Kedudukan Hukum Anak Angkat Atas Harta Yang Ditinggalkan Orang Tua Angkat Berdasarkan Hukum Perdata
Anak Agung Ngurah Agung Bima Basudewa, I Made Dedy Priyanto
“ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan agar kita semua mendapatkan informasi terkait hukum di Indonesia dalam melakukan pengaturan atas hak anak angkat atas kedudukannya dalam mewarisi harta yang ditinggalkan orang yang mengadopsinya. Yuridis Normatif dipilih penulis dalam melakukan penulisan yang mana didasarkan pada peraturan perundang-undangan yang ada. Setelah melakukan penelaahan lebih lanjut dari beberapa aturan hukum yang ada penulis memperoleh hasil bahwa tidak adanya pengaturan secara pasti di dalam KUHPerdata terkait anak angkat memperoleh harta peninggalan dari orangtua angkatnya secara mutlak. Hal tersebut tentu saja menunjukkan bahwa kepastian hukum, rasa keadilan serta perlindungan tidak didapatkan oleh anak angkat dari orang yang telah mengadopsinya atas harta mereka setelah mereka meninggal. Pengertian tentang anak angkat atau anak adopsi sendiri belum diatur oleh KUHPerdata. Di Indonesia kita dapat menemukan pengaturan terkait anak angkat pada Staatsblad Tahun 1917 Nomor 129 perihal proses pengangkatan anak, dimana aturan ini merupakan aturan yang dibuat untuk melengkapi KUHPerdata. Tindakan hukum yang dilakukan oleh suami dan istri untuk meneruskan garis keturunan dalam keluarganya yaitu dengan mengangkat anak secara otomatis memberikan hak kepada anak yang diangkatnya untuk memiliki posisi hukum dengan orang tua yang telah menjadikannya anak. Setiap Orang tua angkat wajib untuk mengusahakan agar pada saat mereka tutup usia, nasib anak yang telah diadopsi tidak mengalami penelantaran. Anak angkat sesungguhnya memiliki posisi setara dengan anak sah. Oleh karenanya anak angkat mempunyai hak juga dalam mendapatkan peninggalan dari orang tua yang telah mengangkatnya sebagaimana diatur dalam aturan hukum positif yang ada atau mendapatkan warisan berdasarkan hukum waris jika orang tua angkatnya membuat surat wasiat yang nantinya di hibahkan. Kata kunci: Hak Anak, Anak Angkat, Harta Peninggalan ABSTRACT This research was conducted so that we all get information related to the law in Indonesia in regulating the rights of an adopted child to his position in inheriting the property left by the person who adopted him. Normative juridical is chosen by the author in doing the writing which is based on the existing laws and regulations. After conducting a further study of several existing legal rules, the author obtained the result that there is no definite regulation in the Civil Code regarding adopted children obtaining inheritance from their adoptive parents in absolute terms. This of course shows that legal certainty, a sense of justice and protection are not obtained by adopted children from people who have adopted them for their property after they die. The definition of an adopted child or adopted child has not yet been regulated by the Civil Code. In Indonesia, we can find arrangements regarding adopted children in the Staatsblad of 1917 Number 129 regarding the process of adopting children, where this rule is a rule made to complement the Civil Code. Legal action taken by husband and wife to continue the lineage in their family, namely by adopting a child automatically entitles the adopted child to have a legal position with the parents who have made him a child. Every adoptive parent is obliged to make every effort so that when they die, the fate of the adopted child does not experience neglect. Adopted children actually have an equal position with legitimate children. Therefore, adopted children also have the right to obtain inheritance from parents who have adopted them as stipulated in the existing positive law rules or to inherit based on inheritance law if their adoptive parents make a will which will later be granted. Keywords: children’s rights, adopted children, inheritance”
Hak Anak, Anak Angkat, Harta Peninggalan ABSTRACT This research was conducted so that we all get information related to the law in Indonesia in regulating the rights of an adopted child to his position in inheriting the property left by the person who adopted him. Normative juridical is chosen by the author in doing the writing which is based on the existing laws and regulations. After conducting a further study of several existing legal rules, the author obtained the result that there is no definite regulation in the Civil Code regarding adopted children obtaining inheritance from their adoptive parents in absolute terms. This of course shows that legal certainty, a sense of justice and protection are not obtained by adopted children from people who have adopted them for their property after they die. The definition of an adopted child or adopted child has not yet been regulated by the Civil Code. In Indonesia, we can find arrangements regarding adopted children in the Staatsblad of 1917 Number 129 regarding the process of adopting children, where this rule is a rule made to complement the Civil Code. Legal action taken by husband and wife to continue the lineage in their family, namely by adopting a child automatically entitles the adopted child to have a legal position with the parents who have made him a child. Every adoptive parent is obliged to make every effort so that when they die, the fate of the adopted child does not experience neglect. Adopted children actually have an equal position with legitimate children. Therefore, adopted children also have the right to obtain inheritance from parents who have adopted them as stipulated in the existing positive law rules or to inherit based on inheritance law if their adoptive parents make a will which will later be granted. Keywords: children’s rights, adopted children, inheritance
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BIMA BASUDEWA, Anak Agung Ngurah Agung; DEDY PRIYANTO, I Made. Kedudukan Hukum Anak Angkat Atas Harta Yang Ditinggalkan Orang Tua Angkat Berdasarkan Hukum Perdata.Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 11, p. 938-948, aug. 2021. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.
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Vol 9 No 11 (2021)
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