
Imma Mutia Dewi Sindrawan, I Made Sarjana


“Penelitian ini bertujuan menemukan keabsahan dan akibat hukum dari perseroan terbatas yang didirikan oleh pasangan suami istri tanpa perjanjian perkawinan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian normatif dan pendekatan perundang-undangan serta pendekatan konseptual untuk menyelidiki keabsahan dan akibat hukum Perseroan Terbatas yang pendiriannya dilaksanakan oleh suami istri. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk mengidentifikasi bahan hukum yang relevan melalui tinjauan literatur dan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan menggunakan analisis kualitatif untuk menganalisis temuan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa untuk membentuk suatu Perseroan Terbatas oleh suami istri yang bertindak sebagai pendiri dan pemegang saham, diperlukan perjanjian perkawinan untuk menjamin pemisahan harta kekayaan atau dengan memperoleh tambahan subyek hukum lainnya untuk turut serta bertindak sebagai pendiri dan pemegang saham. Keharusan memiliki sekurang-kurangnya dua orang yang mampu mengambil peran sebagai subyek hukum pada saat pendirian Perseroan Terbatas harus dipatuhi. Perseroan Terbatas yang didirikan oleh satu subyek hukum sebagai satu-satunya pemegang sahamnya dapat menimbulkan persoalan mengenai status atau bentuk badan hukum tersebut. Kata kunci: Perseroan Terbatas, Perjanjian Perkawinan, Suami istri. ABSTRACT This research aims to analyze the the validity and legal consequences of a limited liability company established by a married couple without a marriage agreement. This study endeavors to utilize normative research methods and both a statute approach and conceptual approach to analyze the validity and legal consequences of a Limited Liability Company whose founding is conducted by husband and wife. This research aims to recognize applicable juridical material through an examination of the literature and then continues with employing qualitative analysis to examine the results. This study demonstrates that in order to establish a Limited Liability Company with both husband and wife serving as founders and shareholders, a marital contract is necessary in order to ensure asset segregation and consider them as distinct legal entities, or to acquire extra legal entities to function as founders and shareholders of the entity. It is required that a Limited Liability Company have a minimum of two individuals legally qualified to assume responsibility at its time of establishment. It may be contentious as to the legal status or form of a Limited Liability Company established by a single legal subject acting as the sole shareholder. Key Words: Limited Liability Company, Marriage Agreement, Husband and Wife.”


Perseroan Terbatas, Perjanjian Perkawinan, Suami istri. ABSTRACT This research aims to analyze the the validity and legal consequences of a limited liability company established by a married couple without a marriage agreement. This study endeavors to utilize normative research methods and both a statute approach and conceptual approach to analyze the validity and legal consequences of a Limited Liability Company whose founding is conducted by husband and wife. This research aims to recognize applicable juridical material through an examination of the literature and then continues with employing qualitative analysis to examine the results. This study demonstrates that in order to establish a Limited Liability Company with both husband and wife serving as founders and shareholders, a marital contract is necessary in order to ensure asset segregation and consider them as distinct legal entities, or to acquire extra legal entities to function as founders and shareholders of the entity. It is required that a Limited Liability Company have a minimum of two individuals legally qualified to assume responsibility at its time of establishment. It may be contentious as to the legal status or form of a Limited Liability Company established by a single legal subject acting as the sole shareholder. Key Words: Limited Liability Company, Marriage Agreement, Husband and Wife.


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How To Cite

SINDRAWAN, Imma Mutia Dewi; SARJANA, I Made. PENDIRIAN PERSEROAN TERBATAS YANG DIDIRIKAN OLEH SUAMI ISTRI TANPA ADANYA PERJANJIAN PERKAWINAN.Kertha Wicara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 12, p. 1835-1844, july 2023. ISSN 2303-0550. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi: KW.2022.v11.i12.p3.

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Vol 11 No 12 (2022)



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