Udayana Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 7 No. 1, February 2023

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24843/UJoSSH.2023.v07.i01.p02


The Use of Slang Words in “The Black Panther” Movie

Dewa Ayu Febri Rantika1, I Nengah Sudipa2, I Nyoman Arya Wibawa3

[1]English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University Denpasar, Bali

Email: [email protected]

[2]English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University

Denpasar, Bali

Email: [email protected]

[3]English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University Denpasar, Bali

Email: [email protected]

Abstract: The title of this study is a slang word in the movie The Black Panther by Ryan Coogler. This study focuses on identifying the types of slang words and analyze the meaning of one's utterance by the characters in the movie. The data was taken from the movie entitled The Black Panther and were collected by using the observation method. The data were analyzed by using the qualitative method. The types of slang words were analyzed base on the theory proposed by Chapman (1988) who divided types of slang words into two types. The meaning of the slang word is analyzed based on the theory proposed by Leech (1981) who divided the meaning of slang word into 7 types. Based on the result of the analysis show that there are two types of slang words found in this study; primary slang and secondary slang. There are seven meanings of slang words found in this study; conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, affective meaning, social meaning, reflected meaning, collocative meaning and thematic meaning.

Keywords: types of slang word, meaning of slang word, the black panther movie.


Language is the most important communication system in society. In society, language can be considered as a medium for transmitting a message, information, or idea from speaker to hearer. There are two kinds of language: informal language and formal language. Formal language used professional, literal wording. Informal used figurative language (such as metaphors and similes).

Slang can be described as informal words nonstandard words or phrases which tend to originate in subcultures within a society. Slang diffuses through a group of people, and it may spread out across an entire region or class. People who are not in that group my pick up the terminology as well: causing the usage to spread, or the words may remain isolated to a smaller subgroup. Slang is the part of informal English that is used in the informal language of situations and

places. It can be in shops, malls, cafes, schools, homes and so on.

Sociolinguistics is the study of our daily lives. That's how language works in our calm dialogue and the media we face, and the presence of norms, policies, and citizen laws that address language According to Holmes (2008). Sociolinguistics is a study of the interaction between language & society. Sociolinguistic attention to investigating the interactions between language and people uses the aim of better understanding language structure & how language functions in communication (Wardhaugh 2006).

Slang is the part of informal English that is used in the informal language of situations and places. It can be in shops, malls, cafes, schools, homes, and so on. Talking to someone with a formal language who has a similar identity or background, for example talking to friends, younger family members, or community members can be boring. Thus, the way of communicating slang can be used for a different conversation experience. It can make the situation more

comfortable and friendly for each member of the conversation. According to Yule (2006), slang is informal English that is made and used by a particular community. Slang is a term or phrase used on the colloquial basis between a younger speaker and another special interest group. In this era, slang cannot separate according to language because it is part of our communication. Most people use it to talk to other people. People use formal language in a formal occasion, while slang is more often used in everyday life.

Nowadays, American slang often used in everyday conversation; however, they are not considered formal speech. Furthermore, not everyone understands slang term used by gangs or groups, particularly those who are not included in the membership. This study will discuss about slang in terms of types and meaning of American slang related with movie. Why movie, because in movie reflects about human life and in movie, we can see directly how the use of slang words by actor or actress and their expressions especially in main characters. It will be interesting to discuss slang words use in Black Panther Movie, because in this movie, we can discover how the main characters in Black Panther movie uses the slang words in their conversations.

Based on this phenomenon, the American slangs used in main characters of Black Panther movie which become the universal slang analyzed in this study. From the American slang used in main characters of Black Panther movie, this study will figure out explain the types and meaning of American slang clearly.

Therefore, based on the background above, there are two problems that can be formulated as what are the types of slang words in "The Black Panther” movie and how are the meaning of slang word implied in "The Black Panther” movie.

Problems of the Study

Based on the background above, there are two problems that can be formulated as follows:

  • 1.    What are the types of slang words in "The Black Panther” movie?

  • 2.    How the meaning of slang word iplied in "The Black Panther” movie?

Aims of the Study

Based on the problems of the study above, the aims of study can be formulated as follows:

  • 1.    To identify the types of slang word in "The Black Panther" movie

  • 2.    To analyse the meaning of slang word implied in "The Black Panther” movie


In this study, the use of research method is a very important step, because the research method refers to the tools or strategies used by a person to conduct research. The

research method is divided into 4 step such as: data source, method and technique of collecting data, method and technique of analysing data, and Method and Technique of Presenting Data.

Data Source

The data in th is study was taken from the movie script entitled The Black Panther, which was downloaded from YouTube. The movie chosen as the data in this study, because it has a lot of variations of slang words in the dialogue. The film, entitled The Black Panther, is an American action film, which was released on January 29, 2018 (Los Angeles) February 14, 2018 (Indonesia) and February 16, 2018 (United states). Then by Ryan Coolers. The slang in this film is varied and almost all of the dialogue in the film consists of one or more slang words. Th is movie consists many types and meaning of slang because the dominant figure in this movie is adult that usually use slang in their daily conversation.

Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The data of this writing was collected by documentation method. Documentation is the technique of collecting data where the data taken the writing (the scripts) and by recording or reporting of the facts, especially by using pictures, recording, note taking, and so on. writing the example of slang words and phrases found in the movie to make it easier to analysing the data. The steps of collecting the data as follows: First watching movie The Black Panther, second find out the movie scrip, third compare the movie with the script to find out all characters, and find out the slang words that used by main characters and the last input the slang word used by main characters into Urban D ictionary to find out the meaning of slang word.

Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

This study uses a qualitative methods. Qualitative method usually requires the data in the from of words instead of number. The data were analyzed in in accordance with the theories proposed by Chapman (1988) and Leech (1981). The data that has been collected from the movie script entitled The Black Panther would be analyzed in its entirety, starting from the type and meaning that was based on the theory that applied in this study.

The technique used to analyze the type na the meaning of slang words was descriptive technique. The theory of Chapman (1988) in primary slang and secondary slang was used to identify and also classified the indicated data slang’s type. To describe the meaning of slang based on Leech the seven type of meaning was used.

Method and Technique of Presenting Data

The method and technique of presenting data in this study used informal method and followed by descriptive. Informal method in this study presented the data. The first step watching the Black Panther Movie and reading the movie script then underline the slang word. Second, identify and quote the slang word based on the types of slang word

proposed by Chapman (1988). And finally, analyzed the slang word based on some standard dictionaries such as urban dictionary.


The analysis related to the examples of slang words used by the characters in The Black Panther movie can be seen as follows.

Data 1

Son : Baba

Father : Yes, my son?

In the conversation above it can be seen that there is a slang word Baba, the slang word Baba belongs to primary slang, th is is called primary slang because Baba is another word to call father. The meaning of slang word Baba belongs to connotative meaning because Baba here is indicate to have meaning father.

Data 2

Illmo Ger : What’s up, princess

In the conversation above it can be seen that there is a slang word What’s up. The slang word What’s up belongs to primary slang. This is called primary slang because What’s up is used by many people to say how are you in informal situation. The meaning of slang word What’s up belongs to social meaning. Here is indicated to convey meaning of greeting someone. What’s up is similar to how are you.

Data 3

Shur : What the fuck you ross

Ross: WHAT?

In the conversations it can be seen that there is a slang word What the fuck. The slang word What the fuck belongs to primary slang because What the fuck is used by many people in their communication in informal situation. The meaning of slang word What the fuck belongs to affective meaning because it used vulgar slang used for emphasis or to express anger and annoyance.

Data 4

Okoye : My king. My love you will never guess who’s just popped up on our radar.

In the conversation above it can be seen that there is a slang word My Love. The slang word My Love belong to

primary slang because My Love is another word to say love for girl friends or friends in their communication in informal situation. My Love here is indicated to have reflective meaning because many people in those country speak and understand this word. This word is similar to the word darling.

Data 5

Ross: Guys you have hoverbike?

Shur : I think Nakia have.

In the conversation above it can be seen that there is a slang word Guys. The slang word Guys belongs to primary slang. This is called primary slang because Guys is used by many people to call all of the friends in their communication in informal situation. The meaning of slang word Guys belongs to collective meaning because it indicated to convey meaning of addressing people.

Data 6

Ramonda : We’ll go. They keep walking. Sudenlly they are surrounded by members.

Nakia : Stay Calm.

In the conversation it can be seen that there is a slang word Stay Calm. The slang word Stay Calm belongs to secondary slang that slang called secondary slang because the phrase Stay Calm intended for express one’s attitude with his or her emotion to give utterance to anybody who emotion so that relax and funnier in their communication an informal situation. The meaning of slang word Stay Calm is belonging to connotative meaning because the term indicated to relax.


It can be concluded that there are two types of slang use by Ryan Coogler and Joe Robert Cole in The Black Panther movie, which are: primary slang and secondary slang.

The type of slang use by Ryan Coogler and Joe Robert Cole entitled “The Black Panther” movie is mostly in the types of primary slang. Primary slang in the pristine speech of subculture members so very natural to its speaker that it seems they might be mute without it. Then the secondary slang is chosen not so much fix one in a group as to express one’s attitudes or something it secret. It also matters of stylistic choice rather than true identification.

Based on the analysis the meaning of slang used in The Black Panther Movie in the previous chapter, there are seven types of meaning found in the movie. Those are denotative meaning, what is the ordinary dictionary everyday meaning of a word or expression, connotative meaning , what is communicated by virtue of language refers to; social meaning, what is communicated of social language used: affective meaning, what is communicated of feelings and attitudes of the speaker of writer: reflected meaning, what is

communicated thought association with another sense of the same expression; collective meaning, what is communicated thought association with word which tend to occur in environment of another word and thematic meaning, what is communicated by the way in which a speaker writer organize the massage, in terms of ordering, focus and emphasis. But the meaning of slang word I analyzed in the data above only five meaning because denotative meaning and thematic meaning were not in the data slang words.


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