Ni Made Anggita Sastri Mahadewi
“ABSTRAK Tulisan ini berupaya menjelaskan peran perempuan pada organisasi Mahasiswa Pecinta Alam (Mapala) Wanaprastha Dharma, dalam melakukan pelestarian alam. Pada umumnya kegiatan pecinta alam memiliki resiko tinggi dan menuntut kekuatan fisik yang besar, yang identik dimiliki oleh laki-laki. Namun anggota perempuan organisasi Mapala Wanaprastha Dharma mampu melakukan berbagai kegiatan pelestarian alam yang beresiko dengan kekuatan fisik yang memadai. Fenomena tersebut merupakan gambaran konsep ekofeminisme yang menekankan bahwa antara perempuan dan alam memiliki keterkaitan yang tidak dapat dipisahkan, baik oleh kondisi alam itu sendiri maupun oleh stereotipe tentang tubuh perempuan yang dianggap lebih lemah dari laki-laki. Anggota perempuan Mapala Wanaprastha Dharma secara struktural organisasi menempati posisi tinggi, antara lain sebagai ketua umum, sekretaris, maupun ketua pelaksana kegiatan. Melalui penjelasan dalam tulisan ini keterlibatan perempuan dalam pelestarian alam baik yang diimplementasikan secara langsung di lapangan, maupun tidak langsung yakni melalui perencanaan dan program kerja, menunjukan bahwa menjadi hal yang sulit untuk memisahkan perempuan dengan alam. Kata kunci: Mapala Wanaprastha Dharma, perempuan pecinta alam, ekofeminisme ABSTRACT This paper seeks to explain the role of women in the Nature Lovers Student Organization (Mapala) Wanaprastha Dharma, in doing nature conservation. In general the activities of nature lovers have a high risk and demand great physical strength, which is identical to that of men. However, female members of the Mapala Wanaprastha Dharma organization were able to carry out various natural conservation activities which were at risk with adequate physical strength. This phenomenon is an illustration of the concept of eco-feminism which emphasizes that between women and nature has a connection that cannot be separated, both by natural conditions themselves and by stereotypes about the bodies of women who are considered weaker than men. The Mapala Wanaprastha Dharma female member structurally occupies a high position, among others as general chairman, secretary, and chief executive of activities. Through the explanation in this paper, the involvement of women in nature conservation, both directly implemented in the field, and indirectly through planning and work programs, shows that it is difficult to separate women from nature.Keywords: Mapala Wanaprastha Dharma, female nature lover, eco-feminism”
Mapala Wanaprastha Dharma, perempuan pecinta alam, ekofeminisme ABSTRACT This paper seeks to explain the role of women in the Nature Lovers Student Organization (Mapala) Wanaprastha Dharma, in doing nature conservation. In general the activities of nature lovers have a high risk and demand great physical strength, which is identical to that of men. However, female members of the Mapala Wanaprastha Dharma organization were able to carry out various natural conservation activities which were at risk with adequate physical strength. This phenomenon is an illustration of the concept of eco-feminism which emphasizes that between women and nature has a connection that cannot be separated, both by natural conditions themselves and by stereotypes about the bodies of women who are considered weaker than men. The Mapala Wanaprastha Dharma female member structurally occupies a high position, among others as general chairman, secretary, and chief executive of activities. Through the explanation in this paper, the involvement of women in nature conservation, both directly implemented in the field, and indirectly through planning and work programs, shows that it is difficult to separate women from nature.Keywords: Mapala Wanaprastha Dharma, female nature lover, eco-feminism
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How To Cite
MAHADEWI, Ni Made Anggita Sastri. PEREMPUAN PECINTA ALAM SEBAGAI WUJUD EKOFEMINISME.Jurnal Ilmiah Widya Sosiopolitika, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 36-45, july 2019. ISSN 2685-4570. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi:
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Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Isu Sosial dan Politik Kontemporer
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