Penanganan dan Upaya Oleh Bank Pada Debitur Kredit UMKM Bermasalah Dengan Memberikan Penyediaan Agunan Tambahan Pada PT BPR Sinar Kuta
Ni Made Irma Nirmala, I Wayan Novy Purwanto
“ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui upaya menangani debitur UMKM yang bermasalah dengan memberikan jaminan tambahan dan faktof-faktor yang memicu terjadinya kredit bermasalah dan upaya yang dilakukan oleh bank dengan memberikan solusi untuk penyediaan agunan tambahan kepada debitur kredit UMKM yang bermasalah Jenis Penelitian yang digunakan merupakan studi empiris karena dalam penyaluran kredit UMK oleh PT BPR Sinar Kuta pentingnya penanganana kredit bersmasalah khususnya pada sektor UMKM yang menopang roda perekonomian dan tanpa mengabaikan unsur kehati-hatian oleh bank maka perlu dipandang penting untuk dilakukan penelitian penangan dan upaya oleh bank kepada debitur kredit UMKM bermasalah dengan memberikan penyediian agunan tambahan pada PT BPR Sinar Kuta. Kata Kunci: UMKM, Upaya Bank, dan Debitur. ABSTRACT The research objective is to determine the efforts to deal with problematic MSME debtors by providing additional guarantees and factors that trigger problem loans and the efforts made by banks by providing solutions for providing additional collateral to problematic MSME credit debtors. The type of research used is an empirical study because In the distribution of MSME loans by PT BPR Sinar Kuta the importance of handling problem loans, especially in the MSME sector, which supports the economy and without neglecting the prudential element by the bank, it is necessary to conduct research on handlers and efforts by banks to problematic MSME credit debtors by providing provision. additional collateral at PT BPR Sinar Kuta. Key words: UMKM, Bank Efforts, and Debtors.”
UMKM, Upaya Bank, dan Debitur. ABSTRACT The research objective is to determine the efforts to deal with problematic MSME debtors by providing additional guarantees and factors that trigger problem loans and the efforts made by banks by providing solutions for providing additional collateral to problematic MSME credit debtors. The type of research used is an empirical study because In the distribution of MSME loans by PT BPR Sinar Kuta the importance of handling problem loans, especially in the MSME sector, which supports the economy and without neglecting the prudential element by the bank, it is necessary to conduct research on handlers and efforts by banks to problematic MSME credit debtors by providing provision. additional collateral at PT BPR Sinar Kuta. Key words: UMKM, Bank Efforts, and Debtors.
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How To Cite
NIRMALA, Ni Made Irma; PURWANTO, I Wayan Novy. Penanganan dan Upaya Oleh Bank Pada Debitur Kredit UMKM Bermasalah Dengan Memberikan Penyediaan Agunan Tambahan Pada PT BPR Sinar Kuta.Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 8, p. 578-586, june 2021. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.
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Vol 9 No 8 (2021)
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