
Komang Ema Kurnia Dewi, Anak Agung Ngurah Wirasila


“Tujuan penulisan jurnal ini adalah untuk menelaah penegakan hukum terhadap dokter yang melakukan tindakan malpraktek terhadap pasien covid-19 khususnya perbuatan yang memenuhi unsur pidana. Baik ditinjau dari segi aturan hukum maupun proses penegakan hukum agar terwujudnya keadilan hukum bagi pasien yang mendapat tindak pidana malpraktek. Penulisan jurnal ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum yuridis normative yang menitikberatkan pada unsur kepustakaan dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan perundang-undangan. Teknik pengumpulan bahan hukum menggunakan teknik studi kepustakaan yaitu dengan cara membaca, mencatat, meringkas, mengutip, menggali informasi dari literatur, berita, artikel, jurnal, maupun kasus. Analisis bahan hukum menggunakan teknik deskripsi, sistematisasi, interpretasi, serta argumentasi hukum. Pengulasan menunjukkan hasil bahwa belum adanya hukum normative (peraturan perundang-undangan) yang khusus mengatur malpraktek yang dilakukan oleh dokter khususnya terhadap pasien covid-19 dalam situasi pandemi seperti saat ini, sehingga mempersulit dalam pembuktian malapraktek. Hal tersebut telah menunjukkan adanya kekosongan norma (hukum) yang mengakibatkan masih ada ditemukan kasus malpraktek yang menunjukkan masih lemahnya penegakan hukum khususnya perlindungan bagi korban malpraktek oleh dokter terlebih terhadap pasien covid-19 baik dari segi norma hukum maupun aparat penegak hukum itu sendiri. Sehingga perlu dikaji lebih mendalam terutama penegakan hukum dalam sistem hukum pidana di Indonesia yang menjembatani pengendalian kejahatan termasuk kejahatan dalam dunia medis. Agar dapat tercipta suatu kepastian, keadilan,dan kemanfaatan hukum dalam penegakan hukum di Indonesia. Kata Kunci: Penegakan Hukum, Malpraktek Dokter, Covid-19. ABSTRACT The goal of writing this journal to analyze the law enforcement against doctors who commit malpractice actions against Covid-19 patients, especially acts that meet criminal elements. Both in terms of the rule of law and the process of law enforcement in order to realize legal justice for patients who receive criminal acts of malpractice. The writing of this journal uses a normative juridicial legal research method that focuses on the elements of literature with the statutory approach. The technique of collecting legal materials uses library research techniques, namely by reading, notes, resume, quoting, estracting information from literatures, news, articles, journals, and cases. Analysis of legal materials using the techniques of depcription, systematization, interpretation, and legal argumentation. The review shows that there is no normative law that specifically regulates malpractice carried out by doctors against Covid-19 patients in pandemic situation as of now, making it difficult to prove malpractice. This has shown that there is a void of norms or legal vacuum which has resulted in cases of malpractice being found which shows that law enforcement is still weak, especially protection for victims of malpractice by doctors, especially for Covid-19 patients, both in terms of legal norms and law enforcement officials themselves. So it needs to be studied more deeply, especially law enforcement in the criminal law system in Indonesia which bridges the control of crimes including crimes in the medical world. In order to create certainty, justice and legal benefits in law enforcement in Indonesia.”


Penegakan Hukum, Malpraktek Dokter, Covid-19. ABSTRACT The goal of writing this journal to analyze the law enforcement against doctors who commit malpractice actions against Covid-19 patients, especially acts that meet criminal elements. Both in terms of the rule of law and the process of law enforcement in order to realize legal justice for patients who receive criminal acts of malpractice. The writing of this journal uses a normative juridicial legal research method that focuses on the elements of literature with the statutory approach. The technique of collecting legal materials uses library research techniques, namely by reading, notes, resume, quoting, estracting information from literatures, news, articles, journals, and cases. Analysis of legal materials using the techniques of depcription, systematization, interpretation, and legal argumentation. The review shows that there is no normative law that specifically regulates malpractice carried out by doctors against Covid-19 patients in pandemic situation as of now, making it difficult to prove malpractice. This has shown that there is a void of norms or legal vacuum which has resulted in cases of malpractice being found which shows that law enforcement is still weak, especially protection for victims of malpractice by doctors, especially for Covid-19 patients, both in terms of legal norms and law enforcement officials themselves. So it needs to be studied more deeply, especially law enforcement in the criminal law system in Indonesia which bridges the control of crimes including crimes in the medical world. In order to create certainty, justice and legal benefits in law enforcement in Indonesia.


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How To Cite

KURNIA DEWI, Komang Ema; NGURAH WIRASILA, Anak Agung. Penegakan Hukum Malpraktek Dokter Pada Pelayanan Kesehatan : Perspektif Hukum Pidana Di Indonesia.Kertha Wicara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 11, p. 865-879, dec. 2021. ISSN 2303-0550. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi:

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Vol 10 No 11 (2021)



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