that the main regulation regarding the prohibition of monopolistic practices on the sale of health masks during the pandemic is regulated in Law 5/1999 concerning Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition. In this case the KPPU has a role in enforcing the law in accordance with provisions of Law 5/1999 where the duties are commensurate with the KPPU’s authority as regulated in Article 36, in this case it relates to the KPPU’s authority to carry out investigations or examinations of cases of monopolistic practice of selling health masks during this pandemic. Key Words: Monopoly, Health Mask, The Commission for the Supervision of Bussiness”


Monopoli, Masker Kesehatan, KPPU ABSTRACT Indonesia is a state of law, this sentence is no longer common to us as Indonesian citizens, everything in the State of Indonesia has its own regulations in a legal basis. All parts of the world at the beginning of 2020 were shocked by the presence of the Covid-19 virus outbreak which caused the number of deaths to increase, and created new rules to contain the virus by staying at home, working from home, when doing activities outside the home, wearing a health mask, and so on. The purpose of this article is to determine the enforcement of business competition law against monopolistic practices that occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic and to determine the role of the KPPU in enforcing business competition law on the monopolistic practice of selling health masks during the pandemic. This article uses a normative legal research with a statutory and comparative approach. The results of this study indicate that the main regulation regarding the prohibition of monopolistic practices on the sale of health masks during the pandemic is regulated in Law 5/1999 concerning Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition. In this case the KPPU has a role in enforcing the law in accordance with provisions of Law 5/1999 where the duties are commensurate with the KPPU’s authority as regulated in Article 36, in this case it relates to the KPPU’s authority to carry out investigations or examinations of cases of monopolistic practice of selling health masks during this pandemic. Key Words: Monopoly, Health Mask, The Commission for the Supervision of Bussiness


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How To Cite

PUSPITA SARI, Ni Putu Diah; KASIH, Desak Putu Dewi. PENEGAKAN HUKUM PERSAINGAN USAHA TERHADAP PRAKTIK MONOPOLI PENJUALAN MASKER KESEHATAN DI MASA PANDEMI.Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 12, p. 1365-1374, may 2023. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 10 No 12 (2022)



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