
I Made Satya Devananda, Ida Ayu Sukihana


“Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji faktor penyebab timbulnya pelanggaran terhadap hak cipta dan penegakan hukum terhadap pelanggaran hak cipta lagu yang dinyanyikan kembail di spotify. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan jurnal ini ialah metode penelitian normatif. Hasil kajian ini terdapat adanya tujuh faktor penyebab adanya pelanggaran hak cipta, yakni faktor ekonomi, budaya, teknologi, penegakan hukum, pendidikan, pengangguran, dan lingkungan. Pelanggaran atas tindakan mengcover lagu sesorang dengan tujuan dikomersilkan bisa ditempuh dengan tindakan preventif dan tindakan represif. Atas pelanggaran cover lagu yang dikomersilkan lalu diunggah ke platform Spotify tanpa seizin dan persetujaun pencipta dapat mendapatkan sanksi pelanggaran berupa menutup akun Spotify sehingga akun tersebut tak dapat diakses lagi hal tersebut terdapat pada Pasal 54 dan Pasal 55 Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta. Jika pelanggar sudah terbukti melakukan pelanggaran hak cipta dapat dikenakan sanksi perdata yaitu bagi setiap orang yang melanggar peraturan hak cipta maka orang tersebut dapat dikenakan adanya ganti rugi dimana gugatan tersebut dapat dilaporkan kepada Pengadilan Niaga dan dikenakan sanksi. Kata Kunci: Hak cipta, Lagu, Spotify ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that cause copyright infringement and law enforcement against copyright infringement of songs sung again on spotify. The method used in writing this journal is a normative research method. From this study, there are seven factors that cause copyright infringement, namely economic factors, culture, technology, law enforcement, education, unemployment, and the environment. Violation of the act of covering someone’s song with the aim of being commercialized can be taken with preventive and repressive measures. For violations of commercialized song covers and then uploaded to the Spotify platform without the permission and approval of the creator, they can get a violation sanction in the form of closing the Spotify account so that the account can no longer be accessed, this is contained in Article 54 and Article 55 of Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright. If the violator has been proven to have committed copyright infringement, it can be subject to civil sanctions, namely for anyone who violates copyright regulations, that person can be subject to compensation where the lawsuit can be reported to the Commercial Court and imposed sanctions. Keywords: Copyright, Song, Spotify”


Hak cipta, Lagu, Spotify ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that cause copyright infringement and law enforcement against copyright infringement of songs sung again on spotify. The method used in writing this journal is a normative research method. From this study, there are seven factors that cause copyright infringement, namely economic factors, culture, technology, law enforcement, education, unemployment, and the environment. Violation of the act of covering someone’s song with the aim of being commercialized can be taken with preventive and repressive measures. For violations of commercialized song covers and then uploaded to the Spotify platform without the permission and approval of the creator, they can get a violation sanction in the form of closing the Spotify account so that the account can no longer be accessed, this is contained in Article 54 and Article 55 of Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright. If the violator has been proven to have committed copyright infringement, it can be subject to civil sanctions, namely for anyone who violates copyright regulations, that person can be subject to compensation where the lawsuit can be reported to the Commercial Court and imposed sanctions. Keywords: Copyright, Song, Spotify


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How To Cite

DEVANANDA, I Made Satya; SUKIHANA, Ida Ayu. Penegakan Hukum Hak Cipta Atas Karya Lagu Yang Di Cover Pada Platform Spotify.Kertha Wicara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 11, p. 880-891, dec. 2021. ISSN 2303-0550. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi:

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Vol 10 No 11 (2021)



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