
Putu Jayanti Adelia Masridewi, Gde Made Swardhana


“ABSTRAK Tujuan dari ditulisnya jurnal ini adalah untuk mengetahui kebijakan pembaharuan hukum di Indonesia terhadap pengaturan kekerasan seksual marital rape dan mengetahui peran negara dalam kriminalisasi marital rape. Jenis penelitian hukum normatif merupakan metode yang digunakan penulis dalam penyusunan jurnal ini melalui bahan pustaka yang hasil analisisnya didapatkan dari data primer dan sekunder yang dikumpulkan. Marital rape merupakan satu dari sekian banyak bentuk kekerasan seksual berupa pemaksaan dari salah satu pihak untuk melakukan hubungan seksual dalam perkawinan. Hal ini dapat terjadi karena masih adanya pengaruh budaya patriarki di Indonesia. KUHP tidak mengatur mengenai perkosaan yang terjadi di dalam perkawinan dan hanya mengatur mengenai perkosaan yang terjadi diluar perkawinan. Maka dari itu dibentuklah UU PKDRT, RKUHP, dan UU TPKS yang memuat pasal mengenai kekerasan seksual yang tentunya juga mencakup marital rape secara spesifik dibanding KUHP, sebagai upaya dari negara untuk menghapus kekerasan seksual yang salah satunya adalah marital rape, dan memberikan korban perlindungan dengan melakukan kriminalisasi terhadap marital rape. Kata Kunci: Pembaharuan hukum, Kriminalisasi, Perkosaan dalam rumah tangga. ABSTRACT The primary objective of this journal is to understand regarding Indonesia’s law reform approach for preventing marital rape or other sexual violence, in addition to the state’s contribution to making marital rape a crime. The author prepared this journal by using method of normative legal study through library resources, whose analytical findings were derived from primary and secondary data collected. Marital rape is one of the many forms of sexual violence in the form of coercion from one party to have sexual relations in marriage. This can happen because of the influence of patriarchal culture in Indonesia. The Criminal Code does not regulate rape that occurs within marriage and only regulates rape that occurs outside of marriage. Therefore, the PKDRT Law, RKUHP, and TPKS Law were formed which contain articles on sexual violence which of course also include marital rape specifically compared to the Criminal Code, as an effort from the state to eliminate sexual violence, one of which is marital rape, and provide victims with protection by committing criminalization of marital rape. Key Words: Legal reform, Criminalization, Marital Rape.”


Pembaharuan hukum, Kriminalisasi, Perkosaan dalam rumah tangga. ABSTRACT The primary objective of this journal is to understand regarding Indonesia’s law reform approach for preventing marital rape or other sexual violence, in addition to the state’s contribution to making marital rape a crime. The author prepared this journal by using method of normative legal study through library resources, whose analytical findings were derived from primary and secondary data collected. Marital rape is one of the many forms of sexual violence in the form of coercion from one party to have sexual relations in marriage. This can happen because of the influence of patriarchal culture in Indonesia. The Criminal Code does not regulate rape that occurs within marriage and only regulates rape that occurs outside of marriage. Therefore, the PKDRT Law, RKUHP, and TPKS Law were formed which contain articles on sexual violence which of course also include marital rape specifically compared to the Criminal Code, as an effort from the state to eliminate sexual violence, one of which is marital rape, and provide victims with protection by committing criminalization of marital rape. Key Words: Legal reform, Criminalization, Marital Rape.


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How To Cite

MASRIDEWI, Putu Jayanti Adelia; SWARDHANA, Gde Made. UPAYA PEMBAHARUAN HUKUM DI INDONESIA DALAM MELAKUKAN KRIMINALISASI TERHADAP MARITAL RAPE.Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 4, p. 454-466, dec. 2022. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 10 No 4 (2022)



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