
Riska Chandra Dewi, Diah Ratna Sari Hariyanto


“Tujuan dari studi ini untuk memberikan informasi sekaligus mengkaji penjatuhan pidana mati bagi pelaku tipikor dalam perspektif hukum di Indonesia saat ini, dan kebijakan pidana mati terhadap pelaku tipikor dalam perspektif UU Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi. Penulisan jurnal ilmiah menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif yaitu melalui pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan, dan pendekatan secara konseptual dalam mengkaji ketidakpastian hukum yang terdapat pada pasal 2 ayat 2 UU Tipikor. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa penulis menemukan tidak ada satupun kasus korupsi yang djatuhi pidana mati oleh aparat penegak hukum saat ini. Hal itu berimplikasi pada ketidakpastian hukum dalam penggunaan unsur kata “dapat” di pasal 2 ayat 2, yang memungkinkan pelaku tipikor tidak bisa dipidana mati. Oleh karena itu untuk kedepannya, sangat diperlukan suatu perubahan agar bersifat imperative. Artinya melalui kebijakan hukum pidana, penggunaan unsur kata “dapat” dirubah menjadi dipidana dengan mati disertai dengan merumuskan delik-delik khusus yang memang benar-benar memandang bahwa pelaku korupsi telah terbukti sangat merugikan dan merusak masyarakat secara luas baik dari segi kuantitas, substantif maupun status pelaku tipikor. Bahkan tidak luput juga kerugian ekonomi dari si korban maupun kerugian sosial ekonomi suatu negara. Kata Kunci: Korupsi,Pidana Mati, Ketidakpastian hukum ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to provide information and at the same time examine the imposition of the death penalty for corruption offenders from the perspective of law in Indenesia at this time, and the death penalty policy against corruption offenders in the perspective of the Corruption Eradication Law. Writing scientific journals uses normative legal research methods, namely through the approach of statutory regulations, and a conceptual approach in assessing legal uncertainty contained in article 2 paragraph 2 of the Corruption Law. The result of the study show that the authors found that not a single corruption case was currently subject to a death penalty by law enforcement officials. This has implications for legal uncertainty in the use of the word “can” in article 2 paragraph 2, which allows perpetrators of corruption to not be sentenced to death. Therefore, in the future, a change is needed so that it is imperative. This means that through the criminal law policy, the use of the word “can” be changed to punishable by death accompanied by formulatting special offenses which truly view that the perpetrators of corruption have been proven to be very detrimental and damage to society at large in terms of quantity, substantive and status perpetrators of corruption. The economic losses of the victim and the socio-economic losses of a country do not even escape. Key Words: Corruption, Death penalty, Legal uncertainty.”


Korupsi, Pidana Mati, Ketidakpastian hukum ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to provide information and at the same time examine the imposition of the death penalty for corruption offenders from the perspective of law in Indenesia at this time, and the death penalty policy against corruption offenders in the perspective of the Corruption Eradication Law. Writing scientific journals uses normative legal research methods, namely through the approach of statutory regulations, and a conceptual approach in assessing legal uncertainty contained in article 2 paragraph 2 of the Corruption Law. The result of the study show that the authors found that not a single corruption case was currently subject to a death penalty by law enforcement officials. This has implications for legal uncertainty in the use of the word “can” in article 2 paragraph 2, which allows perpetrators of corruption to not be sentenced to death. Therefore, in the future, a change is needed so that it is imperative. This means that through the criminal law policy, the use of the word “can” be changed to punishable by death accompanied by formulatting special offenses which truly view that the perpetrators of corruption have been proven to be very detrimental and damage to society at large in terms of quantity, substantive and status perpetrators of corruption. The economic losses of the victim and the socio-economic losses of a country do not even escape. Key Words: Corruption, Death penalty, Legal uncertainty.


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How To Cite

DEWI, Riska Chandra; HARIYANTO, Diah Ratna Sari. Kebijakan Pidana Mati Terhadap Pelaku Tindak Pidana Korupsi Dalam Perspektif Undang-Undang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi.Kertha Wicara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 2, p. 174-184, jan. 2021. ISSN 2303-0550. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi:

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Vol 10 No 2 (2021)



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