
Komang Ari Wiweka, I Gusti Ngurah Parikesit Widiateja


“Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hambatan mengkategorikan Perusahaan Transnasional sebagai subjek Hukum Internasional. Metode yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif melalui pendekatan pustaka seperti buku, jurnal dan instrumen Hukum Internasional yang terkait dengan isu dalam studi ini. Berdasarkan studi yang telah dilakukan, penulis mengetahui bahwa perkembangan hukum internasional menjadi faktor pendorong perlunya memasukan Perusahaan Transnasional sebagai subjek hukum internasional. Proses ini lalu menimbulkan pro kontra. Di satu sisi Perusahaan Transnasional dianggap belum dapat memenuhi persyaratan agar dapat disebut sebagai subjek hukum internasional, sementara di sisi lain, para sarjana berpendapat bahwa mereka sudah memenuhi syarat sebagai subjek hukum internasional. Hal ini dikarenakan aktivitas yang telah dilakukan dan beberapa instrumen juga telah membebankan hak dan kewajiban pada mereka. Kemudian, berikutnya juga dibahas mengenai apa saja hambatan lain dalam menjadikan PT/TNC sebagai subjek HI ditinjau dari segi praktek Hukum Internasional. Kata kunci : Hukum Internasional, Perusahaan Transnasional, Subjek Hukum, Hambatan ABSTRACT This study aims to identify the barriers to categorizing Transnational Corporation as subjects of International Law. The method employed in this study is a normative law research method through a literature approach such as books, journals and International Law instruments related to the issues in this study. The authors find that the development of international law is a driving factor for the need to include Transnational Corporation as subjects of international law. This process then raises the pros and cons. On the one hand, Transnational Corporations are considered unable to meet the requirements to be called as a subjects of international law, while on the other hand, scholars argue that they have met the requirements as subjects of international law. This is based on the activities that have been carried out and several instruments have also imposed rights and obligations on them. Afterwards, the next section will also discuss what are the obstacles in puttingPT/TNC a subject of IL in terms of the practice of International Law. Keywords : International Law, Transnational Corporation, Legal Subject, Obstacle”


: Hukum Internasional, Perusahaan Transnasional, Subjek Hukum, Hambatan ABSTRACT This study aims to identify the barriers to categorizing Transnational Corporation as subjects of International Law. The method employed in this study is a normative law research method through a literature approach such as books, journals and International Law instruments related to the issues in this study. The authors find that the development of international law is a driving factor for the need to include Transnational Corporation as subjects of international law. This process then raises the pros and cons. On the one hand, Transnational Corporations are considered unable to meet the requirements to be called as a subjects of international law, while on the other hand, scholars argue that they have met the requirements as subjects of international law. This is based on the activities that have been carried out and several instruments have also imposed rights and obligations on them. Afterwards, the next section will also discuss what are the obstacles in puttingPT/TNC a subject of IL in terms of the practice of International Law. Keywords : International Law, Transnational Corporation, Legal Subject, Obstacle


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How To Cite

WIWEKA, Komang Ari; PARIKESIT WIDIATEJA, I Gusti Ngurah. Tantangan Memasukan Perusahaan Transnasional Sebagai Subjek Hukum Internasional.Kertha Wicara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 12, p. 959-975, dec. 2021. ISSN 2303-0550. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi:

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Vol 10 No 12 (2021)



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