Udayana Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 7 No. 1, February 2023

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24843/UJoSSH.2023.v07.i01.p01


The Analysis of Plot in The Novel In His Father’s Footsteps by Danielle Steel

Dewa Ayu Dian Oktapiana

1Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University Denpasar, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract: This study is an analysis of Danielle Steel work entitled In His Father's Footsteps that has a historical setting before the World War II, when the Buchenwald concentration camp operated until the three generations of family's life after being liberated from Buchenwald and starting life as an immigrant which is settling in America. This data is the main data source that discusses how Danielle Steel composes the storyline and presents conditions in it. The nature of this study is literary analysis with descriptive qualitative approach to answer the problems posed. In completing the problem formulation in this study, the type of plot using Russell's (1991) theory in the kind of episode plot types. The plot structure using DiYanni's (2006) theory which is classified into exposition, complication, climax, falling action, and resolution. The results of this study discuss how Danielle Steel arranges the plot in a progressive manner as well as the storyline that shows.

Keywords: plot structure, plot type, historical novel.


Literature is a qualitative term which means the work that has a higher quality than other written works (J.A. Cuddon, 2013: 404-405). According to Wellek & Werren (1948: 3-4), literature is a work that can be read, enjoyed, and appreciated in the form of written or oral works based on thoughts, experiences, and feelings in imaginative forms. There are three types of literary genres that are commonly found in everyday life: prose, poetry, and drama.

The well-known literature genre, especially in the form of fiction is novel. According to Ribó (2019:7) novels can explore many different characters, events, and environments. The story is enriched with subplots and complications that

increase the appeal of the story which is an important element in writing a novel. There are so many genres of novels, including: romantic, horror, comedy, mystery, inspirational, and historical. This novel is in great demand by humans everywhere and at all times which has created a great passion in life that reflects human action (Hudson, 129).

Today's society prefers to watch movies rather than reading stories with a long storyline, such as novels. Especially if the plot of the novel is not well structured and looks boring which can lead to a lack of interest in reading novels in society. Plot is a series of events in a story that not only presents a time series of events but also forms of interrelated causality. DiYanni (2006:50) states that the plot structure includes exposition, complication, crisis or climax,

falling action, and resolution. Plots that have a strong storyline and plot structure will be more interesting to read.

Danielle Steel is an American female writer, best known for her romance novels. She is the fourth best-selling author of all time. In his novel, In His Father Footsteps, he combines the problems of love and family life at a time when world history is unfolding. This is a historical novel because, it tells about an event when World War II occurred and the Nazi atrocities in the Buchenwald concentration camp that have tortured thousands of innocent people, most of them Jews who were deported from their home countries who were later liberated by American troops and The life of one of the prisoners who has been released begins a new life in America with the beginning of family and economic problems and romance packaged in one story. She managed to tell the terrible situation that happened to the prisoners in the Buchenwald concentration camp. She added, the tension with social problems and the life of a family from different generations, which we can see in real life which is still experienced by most people in the world. The novel tells about the mental disorders as well as faced by the characters, such as Emmanuelle with her anxiety disorder and Julie with her depression after had babies. Mental disorders are frequently faced by scrum, whether it is trauma, depression, anxiety and many others mental illness, that interesting for readers by presenting those social and mental problems, even though in different time span.

Some literature study is necessary use to compare previous research with this study. Three literature studies based on the topic being discussed are found, consisting of two undergraduate thesis and three journal articles that discuss plot analysis in literary work. The first literature study related to the research topic is written by Widyantara (2020) focuses on a plot analysis in Jennifer Niven’s All The Bright Places. The results of her study show that the plot elements found in All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven. She found a progressive plot type, which structure is divided into six parts, exposition, complication, crisis, climax, falling action, and resolution. The second literature study written by Irawan (2015), focuses on plot analysis in Percy Jackson's novel series and Rick Riordan's The Olympians: The Lightning Thief. The results of his research show that the plot elements are divided into three events, beginning, middle and end to explain the type of plot of Percy Jackson's novels and The Olympians: The Lightning Thief that are specifically analyzed and explained with charts that show action schemes. The last is written by Putri (2017), focuses on plot analysis on Treasure Island. The results of her study show the plot arrangements found in the novel Treasure Island that uses a Lucky Plot type, namely Action Plot. She divided the

plot structure in the Treasure Island novel into beginning, increasing 1, decreasing 1, peak of the problem 1, increasing 2, decreasing 2, peak of the problem 2, and ending problem.

The plot of the novel is analyzed using DiYanni's (2006) literary theory which is divided into five elements of structured plot. The plot theory that she explains helps in processing data in the form of plot in Danielle Steel's work, which is arranged in detail and simple so that it is easy to understand.

This study is conducted in order to applied the literary analysis studies and intended to encourage those who are interested in conducting study by analyzing the plot and setting elements of literary works. The aims of this study is to reveal the structure of plot and setting in the novel In His Father’s Footsteps, in order to find out and analyzed the types and structure of plot implemented in the novel In His Father’s Footsteps by Danielle Steel

  • II.    METHOD

The data used in this research is qualitative descriptive data. The data information obtained from the first approach is called primary sources, while the sources used in the second approach are called secondary sources (Ranjit Kumar, 2011). The primary data of this research comes from the novel In His Father's Footsteps by Danielle Steel as well as several journal articles and reader reviews on the internet as secondary data. The novel analyzed here is in the form of historical fiction which tells about the family life of three different generations. The unit of data analyzed in this study is the plot structure. Information collection techniques through data sources can be collected using the observation method. the data that has been collected was analyzed using a qualitative approach.


  • A.    Plot Type

In studying a good plot arrangement, good readers and analysts have to know in advance about the types of plots that have been determined after reading a literary work. Described in Russell's (1991) theory, there are three types of plots that are commonly used, namely: dramatic or progressive, episodic, and parallel plot structure.

The type of plot used to analyze the plot structure in Danielle Steel's novel In His Father's Footsteps is an episodic plot structure. This type of plot can be used because it relates to the contents of the novel In His Father's Footsteps which is historical fiction. Episodic plots use a chronological structure, so the storyline is more neatly structured, including related events, which are tied together by a common theme about the life of a family from different generations. Episodic plots are used to present an event, with a different place,

time, or idea, because the novel In His Father's Footsteps by containing each part or chapter usually features a different character and presentation of events. Plots are explained in each structure as follows with the theory of plot structure from DiYanni (2006).

  • B.    Plot Structure


The storyline begins with the release of prisoners held hostage by the Nazis, a group known for their cruelty and inhumanity to the prisoners in the Buchenwald concentration camp which was later conquered by American troops and all prisoners were released. The Buchenwald concentration camp had been in operation for eight years since 1937 and was attacked and defeated by American forces in 1945. There were hundreds of thousands of prisoners in it, who were Czechs, Poles, French and Germans and most of them entered the concentration camp after being deported from their respective countries for various reasons.

Emmanuelle told them that she was twenty-three years old, and the only survivor of her family. Jakob was twenty-five. His entire family had been exterminated. His grandparents and two younger sisters had been shot and killed when they arrived at the camp and his parents had died months later, unable to withstand the rigors of hard labor. Jakob was the only one left. (Steel, 2018:11)

The data stems from a situation where American soldiers had freed Buchenwald prisoners from Nazi atrocities. Buchenwald was the first concentration camp liberated by American troops. It was from this situation that World War II go on. In world history related to the setting and plotting of the novel, facts about Buchenwald were true, which was the largest and first concentration camp in Germany which took place under Nazi rule led by Adolf Hitler at that time, who was famous for his cruelty. American troops became the saviors for the tortured prisoners and came to end the Nazi atrocities against innocent people.

The data above shows the beginning of the plot which is a sequence of expositions, providing information about the prisoners who had been released and what steps were taken by the rescuers to save the prisoners, be it from American soldiers or medics and Red Cross workers. From these data we can know that, when America liberated the camp, among the prisoners who survived were Jakob Stein who is an Austrian and a friend named Emmanuelle Berger. Emmanuelle is from France. Emmanuelle and Jakob were the only ones left of their family. Therefore, Emmanuelle and Jakob had no home and family left. They had no home to return to. The medics helped them to plan where they should go next.

“We’ll go back to the Red Cross tomorrow and see what they have to offer us. Then we’ll go to the chaplain, and ask him to find us a rabbi.” (Steel, 2018:23)

To solve all the problems, they had about what they were going to do and where they were going after asking the Red Cross workers. From the data above, Jakob said that they had to decide to get married in order to move to a country with the same sponsor because they did not want to separate. They were Jewish and it has been explained in the data that 'to find us a rabbi', so that their marriage ceremony must be presided over by a rabbi as a Jewish tradition.

This part of the exposition is the beginning of the story where all the medical workers are mobilized to help the severely injured and starving detainees and provide them with information regarding their release and transfer policies with their desired sponsor. Jakob also along with his friend Emmanuelle have lost their entire family and everything they had. After all that happened, they found a solution to the problem they were facing.

Complication 1

After Jakob and Emmanuelle decided to get married and arrange their move with the help from the Red Cross workers, they arranged for their departure to America and decided to stay there, on the Lower East Side, to start a new life and a new family.

And they had a shock when they discovered that Emmanuelle was pregnant, which hadn’t been in their plans, far from it. They couldn’t afford a baby on the salaries they were making from Harry Rosen. And Emmanuelle was afraid to have children. What if it all happened again? (Steel, 2018:42)

Jakob and Emmanuelle start living in America and without them knowing it, more problems arise, especially financial and mental problems that Emmanuelle continues to face. From the data above, the readers can guess how the life that Jakob and Emmanuelle had to live, who seemed far from free after first being in America, even though they had been freed from Nazi atrocities. They face a difficult life with low-paying jobs that were just enough to meet their daily needs. Problems grew when Emmanuelle was pregnant. The inner conflict they feared began to haunt them again. The conflicts they faced and the fears that never seemed to leave their minds whenever they recalled the life they had previously received in Buchenwald. Emmanuelle's excessive fear always disturbs the peace of family life, even though they were already in a country that has full freedom rights in

America. Emmanuelle was afraid that what they had experienced for years will happen to their children, while Jakob was more worried about their economic situation and trying to find a job that can support all their needs.

Israel Horowitz stood up then and held out his hand. “You have a job then. I’ll start you as a runner, and you’ll have to learn the rest. There’s a lot to learn about this business, and I’ll teach you everything I can.” (Steel, 2018:50).

Jakob, who does not want to live in such a state of deprivation was constantly trying to find additional work to increase the family's economy, especially since he would have a child. While Jakob was trying, he came across someone named Izzie who accepted Jakob to work in his jewelry shop. Jakob never knew about jewelry but he tried to learn it. Izzie who taught Jakob all the skills about jewelry and his kindness had helped Jakob to his path of success.

This part is part of the complication of the story when Jakob and Emmanuelle decide not to return to their country after going through scary times when they were deported from their respective countries and ended up in the Buchenwald concentration camp. Jakob always thinks positive, while Emmanuelle always thinks negatively. Their early days in America began with an uphill battle.

Climax 1

The first crisis begins when Emmanuelle cannot stop thinking about all the negative and scary things that could have happened in her past. Jakob kept trying to make Emmanuelle understand that nothing bad would happen either on Izzie's advice, but he could not shake the excessive trauma that had happened to Emmanuelle. Izzie was also infuriated by Emmanuelle's fear.

“You have to get her to stop thinking that way,” Izzie said. “She’s young, she can’t ruin her life like that, or yours, or your son’s. This is America. It could never happen here. This is the land of freedom and equality. The Nazis could never have gotten control here, and they never will. It was a phenomenon that happened in Germany. They had a gang mentality, and followed Hitler blindly. This country is all about justice. No one wants to kill the Jews here. That’s why we came. I know what you both went through was horrible but you’re safe now, and so is your baby. It’s only been a year and a half since you were liberated. She’ll drive the poor kid crazy if she is terrified about another Holocaust all the time. Let’s hope she’ll calm down in a few years. Try to do everything you can to help her.” (Steel, 2018:82-83)

Izzie tells Jakob that she should try to hope that Emmanuelle's constant inner conflict with his wife should be removed. Izzie also reminded that America is a free country, no war and terror will interfere. Izzie as a friend as well as being considered a father figure advises Jakob so that he can make Emmanuelle not worry too much because it will also interfere with her health.

Max grows up and the conflict continues. Max constantly complains about his parents' attitude, and always compares them to other parents because he does not really understand what their problem really is, especially with Emmanuelle. Emmanuelle was annoyed that Max always argues with her. She always tells Max about how the life she was living with Jakob should not be ignored by Max so that it does not happen to Max. because Emmanuelle's inner conflict and constant fear make Max think that his parents are too boring, because what he does is always restrained. and also after what Izzie left for them, nothing seems to change anything.

Max starts arguing with Emmanuelle and thinks Emmanuelle's reaction is unnatural, which is why he thinks his parents are primitive and boring. Emmanuelle was very upset, but as usual Jakob was able to ease their problems.

Falling Action 1

All of this tension changes when Max is invited by his friends to visit places like Paris, Vienna, and the terrible Buchenwald concentration camp, then understands what his parents are feeling and it's only natural that Emmanuelle's fears come from places that torment her mind and take everything from his mother.

“We went to Paris and Vienna, and a lot of other places,” he said, glancing from his mother to his father. “I went to everywhere on both your lists. We went to Germany too.” Her brow furrowed as he said it. “We went to Buchenwald,” he said softly, and it felt as though all the air had been sucked from the room, as both his parents stared at him in horror. (Steel, 2018:171).

Max, Jakob and Emmanuelle discuss Max's vacation with their friends. Jakob and Emmanuelle are very surprised when Max tells them that they visited places their parents would never want to go again. Like Paris, Emmanuelle's hometown witnessed her and her family being treated unfairly and ended up in Buchenwald because they were Jewish. Vienna, Jakob's hometown before he was also deported to Buchenwald. And the place that tortured them so much for years with Nazi atrocities, namely the Buchenwald concentration camp. They did not know that Max would visit those places. Until then, Jakob and Emmanuelle were still very traumatized by those places.

Complication 2

Max grew up and became a successful businessman, even more successful than his father. Jakob began to urge his son to find a life partner but was rejected by Max.

“Good. Just make sure you don’t, and if you have kids, he has to agree to their being raised Episcopalian like us.” (Steel, 2018:206).

Emmanuelle worries that if Max marries a non-Jewish girl, then their grandchildren will not be Jewish like them. She wants their grandson to be Jewish, so Max also has to marry a Jew, not outside of that. But Max looks close to an Episcopalian girl. Max said that he loved the girl. This story became very dramatic in his family. On the other hand, the girl is also talking and trying to convince her family that she loves Max too. Her father was surprised to hear that his daughter wanted to marry a Jew whose last name was Stein. But because Max is rich and feels he can make Julie happy, Mike, Julie's father agrees to marry her to Max. However, Mike wanted his grandchildren to be Episcopal like them. Max and Julie did not really mind that because they were not as religious as their parents either. This is where the conflict over the two distinct traditions begins, and this is what Emmanuelle has always been afraid of. But they are trying to accept it, if it will make a happy change. Max and Julie are just going with time; until one day they will think about everything their parents said at the right time.

Climax 2

Max wanted to have lots of kids and that was the crazy thing that he wanted. Here Emmanuelle begins to worry about what her son's life will be like, while she knows Max was very busy with his work. Max spent a lot of money built a house for his new family and Emmanuelle really did not like people who spend too much money so they did not worry about the future. Max spends so much money on his wife that it becomes a problem for Emmanuelle. He thought that his future life might be worse than the present, so there was no point in wasting what he had now. But not everyone thinks like that, every era must have different circumstances in its life, just as Max has a different life from his parents. Only Emmanuelle still struggles with her fear.

“Our son is crazy. What is he going to do with that house and all those bedrooms? I don’t even want to know what it cost him, and what it’s going to cost him now while they pull the place apart and redesign it. What’s wrong with it the way it is? It’s a gorgeous house. And he’s letting her have whatever she wants.” (Steel, 2018:228)

“She’s never with her children, and neither is Max. I see more of them than they do.” (Steel, 2018:258).

After Max and Julie's first child was born, they were never there for their child. They are busy with their own business, while their children are taken care of by the nanny. Julie didn't care about her child, she was busier with herself, while Max was busy working. Emmanuelle's worries come true, Max's wish to have many children while he and Julie never take care of their child. Emmanuelle was very sad to see her granddaughter being only cared for by the nannies.

“No, it’s a lovely little girl. Congratulations, Mom and Dad.” Max tried not to look disappointed and there were tears rolling down Julie’s cheeks, and she wasn’t even sure why. She didn’t know if she was happy or sad, or what she felt. (Steel, 2018:264)

The birth of Max and Julie's third child is a girl again, the disappointment of Max who hopes to get a baby boy but he did not want to make Julie sad. Julie never wanted to hold her newborn child.

After the birth of her third child, Julie felt that her life was full of stress. Julie's mental condition went through a long postnatal recovery period. When giving birth to this third child, Max was not there to accompany her, because she was on a business trip. That's what made Julie sick of everything she was going through. She did not want to have any more children and she was in constant pain and depression. Emmanuelle begins to suspect that Max and Julie were having family problems, because Max also did not have time to take care of his family and he was more concerned with his work.

He couldn’t believe what had happened. Four and a half months after his father’s death, he had lost both his parents. They had been the mainstay and foundation of his life, as he had been the hub of theirs. He had never expected to lose them so young. (Steel, 2018:286)

After Jakob died, four and a half months later Emmanuelle also died of complications. Max has lost both his parents. He could not express how sorry he had been for ignoring his parents' words. From after his parents died Max experienced many problems in his family and conflicts within him which caused him to ignore everything.

“I’m pregnant, Max, and I want an abortion,” she said in a monotone. He thought he hadn’t heard her right at first,

and he looked up, surprised and confused. (Steel, 2018:290)

A big conflict occurs between Max and Julie. Since Julie was already upset with Max, and now that she was pregnant with their fourth child, Julie was so depressed that she thought about having an abortion on her unborn child. Julie points out that her inner conflict is very strong and she did not want to give birth again. Previously she was so depressed after giving birth to her three children, she did not want to have any more. Max had not got the baby boy he wants. Julie was really annoyed with Max. This is what makes them fight big. Max tried to relent and pleads with Julie not to have an abortion. Max did not want to lose his unborn child. Julie grants Max's wish, and tried to hold on a little longer. Despite having accepted Max's request for a while, Julie did not know how she will feel after giving birth again.

It was clear that after giving birth to her fourth child which was a baby boy, Julie was more depressed than ever. The conflict continues to escalate and Julie decides to leave Max and their children. Julie really could not stand the kids who always came to bother her and Max who always broke his promise. Julie never wanted to be a mother, because she loved to be spoiled by freedom and pleasure. For her, parenting was so inconvenient and dizzy she did not even want to touch her children. Even though at the age of their children, they still need attention and affection from their parents.

Falling Action 2

Julie met a man and talked to him, his name was Richard. Julie felt very relieved after meeting Richard. She was always on a date with Richard, while Max was busy with his work. They dated several times, so they ended up getting comfortable with each other. Julie sensed that she had hope of being happy with Richard. She no longer wants to live with Max and her children and decides to leave them for her freedom. She divorced Max, she did not want to live in marriage with Max anymore. She also did not care about her children. She just wanted to spend the rest of her life with the man she loves, just not Max anymore.

“We’re leaving on a trip,” he said, giving him a sizable tip. She wasn’t going to use Max’s name anymore. She had made that decision, and wanted her maiden name back. His name had served her well, and she had tried to measure up to it, but it didn’t fit her and it never had. She was Julie Morgan again, which was who she wanted to be. (Steel, 2018:363)

“Dad, you have to stop!” Hélène would yell at him when he did it. “People are going to think you’re weird. You sound like you have Tourette’s about romance, or you’re paranoid or something.” (Steel, 2018:382)

Max feels annoyed and betrayed after Julie decides to leave him and the kids with another man and only leaves a letter without seeing them first. Now Max did not trust anyone anymore. Max was focused on caring more about the future of his children without thinking about himself. Max's condition was very bad, he was very messed up and did not want to have anything to do with any woman anymore. Hélène was very upset with her father who thinks that all women should be avoided and they only leave scars for Max. Hélène was indeed the wisest and most understanding of her parents' problems among all her siblings and she was also the eldest. She did not want his father to continue to regret for the rest of his life because her mother left him. Hélène was very close to her grandparents, so she grew up to be a wise child. After they left, Hélène tried to keep her father from making another mistake. Julie may not want to be a good mother to her and her siblings, but she deserves her own freedom and so does her father.


When Max no longer believes in love, he finds someone who can always remind him of his mother, a woman. the woman was French, just like her mother. The woman was able to make Max return to his comfortable life after he was devastated by the death of his parents and the departure of Julie. Pascale was the woman's name. She manages to make Max believe that love still remains in his life. Max was sure that if his mother were alive he would like Pascale too, not when he was with Julie, Emmanuelle was so worried about him. Max learns a lot from Pascale that he can still find the people he needs in life.

And he had a warm feeling about her, like an old friend. Her name was Pascale Boyer and he knew his mother would have loved her. There was something very genuine about her. (Steel, 2018:397)

Max expresses his feelings to Pascale about how comfortable he is when he is with Pascale which makes him reminisce about sweet memories with parents who love him very much. Max seems to have realized and is starting to understand how his parents love journey and he might never have felt it if Pascale had not come into his life. Max feels what his parents feel, falling in love a second time with the right person was not bad.

Max had followed in his father’s footsteps in his own way, his children would follow in his, and each would forge their own path, in honour of the past, in hope for the future, making new footprints of their own. (Steel, 2018:415)

The ending of In His Father Footsteps ends with the happiness of Max's family. He has married Pascale and made lifelong decisions with Pascale who lovingly cares for all his children. Pascale also seems to love them like her own children. Not all stepmothers are evil like in fairy tales, there are sincere ones like Pascale. Max began to understand everything about what his parents wanted to teach him. Max follows in the footsteps of his humble father and loves his mother and family without neglecting his responsibilities. Even though time and life are constantly changing, love and relationships will never end even if they have their own way.

  • C.    Emmanuelle and Julie’s Mental Disorders

Emmanuelle’s Anxiety Disorder

Emmanuelle has a mental disorder in the form of excessive anxiety about everything. She always thinks the worst of their life. This was due to the fear of torture she experienced in the Buchenwald concentration camp.

“What if somebody steals a diamond from you while you’re delivering it?” She looked worried again. She hadn’t realized how valuable the stones were that Jakob would be picking up and delivering.

Her nightmares started again the night after Max was born, now she had a tiny being she loved to focus her terrors on. She wanted to do everything she could to protect him. But if the worst happened again, how could she?

The data above shows that Emmanuelle is very worried about her husband and children. She was very afraid if something bad happened to them. She was always filled with anxiety for no reason which was not necessarily the case. She always thinks about the worst that could happen to her husband or to the future of her child. She was very worried, if all the torture and envy of others against her family before would happen to her son.

“Are you serious?” She looked worried. “What if Izzie gets tired of you, or you have an argument and he fires you?” Jakob smiled at her reaction, he was used to her negative responses, always imagining worst-case scenarios.

But Emmanuelle looked annoyed when Izzie left. “He shouldn’t fill Max’s head with crazy dreams, like buying the Yankees one day. That’s not realistic, it would cost millions.”

Emmanuelle thought badly, that Izzie who was so nice to them could do bad things to them. As Jakob thinks in the data above, that he is trying to understand his wife who always thinks negatively. Emmanuelle's bad thoughts also make her limit what Max can do. She is also very upset when Izzie gives hope to Max with such big dreams. There is nothing wrong if a child dreams very big for his future life. However, Emmanuelle still has negative thoughts, so Max is also very upset with his mother.

Julie’s Depression

Julie developed depression after she gave birth to her third child. She was so tired from the stresses of giving birth that Max's desire to have more children was driving her even more crazy.

Julie took a long time to recover from her second Caesarean, and she appeared to be suffering from some form of postpartum depression for the first three months. Whenever Emmanuelle visited the children, Julie was locked up in her bedroom, either with a “headache” or supposedly asleep.

When Julie felt depression, she never wanted to see anyone, she just locked herself in her room. She doesn't want to carry and take care of her children even when they are just born who should get the full love of their mother. Julie didn't want to be a mother, all she wanted was freedom where she was free to do anything without interference from anyone, and she didn't want to feel the pain of giving birth.

“I’m pregnant, Max, and I want an abortion,” she said in a monotone. He thought he hadn’t heard her right at first, and he looked up, surprised and confused.

For Julie, the worst was just beginning. She was depressed all the time. The children came to visit in her bedroom and annoyed her.

After her third child was born and Julie fell into depression, she became pregnant with her fourth child. She didn't want to give birth again; she was fed up with all that. So she thought of having an abortion for the fourth child she was carrying. She was also depressed all the time because her kids were nagging her all the time, even though they wanted her attention, but Julie thought it was a nuisance. She doesn't want to take care of her children.


In the results of the discussion, to answer the formulation of the problem that has been determined based on the

purpose of this research, a plot analysis is obtained in the novel In His Father's Footsteps, which includes problems with the type of plot and the structure of the plot contained in the novel In His Father's Footsteps. The following is part of the conclusions for the overall results of this study.

The plot type used in the novel In His Father's Footsteps uses an episodic plot. The plot structure is divided into five parts, namely exposition, complication, climax/crisis, falling action, and resolution. The story features two complications with two climaxes and two downs that are experienced by different characters. The exposition begins at the beginning of the story when Jakob and Emmanuelle are freed from the Buchenwald concentration camp by American troops. Complications start with Jakob and Emmanuelle coming to America and starting a new life and facing life that is lacking as newcomers. Climax I contains Emmanuelle's fears and worries about her bad life that will repeat itself in America. Falling Action, tells the story of how Max understands the life his parents lived and learns from it all. Rising Action II begins with Max's marriage plans to a girl who has different beliefs with him. Climax II arises from the tensions and problems that continue to arise in Max's life, ranging from big desires, his small family on the verge of collapse, his parents die, infidelity and divorce. Falling Action II tells how Max's children begin to live life. Max returns to his normal life and stops thinking about the bad past. At the end of the story, Max believes in love again and rebuilds a happy family. Max realizes how important the footprints of his father's life are to him.

It also discusses the background of the formation of the plot in this story, which is based on the mental problems faced by Emmanuelle and Julie in the novel In His Father's Footsteps. Novels by Danielle Steel. This novel raises problem in a family and mental disorders that occur in the lives of several characters where mental disorders can indeed happen to anyone. Emmanuelle's can't stop thinking about the worst thing in life that makes her never feel safe wherever she and her family are. Jakob is more concerned about the family's economy so that they can survive in the new country. But they are aware that their social situation has changed over time and where they live with different social and cultural conditions. Their lives are no longer tied to French culture or Viennese culture, but American culture as well as their children and grandchildren.

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