
I Nyoman Anom Nesa Parwasaba, Made Gde Subha Karma Resen


“ABSTRAK Keputusan Majelis Hakim Tipikor Nomor 36/Pidsus TPK/2020/PN.Jkt.Pst. Pemerintah DKI Jakarta memberhentikan secara tidak horamat pada siapa saja oknum Pegawai Negeri Sipil karena secara sah terbuki melakukan korupsi. Tri Prasetyo Utomo tergolong melakukan kejahatan maka dari itu saudara Tri Prasetyo Utomo dierhentikan secara tidak hormat. Putusan hakim tersebut menjadi bukti dalam penegakan hukum yang pasti dan bermanfaat serta adil. Keberatan pemberhentian seharusnya diajukan banding administratif kepada Badan Pertimbangan ASN melalui Badan Pertimbangan Pegawai namun ASN yang diberhentikan tersebut mengajukan banding langsung ke PTUN, berkaitan dengan itu prosedur yang telah tersedia tidak dilaksanakan dengan tepat. Pejabat Pembina Kepegawaian atau yang lebih dikenal dengan PPK merupakan pejabat yang mempunyai wewenang pada bidang menetapkan dalam pengangkatan, dalam hal pemindahan dan juga pada pemberhentian Pegawai ASN pada instansii pemerintahan sesuai dengan peraturran perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Dalam upaya penyampaian keberatan dapat ditempuh melalui jalur hukum dengan upaya banding administratif dan diajukan dengan prosedur yang telah ditentukan . Kata Kunci: Kepastian Hukum, Korupsi, Pegawai Negeri Sipil, PPK ABSTRACT the Corruption Eradication Panel of Judges Decision No. 36/Pidsus TPK/2020/PN.Jkt.Pst. The DKI Jakarta Government dishonorably terminated any unscrupulous Civil Servants because they were legally proven to have committed corruption. Tri Prasetyo Utomo was classified as having committed a crime, therefore Tri Prasetyo Utomo’s brother was dishonorably terminated . The judge’s decision is evidence in law enforcement that is certain and useful and fair. Objections that should have submitted an administrative appeal to the ASN Advisory Board through the Employee Advisory Board but the dismissed ASN filed an appeal directly to the Administrative Court, related to that the existing procedures were not carried out properly. Civil Service Development Officials or better known as PPK are officials who have authority in the field of placement in placements, in terms of transfers and also in the dismissal of ASN Employees in government agencies in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. In an effort to apply for an objection, it can be pursued through legal channels with administrative appeals and filed with a predetermined procedure. Keywords: Legal Certainty, Corruption, Civil Servants, PPK.”


Kepastian Hukum, Korupsi, Pegawai Negeri Sipil, PPK ABSTRACT the Corruption Eradication Panel of Judges Decision No. 36/Pidsus TPK/2020/PN.Jkt.Pst. The DKI Jakarta Government dishonorably terminated any unscrupulous Civil Servants because they were legally proven to have committed corruption. Tri Prasetyo Utomo was classified as having committed a crime, therefore Tri Prasetyo Utomo’s brother was dishonorably terminated . The judge’s decision is evidence in law enforcement that is certain and useful and fair. Objections that should have submitted an administrative appeal to the ASN Advisory Board through the Employee Advisory Board but the dismissed ASN filed an appeal directly to the Administrative Court, related to that the existing procedures were not carried out properly. Civil Service Development Officials or better known as PPK are officials who have authority in the field of placement in placements, in terms of transfers and also in the dismissal of ASN Employees in government agencies in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. In an effort to apply for an objection, it can be pursued through legal channels with administrative appeals and filed with a predetermined procedure. Keywords: Legal Certainty, Corruption, Civil Servants, PPK.


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How To Cite

PARWASABA, I Nyoman Anom Nesa; RESEN, Made Gde Subha Karma. ANALISIS KASUS TINDAK PIDANA KORUPSI PNS BERUJUNG PEMBERHENTIAN DENGAN TIDAK HORMAT.Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 12, p. 1355-1364, may 2023. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 10 No 12 (2022)



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