
Ida Ayu Made Manik Nareswari, I Made Dedy Priyanto


“Tujuan dari penulisan jurnal ini untuk mengkaji kepastian hukum yang melindungi terkait status anak adopsi dalam pembagian harta warisan serta mengetahui upaya yang telah dilakukan oleh pihak adopsi atau orang tua angkat dalam menjamin pengesahan secara hukum bahwa anak tersebut berhak mewarisi hartanya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam jurnal ini ialah metode yang sifatnya yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan/ statute approach dan pendekatan konseptual/conceptual approach dimana dalam penelitian ini lebih memberikan sudut pandang terkait analisis penyelesaian permasalahan yang dilihat dari perspektif konsep-konsep hukum yang melatarbelakangi permasalahan dengan sumber data yang berasal dari internet dan kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kepastian hukum yang melindungi anak angkat tersebut diatur dalam Undang-Undang Perlindungan Anak, undang-undang ini berfokus pada aturan untuk memberikan sebesar besarnya kemanfaatan, perlindungan dan kesejahteraan bagi anak disetiap aspek kehidupan anak, salah satunya dalam pembagian hak warisan yang akan jatuh atau sah ke tangan anak angkat apabila terjadi peristiwa kematian dan seperti yang tercantum dalam Pasal 830 KUHPer. Serta adapun upaya yang dilakukan oleh orang tua angkat dalam menjamin pengesahan secara hukum bahwa anak tersebut berhak mewarisi hartanya yaitu dengan mengesahkan anak tersebut di pengadilan yang mengacu pada Undang-Undang Staatsblad 1917 No. 129 mengenai warisan bagi anak angkat. Kata Kunci: Anak, Harta Warisan, Hukum Perdata. ABSTRACT The aim of writing this journal is to examine the law certainty that protects the status of adopted children of wedlock in the distribution of inheritance and to find out what efforts have been made by adopters or adoptive parents to ensure legal validation that the child has the right to inherit his property.Normative method used in this research with a normative prespective usingmethod using a conceptual approach where in this study it provides a more perspective on problem solving analysis seen from the perspective of legal concepts that background the problem with data sources from the internet and literature. The results of this study indicate that legal certainty that protects adopted children is regulated in Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection. This law regulates various efforts made in the context of child protection, fulfillment of rights and improvement of children’s welfare, and for the distribution of inheritance will fall or be legal in the hands of adopted children in the event of death and as stated in Article 830 of the Bookoof Law. Civil Law. As well as the efforts made by adoptive parents to guarantee legal validation that the child has the right to inherit his property, namely by legalizing the child in court which refers to the Staatsblad Law 1917 No. 129 regarding inheritance for adopted children. Key Words: Children, Inheritance, Civil Law.”


Anak, Harta Warisan, Hukum Perdata. ABSTRACT The aim of writing this journal is to examine the law certainty that protects the status of adopted children of wedlock in the distribution of inheritance and to find out what efforts have been made by adopters or adoptive parents to ensure legal validation that the child has the right to inherit his property.Normative method used in this research with a normative prespective usingmethod using a conceptual approach where in this study it provides a more perspective on problem solving analysis seen from the perspective of legal concepts that background the problem with data sources from the internet and literature. The results of this study indicate that legal certainty that protects adopted children is regulated in Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection. This law regulates various efforts made in the context of child protection, fulfillment of rights and improvement of children’s welfare, and for the distribution of inheritance will fall or be legal in the hands of adopted children in the event of death and as stated in Article 830 of the Bookoof Law. Civil Law. As well as the efforts made by adoptive parents to guarantee legal validation that the child has the right to inherit his property, namely by legalizing the child in court which refers to the Staatsblad Law 1917 No. 129 regarding inheritance for adopted children. Key Words: Children, Inheritance, Civil Law.


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How To Cite

MADE MANIK NARESWARI, Ida Ayu; PRIYANTO, I Made Dedy. Status Anak Adopsi Dalam Pembagian Harta Warisan Perspektif Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata.Kertha Wicara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 2, p. 163-173, jan. 2021. ISSN 2303-0550. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi:

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Vol 10 No 2 (2021)



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