
Ni Luh Astri Kusumantari, Anak Agung Gede Agung Dharmakusuma


“Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk memberikan masyarakat pemahaman terkait dasar hukum dari diselenggarakannya trading foreign exchange dan perlindungan hukum yang diberikan kepada trader atas strategi profitable yang ia miliki dalam melakukan trading foreign exchange berdasarkan hukum positif Indonesia. Penelitian hukum normatif ini melakukan pengkajian terhadap problema norma berupa norma kabur dengan berdasar pada penggunaan pendekatan perundang-undangan. Berdasarkan hasil studi yang dilakukan, ditemukan bahwasannya terkait dasar hukum dari penyelenggaraan trading foreign exchange adalah UU Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi dan Peraturan lebih lanjut yang ditetapkan oleh Kepala BAPPEBTI meliputi Peraturan Kepala BAPPEBTI No. 109/BAPPEBTI/PER /01/2014 j.o Peraturan Kepala BAPPEBTI No. 95/BAPPEBTI/ PER/06/2012.Kemudian berkaitan penjaminan perlindungan hukum atas strategi profitable trader dalam melakukan trading foreign exchange, dapat dilindungi sebagai rahasia dagang melalui UU Rahasia Dagang sehingga trader foreign exchange dapat mengajukan gugatan ke Pengadilan Negeri atas dilakukannya pelanggaran terhadap strategi profitable trading foreign exchange yang dimiliki trader untuk dimintakan pemberhentian perbuatan dan/atau ganti kerugian (vide Pasal 11 UU Rahasia Dagang). Kata Kunci : Perlindungan Hukum, Strategi Profitable, Foreign exchange ABSTRACT . The purpose of this study is to provide the public with an understanding of the legal basis of implementing foreign exchange trading and the legal protection provided to traders for their profitable strategies in trading foreign exchange based on Indonesian positive law. This normative legal research examines the problem of norms in the form of blurred norms based on the use of a statutory approach. Based on the results of the study conducted, it was found that the legal basis for the implementation of foreign exchange is the Commodity Futures Trading Law and further regulations stipulated by the Head of BAPPEBTI, including the Head of BAPPEBTI Regulation No. 109 / BAPPEBTI / PER / 01/2014 j.o Head of BAPPEBTI Regulation No. 95 / BAPPEBTI / PER / 06/2012. Then concerning guaranteeing legal protection for a profitable trading strategy in forex trading, it can be protected as a trade secret through the Trade Secret Law so that forex traders can file a lawsuit to the District Court for violations of the forex trading strategy which is owned by a trader to be asked for termination of actions and /or compensation (vide Article 11 of the Trade Secret Law). Keywords :Legal Protection, Profitable Strategy, Foreign exchange”


: Perlindungan Hukum, Strategi Profitable, Foreign exchange ABSTRACT . The purpose of this study is to provide the public with an understanding of the legal basis of implementing foreign exchange trading and the legal protection provided to traders for their profitable strategies in trading foreign exchange based on Indonesian positive law. This normative legal research examines the problem of norms in the form of blurred norms based on the use of a statutory approach. Based on the results of the study conducted, it was found that the legal basis for the implementation of foreign exchange is the Commodity Futures Trading Law and further regulations stipulated by the Head of BAPPEBTI, including the Head of BAPPEBTI Regulation No. 109 / BAPPEBTI / PER / 01/2014 j.o Head of BAPPEBTI Regulation No. 95 / BAPPEBTI / PER / 06/2012. Then concerning guaranteeing legal protection for a profitable trading strategy in forex trading, it can be protected as a trade secret through the Trade Secret Law so that forex traders can file a lawsuit to the District Court for violations of the forex trading strategy which is owned by a trader to be asked for termination of actions and /or compensation (vide Article 11 of the Trade Secret Law). Keywords :Legal Protection, Profitable Strategy, Foreign exchange


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How To Cite

KUSUMANTARI, Ni Luh Astri; DHARMAKUSUMA, Anak Agung Gede Agung. Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Strategi Profitable Dalam Trading Foreign Exchange.Kertha Wicara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 7, p. 520-531, july 2021. ISSN 2303-0550. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi:

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Vol 10 No 7 (2021)



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