Dampak Hukum Akibat Perbedaan Budaya Antar Perusahaan Hasil Dari Tindakan Merger Dan Akuisisi Di Indonesia
Sang Putu Rio Sudarsana, Putu Edgar Tanaya
“Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan memahami lebih lanjut mengenai prosedur pasti dari terjadi proses merger dan akuisisi di Indonesia dan sekaligus untuk mengetahui dan memahami hubungan dari diadakannya merger dan akuisisi terhadap pengaruh perbedaan budaya dan perusahaan yang telah melakukan proses tersebut selain itu yang menjadi perhatian adalah dengan terjadinya proses tersebut, dapat juga menimbulkan aspek-aspek lain seperti integrasi budaya antara perusahaan yang dapat berakibat ketidak berhasilan dikarenakan perbedaan budaya yang ada, dengan alasan tersebut penulis juga menjelaskan aspek tersebut sebagai pembahasan kedua dalam penelitian ini. Metode penulisan artikel ini menggunakan jenis penelitian hukum normatif mengacu pada peraturan di Indonesia secara khusus, namun tetap dalam jangkauan pembahasan atas perusahaan multinasional terhadap perusahaan dari negara lain, dalam hal ini mengacu kepada perusahaan di Indonesia, metode ini digunakan sebagai tujuan untuk menjawab permasalahan yang sedang dihadapi agar dapat ditemukannya pemecahan masalah yang proposional. Atas penulisan ini, penulis mendapatkan hasil bahwa perbedaan budaya yang terjadi dalam suatu perusahaan dan perusahaan lainnya menjadi faktor utama keberhasilan atas suatu proses merger dan akuisisi yang terjadi, dengan menilai dari aspek-aspek karyawan dan etos kerja yang dimiliki masing-masing perusahaan dengan berdampak pada keberlangsungan dari perusahaan hasil dari proses merger dan akuisisi tersebut. Kata Kunci: Merger dan Akuisisi, Perbedaan Budaya, Perusahaan ABSTRACT This study aims to to know and understand more about the exact procedure of the merger and acquisition process in Indonesia and at the same time to know and understand the relationship of holding mergers and acquisitions to the influence of cultural differences and the companies that have carried out the process, it can also lead to other aspects such as cultural integration between companies which can result in failure due to the existing cultural gap, for this reason, the author also explains this aspect as the second discussion in this study. The method of writing this article uses a type of normative legal research referring to regulations in Indonesia, but still within the scope of discussion of multinational companies over companies from other countries, in this case referring to companies in Indonesia, this method is used as an objective answer the problems that are being faced in order to find proportional problem solutions. In this writing, the authors get the result that cultural differences that occur in a company and other companies are the main success factor for a merger and acquisition process that occurs, by assessing aspects of the employees and work ethic of each company with an impact on the sustainability of the company resulting from the merger and acquisition process.”
Merger dan Akuisisi, Perbedaan Budaya, Perusahaan ABSTRACT This study aims to to know and understand more about the exact procedure of the merger and acquisition process in Indonesia and at the same time to know and understand the relationship of holding mergers and acquisitions to the influence of cultural differences and the companies that have carried out the process, it can also lead to other aspects such as cultural integration between companies which can result in failure due to the existing cultural gap, for this reason, the author also explains this aspect as the second discussion in this study. The method of writing this article uses a type of normative legal research referring to regulations in Indonesia, but still within the scope of discussion of multinational companies over companies from other countries, in this case referring to companies in Indonesia, this method is used as an objective answer the problems that are being faced in order to find proportional problem solutions. In this writing, the authors get the result that cultural differences that occur in a company and other companies are the main success factor for a merger and acquisition process that occurs, by assessing aspects of the employees and work ethic of each company with an impact on the sustainability of the company resulting from the merger and acquisition process.
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How To Cite
RIO SUDARSANA, Sang Putu; TANAYA, Putu Edgar. Dampak Hukum Akibat Perbedaan Budaya Antar Perusahaan Hasil Dari Tindakan Merger Dan Akuisisi Di Indonesia.Kertha Wicara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 11, p. 937-947, dec. 2021. ISSN 2303-0550. Available at: https://jurnal.harianregional.com/kerthawicara/id-80296. Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi:https://doi.org/10.24843/KW.2021.v10.i11.p07.
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Vol 10 No 11 (2021)
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