
Nadiyah Khairiyah Aziz, Husnul Khotimah, Sri Astutik Andayani, Kholisotin Kholisotin, Abdul Hamid Wahid


“Anak prasekolah masih belum benar cara mencuci tangan yang berakibat fatal dan bisa terserang berbagai penyakit yang mengakibatkan kematian.Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengidentifikasi efektifitas Metode Emo Demo dan Metode Bermain Puzzle terhadap cara mencuci tangan pada anak prasekolah di RA Raisul Anwar Kedung Rejoso Kecamatan Kotaanyar Kabupaten Probolinggo, penelitian ini di lakukan pada bulan januari dari tanggal 21-2 februari 2019. Desain penelitian ini yaitu rancangan penelitian Quasy Eksperimen dengan pendekatan two group pre-post test design dengan jumlah sampel yaitu 56 orang, di bagi dua kelompok 28 anak memakai metode Emo Demo dan 28 anak metode Bermain Puzzle dengan menggunakan Purposive Sampling. Tehnik pengumpulan data menggunakan SAP dengan pemberian metode emo demo dan metode bermain puzzle. Analisa data dengan hasil Uji Wilcoxon pada kelompok metode emo demo didapatkan (Z = -4,644) dengan nilai P value = 0,000 dan hasilnya lebih kecil dari P ?= 0,05 p < ?, sedangkan pada kelompok metode bermain puzzle didapatkan (Z = -4,648) dengan nilai P value = 0,000 dan hasilnya lebih kecil dari P ?= 0,05 p < ?. Dan untuk membandingkan kelompok emo demo dan kelompok bermain puzzle menggunakan Uji Mann-Whitney dengan hasil(Z = -2,171) dengan nilai p = 0,030 dan ? = 0,05, jadi metode emo demo dan metode bermain puzzle dapat meningkat pengetahuan, keterampilan anak dengan cara mencuci tangan. Kata kunci : mencuci tangan, emo demo dan bermain puzzle ABSTRACT Washing an improper will be attacked by various diseases ranging from flu viruses to deadly pandemic viruses. The purpose of this study was to identify the effectiveness method of Emo Demo and the method of Playing Puzzles on how wash hands in preschoolers RA Raisul Anwar Kedung Rejoso, Kotaanyar sub-district, Probolinggo district, the research was conducted in january 21-2 february 2019. The design of this research is a quantitative and the design used is a Quasy Experiment with a two-group pre-post design test approach with a total sample 56 people, for a Emo Demo method of 28 respondents and for a Puzzle method of 28 people by using a purposive sampling. Data collection technique used the SAPmethod of Emo Demo and the method of Playing Puzzles. The data analysis used was the wilcoxon test on the Emo Demo group got an (Z = -2,171) with value P value = 0,000 and vield smaller than P ?= 0,05 p < ?, while in group Playing Puzzles obtained (Z = -4,648 with value P value = 0,000 and vield smaller than P ?= 0,05 p < ?. And to compare the Emo Demo Groups of Puzzle games used the mann-whitney test got an (Z = -2,171) with resultp = 0,030 and ? = 0,05 so the emo demo method and puzzle playing method can improve the knowledge of the behavior and habits of children washing their hands. Password : Washing Hand, Method Emo Demo and Method Playing Puzzle”


: mencuci tangan, emo demo dan bermain puzzle ABSTRACT Washing an improper will be attacked by various diseases ranging from flu viruses to deadly pandemic viruses. The purpose of this study was to identify the effectiveness method of Emo Demo and the method of Playing Puzzles on how wash hands in preschoolers RA Raisul Anwar Kedung Rejoso, Kotaanyar sub-district, Probolinggo district, the research was conducted in january 21-2 february 2019. The design of this research is a quantitative and the design used is a Quasy Experiment with a two-group pre-post design test approach with a total sample 56 people, for a Emo Demo method of 28 respondents and for a Puzzle method of 28 people by using a purposive sampling. Data collection technique used the SAPmethod of Emo Demo and the method of Playing Puzzles. The data analysis used was the wilcoxon test on the Emo Demo group got an (Z = -2, 171) with value P value = 0, 000 and vield smaller than P ?= 0, 05 p < ?, while in group Playing Puzzles obtained (Z = -4, 648 with value P value = 0, 000 and vield smaller than P ?= 0, 05 p < ?. And to compare the Emo Demo Groups of Puzzle games used the mann-whitney test got an (Z = -2, 171) with resultp = 0, 030 and ? = 0, 05 so the emo demo method and puzzle playing method can improve the knowledge of the behavior and habits of children washing their hands. Password : Washing Hand, Method Emo Demo and Method Playing Puzzle


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How To Cite

AZIZ, Nadiyah Khairiyah et al. METODE EMO DEMO DAN METODE BERMAIN PUZZLE TERHADAP CARA MENCUCI TANGAN PADA ANAK PRASEKOLAH.Coping: Community of Publishing in Nursing, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 35-44, apr. 2019. ISSN 2715-1980. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 7 No 1 (2019): April 2019



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