
Sang Made Firmana Iswara, Ibrahim R


“ABSTRAK Tujuan penulisan artikel ini yaitu untuk mengetahui kebijakan pemerintah terkait perlindungan pengupahan pekerja pada perusahaan terdampak Covid-19 di Indonesia dan untuk mengetahui akibat hukum pengusaha jika melakukan pemutusan hubungan kerja terhadap pekerjanya. Artikel ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Peraturan Perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konsep. Kebijakan pemerintah terkait perlindungan pengupahan pekerja pada perusahaan terdampak Covid-19 di Indonesia yaitu melalui Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia mencetuskan suatu kebijakan saat berlangsung pada masa-masa pandemi Covid-19 yaitu dikeluarkannya Surat Edaran Nomor M/3/HK.04/III/2020 yang prinsipnya menjamin bahwa pekerja yang dikualifisir sebagai Orang Dalam Pengawasan (ODP) dan pekerja yang menjadi suspek Covid-19 maka upah pekerja tersebut harus tetap dibayarkan oleh pengusaha dengan menunjukan surat keterangan dokter serta apabila perusahaan terdampak Covid-19. Akibat hukum pengusaha jika melakukan pemutusan hubungan kerja terhadap pekerjanya yaitu pengusaha wajib memenuhi segala hak-hak dari seorang pekerja yang terkena pemutusan hubungan kerja yaitu memberikan Uang Pesangon, Uang Penghargaan Masa Kerja dan Uang Pengganti Hak sebagaimana diatur pada Pasal 81 angka 44 UU Cipta Kerja mengubah Pasal 156 ayat (1) UU Ketenagakerjaan, uang-uang tersebut sudah seharusnya diterima oleh pekerja berdasarkan lamanya masa kerja pekerja tersebut. Kata Kunci: Upah, Ketenagakerjaan, Kebijakan Pemerintah, Covid-19. ABSTRACT The purpose of this article is to find out government policies related to the protection of workers’ wages in companies affected by Covid-19 in Indonesia and to find out the legal consequences of employers if they terminate their employment. This article uses a normative legal research method. The approach used in this study uses the Legislation approach and the concept approach. The government’s policy regarding the protection of workers’ wages at companies affected by Covid-19 in Indonesia, namely through the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia, initiated a policy during the Covid-19 pandemic, namely the issuance of Circular Letter Number M/3/HK.04/III/2020 which The principle guarantees that workers who are qualified as Persons Under Supervision (ODP) and workers who are suspected of Covid-19, the wages of these workers must still be paid by the employer by showing a doctor’s certificate and if the company is affected by Covid-19. The legal consequences of an entrepreneur if he terminates his/her employment relationship, namely that the entrepreneur is obliged to fulfill all the rights of a worker affected by the termination of employment, namely providing severance pay, gratuity for tenure and compensation as regulated in Article 81 number 44 of the Employment Creation Law. Article 156 paragraph (1) of the Manpower Law states that the money should have been received by the worker based on the length of the worker’s working period. Keywords: Wages, Employment, Government Policy, Covid-19.”


Upah, Ketenagakerjaan, Kebijakan Pemerintah, Covid-19. ABSTRACT The purpose of this article is to find out government policies related to the protection of workers’ wages in companies affected by Covid-19 in Indonesia and to find out the legal consequences of employers if they terminate their employment. This article uses a normative legal research method. The approach used in this study uses the Legislation approach and the concept approach. The government’s policy regarding the protection of workers’ wages at companies affected by Covid-19 in Indonesia, namely through the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia, initiated a policy during the Covid-19 pandemic, namely the issuance of Circular Letter Number M/3/HK.04/III/2020 which The principle guarantees that workers who are qualified as Persons Under Supervision (ODP) and workers who are suspected of Covid-19, the wages of these workers must still be paid by the employer by showing a doctor’s certificate and if the company is affected by Covid-19. The legal consequences of an entrepreneur if he terminates his/her employment relationship, namely that the entrepreneur is obliged to fulfill all the rights of a worker affected by the termination of employment, namely providing severance pay, gratuity for tenure and compensation as regulated in Article 81 number 44 of the Employment Creation Law. Article 156 paragraph (1) of the Manpower Law states that the money should have been received by the worker based on the length of the worker’s working period. Keywords: Wages, Employment, Government Policy, Covid-19.


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How To Cite

FIRMANA ISWARA, Sang Made; R, Ibrahim. Kebijakan Pemerintah Terkait Perlindungan Pengupahan Pekerja Pada Perusahaan Terdampak Covid-19.Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 8, p. 611-622, june 2021. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 9 No 8 (2021)



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