
Putu Primantari Vikana Suari, I Wayan Budiarsa Suyasa, Sri Wahjuni


“ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh mikroorganisme lokal (MOL) bonggol pisang terhadap proses dan hasil fermentasi limbah makanan menjadi pakan ternak, mengetahui dosis optimum MOL bonggol pisang dan lama waktu optimum MOL bonggol pisang pada fermentasi limbah makanan menjadi pakan ternak. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan MOL bonggol pisang sebagai starter dalam proses pengolahan limbah makanan menjadi pakan ternak. Pada tahap pertama, limbah makanan difermentasi dengan MOL pada dosis yang bervariasi, yaitu K5 (5mL), K10 (10 mL) dan K15 (15 mL). Fermentasi dilakukan selama 7 hari. Selama proses fermentasi dilakukan pengamatan pH, suhu, warna, bau dan uji proksimat. Tahap kedua dilakukan penentuan waktu optimum fermentasi dengan variasi waktu yaitu 3 hari, 7 hari, 10 hari dan 14 hari. Selanjutnya dilakukan fermentasi pada kondisi optimum yaitu dosis MOL 10 ml dan waktu fermentasi 7 hari dan hasil pengamatan diolah dengan uji ANOVA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa MOL bonggol pisang berpengaruh nyata (P<0.05) terhadap proses fermentasi dan kualitas pakan yang dihasilkan. Kata kunci: Limbah makanan, Mikroorganisme lokal bonggol pisang, fermentasi, pakan ternak ABSTRACT: The aims of the research are to determine the effect of local microorganism (LMO) from banana hump on the process of fermentation of food waste to be able to use as animal food and to find out the optimum dose of banana hump LMO and the optimum time for the fermentation process. In this research, MOL of banana weevil was used as a starter in the process of processing food into feed. At the first time, food was fermented with MOL at varying doses, namely K5 (5mL), K10 (10 mL) and K15 (15 mL). Fermentation was carried out for 7 days. During the fermentation process the pH, temperature, color, odor and proximate tests were tested. The second step was determining the optimal time of fermentation with time variations of 3 days, 7 days, 10 days and 14 days. Furthermore, fermentation was carried out under optimal conditions, namely a 10 ml MOL dose and a fermentation time of 7 days and the observations were processed by ANOVA test. The results showed that the MOL of banana weevil proved significantly (P <0.05) on the fermentation process and the quality of the feed produced.”


Limbah makanan, Mikroorganisme lokal bonggol pisang, fermentasi, pakan ternak ABSTRACT: The aims of the research are to determine the effect of local microorganism (LMO) from banana hump on the process of fermentation of food waste to be able to use as animal food and to find out the optimum dose of banana hump LMO and the optimum time for the fermentation process. In this research, MOL of banana weevil was used as a starter in the process of processing food into feed. At the first time, food was fermented with MOL at varying doses, namely K5 (5mL), K10 (10 mL) and K15 (15 mL). Fermentation was carried out for 7 days. During the fermentation process the pH, temperature, color, odor and proximate tests were tested. The second step was determining the optimal time of fermentation with time variations of 3 days, 7 days, 10 days and 14 days. Furthermore, fermentation was carried out under optimal conditions, namely a 10 ml MOL dose and a fermentation time of 7 days and the observations were processed by ANOVA test. The results showed that the MOL of banana weevil proved significantly (P <0.05) on the fermentation process and the quality of the feed produced.


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How To Cite

VIKANA SUARI, Putu Primantari; SUYASA, I Wayan Budiarsa; WAHJUNI, Sri. PEMANFAATAN MIKROORGANISME LOKAL BONGGOL PISANG DALAM PROSES FERMENTASI LIMBAH MAKANAN MENJADI PAKAN TERNAK.CAKRA KIMIA (Indonesian E-Journal of Applied Chemistry), [S.l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 102-111, jan. 2020. ISSN 2302-7274. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 7 No 2 (2019): volume 7, Nomor 2, 2019



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