Wanprestasi Pelaku Usaha Dalam Perjanjian Jual Beli Pada Transaksi Online (E-Commerce)
Made Angga Bagaskara, I Made Dedy Priyanto
“ABSTRAK Tujuan studi ini untuk mengetahui dan memahami sahnya perjanjian jual beli melalui media elektronik menurut UU ITE dan upaya penyelesaian hukum umumnya dalam perjanjian jual beli online (e-commerce). Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian hukum normatif karena adanya permasalahan norma. Penelitian ini memuat tiga sumber hukum bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan tersier. Pendekatan dalam penelitian dilakukan melalui pendekatan konseptual dan teknik pengumpulan bahan hukum yang digunaan adalah teknik studi dokumen. Selain itu, penyelesaian juga dilakukan dengan mengkaji peraturan-peraturan tertulis. Penelitian hukum normatif memberikan penjelasan atau pemahaman yang sistematis, jelas dan dengan penelitian bersifat deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jual beli melalui media elektronik dikatakan sah bila kedua belah pihak sudah memenuhi dan melakukan prosedur yang telah disepakati bersama dan apabila terdapat pelanggaran penyelesaian hukum dari bentuk wanprestasi yang dilakukan dapat ditempuh melalui litigasi atau non-litigasi. Kata Kunci : Wanprestasi, Perjanjian, Jual beli, E-commerce ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to find out and understand the validity of buying and selling agreements through electronic media according to the ITE Law and legal settlement efforts generally in online buying and selling agreements (e-commerce). This research is included in normative legal research because of the problem of norms. This study contains three sources of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The approach in research is done through a conceptual approach. Document study techniques used legal material collection techniques. In addition, settlement is also carried out by reviewing written regulations. Normative legal research provides a systematic, clear and descriptive explanation or understanding. The results of the study indicate that buying and selling through electronic media is said to be legal if both parties have fulfilled and carried out mutually agreed procedures and if there is a violation of legal settlement of the form of default that can be taken, it can be pursued through litigation or non-litigation. Keywords: Default, Agreement, Buyin g and Selling, E-commerce”
: Wanprestasi, Perjanjian, Jual beli, E-commerce ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to find out and understand the validity of buying and selling agreements through electronic media according to the ITE Law and legal settlement efforts generally in online buying and selling agreements (e-commerce). This research is included in normative legal research because of the problem of norms. This study contains three sources of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The approach in research is done through a conceptual approach. Document study techniques used legal material collection techniques. In addition, settlement is also carried out by reviewing written regulations. Normative legal research provides a systematic, clear and descriptive explanation or understanding. The results of the study indicate that buying and selling through electronic media is said to be legal if both parties have fulfilled and carried out mutually agreed procedures and if there is a violation of legal settlement of the form of default that can be taken, it can be pursued through litigation or non-litigation. Keywords: Default, Agreement, Buyin g and Selling, E-commerce
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How To Cite
BAGASKARA, Made Angga; PRIYANTO, I Made Dedy. Wanprestasi Pelaku Usaha Dalam Perjanjian Jual Beli Pada Transaksi Online (E-Commerce).Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 4, p. 59-69, jan. 2022. Available at: https://jurnal.harianregional.com/kerthanegara/id-73253. Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.
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Vol 8 No 4 (2020)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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