
Marsela Luruk Bere, James Sibarani, Manuntun Manurung


“ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mensintesis nanopartikel perak (NPAg) menggunakan ekstrak air daun kemangi (Ocimum Sanctum Linn.) yang digunakan sebagai katalis untuk fotodegradasi metilen biru. Ekstrak air daun kemangi mengandung senyawa flavonoid dan tanin yang berfungsi sebagai bioreduktor untuk mereduksi Ag+ menjadi Ag0 dan penstabil nanopartikel perak. Perbandingan volume ekstrak daun kemangi dengan volume larutan AgNO3 1 mM divariasikan sebesar 1:9, 2:8, 3:7, 4:6, 5:5 dan suhu sintesis juga divariasikan pada 25, 40, 50, 60. Keberhasilan sintesis dikonfirmasi dengan spektroskopi sinar tampak pada panjang gelombang 447 nm. Analisis nanopartikel perak (NPAg) dilakukan dengan Particle Size Analyser (PSA). Perbandingan volume optimum diperoleh pada perbandingan 2:8 dengan ukuran NPAg sebesar 70,190,89 nm. Degradasi metilen biru dilakukan pada kondisi optimum dimana volume nanopartikel sebesar 4 mL, pH 10 dan waktu fotodegradasi selama 3 jam. Fotodegradasi metilen biru pada kondisi optimum tersebut adalah sebesar 77,90% dari konsentrasi awal sebesar 200 ppm. Kata Kunci: Nanopartikel perak, kemangi (Ocimum Sanctum Linn), fotodegradasi, metilen biru, bioreduktor. ABSTRACK: Synthesis of silver nanoparticles (NPAg) used as catalysts for photodegradation of methylene blue was conducted using water extract of basil leaves (Ocimum Sanctum Linn.). The water extract of basil leaves contains flavonoids and tannins which function as bioreductors of Ag+ to Ago and stabilize silver nanoparticles. The volume ratio of basil leaf extract to solution of AgNO 3 1 mM were varied by 1: 9, 2: 8, 3: 7, 4: 6, 5: 5 and the synthesis temperature was also varied at 25 ?, 40 ?, 50 ?, 60 ?. The success of the synthesis was confirmed by visible light spectroscopy at a wavelength of 447 nm. Analysis of silver nanoparticles (NPAg) was carried out with the Particle Size Analyzer (PSA). The optimum volume ratio was obtained at a ratio of 2: 8 with the NPAg size of 70.19 ± 0.89 nm. The optimum conditions for photodegradation of methylene blue were achieved at nanoparticle volume of 4 mL, pH of 10, and irradiation time of 3 hours. The photodegradation of methylene blue at these optimum conditions was 77.90% out of 200 ppm of mentylene blue solution.”


Nanopartikel perak, kemangi (Ocimum Sanctum Linn), fotodegradasi, metilen biru, bioreduktor. ABSTRACK: Synthesis of silver nanoparticles (NPAg) used as catalysts for photodegradation of methylene blue was conducted using water extract of basil leaves (Ocimum Sanctum Linn.). The water extract of basil leaves contains flavonoids and tannins which function as bioreductors of Ag+ to Ago and stabilize silver nanoparticles. The volume ratio of basil leaf extract to solution of AgNO 3 1 mM were varied by 1: 9, 2: 8, 3: 7, 4: 6, 5: 5 and the synthesis temperature was also varied at 25 ?, 40 ?, 50 ?, 60 ?. The success of the synthesis was confirmed by visible light spectroscopy at a wavelength of 447 nm. Analysis of silver nanoparticles (NPAg) was carried out with the Particle Size Analyzer (PSA). The optimum volume ratio was obtained at a ratio of 2: 8 with the NPAg size of 70.19 ± 0.89 nm. The optimum conditions for photodegradation of methylene blue were achieved at nanoparticle volume of 4 mL, pH of 10, and irradiation time of 3 hours. The photodegradation of methylene blue at these optimum conditions was 77.90% out of 200 ppm of mentylene blue solution.


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How To Cite

BERE, Marsela Luruk; SIBARANI, James; MANURUNG, Manuntun. SINTESIS NANOPARTIKEL PERAK (NPAg) MENGGUNAKAN EKSTRAK AIR DAUN KEMANGI (Ocimum Sanctum Linn.) DAN APLIKASINYA DALAM FOTODEGRADASI ZAT WARNA METILEN BIRU.CAKRA KIMIA (Indonesian E-Journal of Applied Chemistry), [S.l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 155-164, jan. 2020. ISSN 2302-7274. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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