
Siti Siti Zulaekhah, Livana PH, Triana Arisdiani


“Ulkus Diabetes Melitus berpengaruh terhadap psikologis yang berdampak terhadap kelangsungan atau kepatuhan dalam pengelolaan Ulkus Diabetes Melitus. Penelitian ini betujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran psikologis pada pasien Ulkus Diabetes Melitus di RSUD Dr H Soewondo Kendal. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan study deskriptif eksploratif dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik sampilng yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu consecutive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 110 orang. Penelitian menunjukkan mayoritas pasien Ulkus Diabetes Mellitus mengalami ansietas ringan 41 (37,2%) responden. Secara psikologis seseorang yang dinyatakan terkena Ulkus Diabetes Mellitus cenderung tidak dapat menerima kenyataan akan penurunan kemampuan dirinya, hal ini dapat memungkinan munculnya gangguan psikologis, yang akhirnya berdampak buruk bagi kesehatan. Pandangan responden Ulkus Diabetes Mellitus terhadap masa depannya juga akan berubah, kemudian muncul sikap pesimis dan keyakinan diri mereka akan berkurang sehingga menyebabkan timbulnya rasa kekhawatiran. Kata kunci: ansietas, ulkus, diabetes mellitus ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus ulcers have an effect on the psychological impact on the continuity or compliance in the management of diabetes mellitus ulcers. This study aims to determine the psychological picture of patients with Diabetes Mellitus Ulcers in RSUD Dr H Soewondo Kendal. The design of this study used a descriptive exploratory study using a cross sectional approach. The skill technique used in this study was consecutive sampling with a sample of 110 people. The study showed the majority of patients with Diabetes Mellitus Ulcers experienced mild anxiety (37.2%) respondents. Psychologically a person who is declared to have Diabetes Mellitus Ulcers tends to not be able to accept the reality of a decrease in his ability, this can allow the emergence of psychological disorders, which ultimately adversely affects health. The views of the Diabetes Mellitus Ulcer respondents on their future will also change, then a pessimistic attitude will emerge and their self-confidence will diminish, causing anxiety. Keywords: anxiety, ulcer, diabetes mellitus”


ansietas, ulkus, diabetes mellitus ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus ulcers have an effect on the psychological impact on the continuity or compliance in the management of diabetes mellitus ulcers. This study aims to determine the psychological picture of patients with Diabetes Mellitus Ulcers in RSUD Dr H Soewondo Kendal. The design of this study used a descriptive exploratory study using a cross sectional approach. The skill technique used in this study was consecutive sampling with a sample of 110 people. The study showed the majority of patients with Diabetes Mellitus Ulcers experienced mild anxiety (37.2%) respondents. Psychologically a person who is declared to have Diabetes Mellitus Ulcers tends to not be able to accept the reality of a decrease in his ability, this can allow the emergence of psychological disorders, which ultimately adversely affects health. The views of the Diabetes Mellitus Ulcer respondents on their future will also change, then a pessimistic attitude will emerge and their self-confidence will diminish, causing anxiety. Keywords: anxiety, ulcer, diabetes mellitus


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How To Cite

SITI ZULAEKHAH, Siti; PH, Livana; ARISDIANI, Triana. TINGKAT ANSIETAS PASIEN ULKUS DIABETES MELLITUS.Coping: Community of Publishing in Nursing, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 45-50, apr. 2019. ISSN 2715-1980. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 7 No 1 (2019): April 2019



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