Plot Construction of ‘Red Notice’ Movie

p-ISSN: 2528-5076, e-ISSN: 2302-920X
Terakreditasi Sinta-3, SK No: 105/E/KPT/2022
Vol 27.1. Februari 2023: 65-74
Plot Construction of “Red Notice” Movie
I Gede Anugrah Prasetya Dharma Putra, Sang Ayu Isnu Maharani, Putu Weddha Savitri
Universitas Udayana, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
Correspondence email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Info Artikel
Submitted: 18th November 2022
Revised: 24th January 2023
Accepted: 6th February 2023
Publish: 28th February 2023
Keywords: plot structure;
narrating technique
Corresponding Author:
I Gede Anugrah Prasetya
Dharma Putra
The purpose of this study is to identify the plot structure of the Red Notice movie and the technique used in narrating the plot of the Red Notice movie. Documentation method was applied in collecting the data. The collected data was analysed by using informal method which represents the result of the analysis. The result showed the plot structure of Red Notice movie consists of three phases. They are beginning, middle, ending phases. The beginning consists of introducing characters, setting the place, and potential conflicts. Then, the middle which consists of conflict, complication and climax. Finally, is the ending, in this section the story resolution will be given. The technique that was applied in narrating the story was mixed plot since the story moves forward from the first event to the last event. However, a flashback is performed in the middle story
Wellek and Warren (1973:20-21) defined literature anything in written form which contains idea and thoughts. In other words, literature is a reflection of humans’ life and the way of expressing their ideas, thought and expression. Other than reflecting human’s life or delivering message, it is also aimed at enlightening; One of those purposes is, in other words, for aesthetic reasons and amusements. Literary work as the product of literature can be divided into three, prose, poetry, and drama. Poetry today is usually written down, but is still sometimes performed. Poetry creates word pictures, describes moments, or expresses feelings. Prose is a form of language that exhibits
a grammatical structure and a natural flow of speech rather than a rhythmic structure (as in traditional poetry). Drama is a literary genre that shares many features of other forms of literature, but possesses a characteristic that makes it distinct. Other than, those three main types, story could be represented or packaged through movie which provides visualisation of a story.
Movie is regarded as a media which could represent the story in more entertaining ways. As movie consists of a natural flow of speech rather than rhythmic structure, it is possible to find a complex unit within movie. In other words, it is not bounded by a particular rule to unfold a story. Any story in this
case regarded as literary works have extrinsic and intrinsic element. A fictional work is produced by using two main components, among those: extrinsic elements and intrinsic elements. Extrinsic elements are the outer aspect that built the novel. Those regarded as extrinsic elements are for instance biography, history, and culture. Intrinsic elements cover theme, setting, plot, character, point of view, style and tone (Kenney, 1966). Further one of the intrinsic components of the story of the novel is plot. Plot is structurally composed by such elements as exposition, conflict, rising action (complication), climax, falling action, and resolution (denouement). The way events within story are organized is considered as plot. These events relate to each other in a pattern or a sequence. The structure of a movie depends on the organization of events in the plot of the story. Plot is known as the foundation of a novel or story which the characters and settings are built around. It is meant to organize information and events in a logical manner. Plot is one crucial point that an author could use at providing an interesting story.
Based on the background of the study, there are several problems that will be studied in this study are: (1) what structures are operated within the plot of the Red Notice Move? and (2) what technique is used in narrating the plot of the Red Notice movie? In accordance with the problems of the study, the aims of the study are: (1) to identify how the plot of the Red Notice movie is structured and (2) to analyse the technique used at narrating the plot of the Red Notice movie.
Research method is defined as the tools or instruments used to solve the problems of research. It explains how the process of the research is conducted, that
is starting from collecting the data until presenting it in a paper. Therefore, the method of this research consists of data source, data collection, data analysis, and presentation of the result of the analysis.
Data source is the subject of the research from where the data can be obtained. A movie entitled Red Notice (2021) directed by Rawson Marshall Thurber was chosen as the data source. This movie was chosen as the data source because it has an interesting story which bears relation to the plot of the story. Therefore, it is very interesting to be analysed in case of the phases of the plot structures, elements reflected in the plot, and the narration technique of the plot.
Documentation method applied while collecting the data. In collecting the data, note-taking technique was used. The first step of collecting the data was conducted by watching the movie and extensively listening and identifying the story. The following step was intensively identifying the utterance and dialogue which provides information about the structures of the plot, including elements reflected and the narrating technique. At the same time note-taking technique was applied by underlining and noting the appropriate dialogue and utterance. After the data was collected the following step was to analyse the data which is presented in the following section.
The analysis was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. The data was analysed based on how the events within the story are arranged. It works on the relation within events and its structure. The first analysis was conducted on the phases of the plot structure. The second analysis was conducted on the elements reflected in the phases of the plot structure, and the third step was analysing the narration technique of the plot. This analysis refers to Kenney's theory (1966) which states that the plot as the events shown in the
story are not simple, because the author arranges the events based on causal links.
Presenting the result of the analysis is the last step in this paper. In this step, the data was analysed by using informal method in which presenting the result of the analysis is conducted by using sentences to explain it. The data is interpreted based on the phase it is involved. The narrating technique of the story is presented based on the arrangement of the events within the story.
There were two problems within the scope of the study which involve the plot structures and the narrating technique. However, in order to provide a complete analysis, a short view of thematic construction, characters, and setting is also presented.
A. Plot Structure of Red Notice
Red Notice is a movie about heists. Two art thieves and an FBI profiler are on a hunt for valuable pieces of art. Booth and the bishop are on the cross ends of getting their hands on Cleopatra’s bejewelled eggs while Hartley the profiler trying to redeem himself in the eyes of the law.
Based on the framework, the structure of the plot is divided into three, namely, beginning, middle, and ending.
1. Beginning
The beginning of a story presents the introduction of characters, setting, and potential conflict which may takes to the middle of the story. The story begins with the introduction of one of the main characters, John Hartley. This section provides information about how the character of John Hartley is introduced within the story.
Data 1. Scene at 00:04:16-00:05:12
This scene involves some characters, namely, John Hartley, Das, and a Director. Das as an Interpol agent receives the information related to the
upcoming theft from John Hartley, one of the main characters. This main character
is depicted as an agent who works for the FBI's Behavioural Analysis Unit.
This following data provides more
information about who Nolan Booth is.
Data 2. Scene at 00:10:20-00:10:53
The data provides a scene where Nolan Booth is being chased by John Hartley after noticing someone run when the egg is found fake by John Hartley.
Data 3. Scene at 00:05:29-00:06:58
The data provides information that the story takes place in museum; moreover, it is depicted in Rome, Italia. Within the introduction this is the only setting which is depicted. However, more places have become the setting of place in the story, Italia (Roma and Sardinia),
Indonesia (Bali), Russia, London, Valencia, and Argentina.
At the very beginning of the story, potential situation of conflict has been depicted when the conversation is started. Moreover, when the egg is found fake, it shows potential conflict that someone has stolen the egg. This is regarded potential as it leads to the conflict about who steals the egg and the other uncovered information related to the other eggs.
wouldn't you say, Agent? As the problem of the story starts arising, this event is therefore considered as the part of the conflict.

Data 5. Scene at 00:24:04-00:25:49
2. Middle
The middle part of the plot is divided into three parts. They are conflict, complication, and climax. The conflict within this story starts when John is arrested after Booth is arrested by John. John is accused to receive a big amount of money after the egg is also found fake by Das for the second time. Although Booth is arrested with the real egg, John is considerably responsible for the finding that the egg that was taken is also fake.
Data 4. Scene at 00:20:26-00:21:28
This event is considered as conflict since it is the starting point when the tension appears.
The main character is arrested unexpectedly as the duty of the agent is to find and arrest the theft. However, it is the agent who is accused to be the theft after receiving a big amount of money shown by the utterance performed by Das, As impossible as a John Hartley with a Swiss bank account that received an $8 million wire transfer from an encrypted third-party on the same day the egg was stolen? Quite a coincidence,
This data provides evidence that the character of John Hartley feels the way he is arrested has been set up as previously John Hartley was given information about the theft of the egg in the museum. After John succeed the mission of arresting Booth, this character is unexpectedly accused and arrested. Furthermore, the scene at 00:28:5600:29:11, shows how the other main character is depicted or shown. The bishop is first shown within the scene, who appears with beauty which is identified by the utterance of Booth, you might benefit from a little career change. Moreover, the character of John Hartley finally introduces the bishop to Booth.
This following scene is provided with how the conflict of the story arises, in which Nolan Booth and John Hartley are offered to tell the bishop about the third egg.
Data 6. Scene at 00:29:31-00:30:28
This scene also provides information about how the bishop has defeated or beaten Nolan Booth in some of his mission. The conflict of the story also involves the threat of Bishop to give information about the third egg (scene at
00:30:31-00:31:48). In this scene, the bishop offers Nolan Booth to cooperate with; however, Nolan Booth seems ignoring which leads the story to arising the tension of which the part of the complication.
The complication of this story starts with how John Hartley and Nolan Booth starts to be cooperate.
Data 7. Scene at 00:31:59-00:32:44
The plan of searching for the following eggs begins with the cooperating statement of John Hartley and Nolan Booth. First plan that they run is to escape from the prison and try to find the second egg at Sotto’s party.
More information related to Sotto and his place is presented within the following data.
Data 8. Scene at 00:36:31-00:37:32
Without telling John Hartley, Nolan Booth mix the soap with a cleaning solution. The mixture leads the liquid into a quite big explosion. The explosion makes the situation within the prison terrible, the prisoners fight to the police. After the fighting scene, it leads them to breaking the wall in order to escape from the prison. Outside the wall lies a helicopter which could take them escape. However, while heading towards the helicopter, the police reach them which make them have to go to different duties. John Hartley let Nolan Booth go to take
the helicopter, while John have to fight to the police. Eventually, both John Hartley and Nolan Booth succeed to escape.
Escaping from Russia, John Hartley and Nolan Booth are heading to London. Arriving in London, it is Nolan Booth’s colleague who has the role to help them to get to the following egg. These characters get on a different plane and arrange a plan how to get the following egg. This is when the tension starts increasing, when John Hartley and Nolan Booth go on their plan in Valencia, in a party of Sotto Voce’s house, where the egg is located.
Data 9. Scene at 00:51:37-00:51:56
This data shows how John Hartley and Nolan Booth start sniffing in order to get to the location of the following egg. However, as shown within the data that they are planning to get the fingerprint and the phone, at the same time, the bishop who appears in the prison is seen with a red dress. This event indicates that the bishop is trying to stop Nolan Booth and John Hartley as these characters have escaped from the prison. John Hartley unexpectedly pull the bishop to dance, and at the same time the dance gets Sotto Voce’s attention which leads John Hartley to get Sotto Voce’s phone. At the same time, Nolan Booth has got a glass which has been held by Sotto Voce in order to obtain the fingerprint of Sotto Voce.
The following plan goes on going to the location of the room where the egg is located.
Data 10. Scene at 00:57:02-00:57:18
This data shows how Nolan Booth and John Hartley pretend to be a guest and a waiter. After pretending to get an accident caused by a fake waiter, Nolan Booth, John Harley is being angry in order to get the head waiter attention. As the drink falls on the suit, John Hartley needs a washroom in order to get it clean. The head waiter surely allows the guest to go the washroom and allows Nolan Booth as the fake waiter to lead the guest to the washroom. Pretending to go the washroom, the camera has been faked by Nolan Booth; these characters therefore succeed to sniff through the security officers of Sotto Voce.
Arriving in the room where the egg is located, it is required the fingerprint of Sotto Voce in order to get into the room. When about to enter the room, John Hartley breaks the glass which takes time longer to get the fingerprint. Nolan Booth gets the fingerprint and use the fake deep app which allows them to perform with someone else’s face and voice. With that preparation, these characters are about to enter the room. However, unexpectedly, Das, the Interpol has been following them and tries to arrest them. However, Agent Hartley succeed to improvise and get into the room with Nolan Booth.
Data 11. Scene at 01:01:20-01:02:14
This data shows that how Nolan Booth and John Hartley get caught by the Interpol, Das. Threatened by the Interpol, John Hartley pretends to arrest Nolan Booth. Eventually, both John Hartley and Nolan Booth get into the room where the egg is located and close the door. However, it is surprising that both of John Hartley and Nolan Booth does not expect that other person could enter the room before them.
The scene at 01:03:02-01:03:41 shows that the bishop has entered the room before both of John Hartley and Nolan Booth, these characters have some arguments. John Hartley tries to arrest the bishop; however, the fight ends with the coming of Sotto Voce and his army. It is not expected that the bishop has been cooperated with Sotto Voce to catch both John Hartley and Nolan Booth. The last attack of Sotto Voce’s army faint both John Hartley and Nolan Booth. Being unconscious, John Hartley and Nolan Booth are arrested and tied on a wooden pole.
The scene at 01:08:48-01:10:43 shows how Nolan Booth agrees to save John Hartley instead of keeping the information about the third egg from Sotto Voce and the Bishop. After getting the location of the third egg, the bishop pretends to celebrate by cheering a glass of alcoholic drink to Sotto Voce. The drink has been poisoned and it faints Sotto Voce. The bishop does not know that the location given by Nolan Booth is fake. Telling the Bishop that the location of the egg is in Egypt has given a distraction and let them free from the threat of Sotto Voce and the Bishop. Furthermore, the real location of the egg is in Argentina.
These parts are considered as the complication of the plot as what problem arises in the conflict keeps raising and leads to more tension. Tension is depicted through how Nolan Booth and John Hartley escape from the prison, how
these characters’ sneak to Sotto Voce’s place, their fight with the Bishop, Interpol Das, and Sotto Voce. Therefore, it is the complication of the plot of this story.
The scene at 01:22:02-01:22:14 shows that a long walk has been through, and John Hartley has been frustrated with the location and rumour that the third egg location lies there. However, while John Hartley is yelling to Nolan Booth and throwing something to the ground, it bounces and makes a sound that a steal is beyond them. The steal is the side of box that keep the third egg. When these characters try to find out what the steal is, secret stairs are found which leads them to the box. These characters are looking for the third egg and finally find it. However, it is not how the peak of the tension is performed. The bishop appears after Nolan Booth just finds the egg. Moreover, Interpol Das and her troops also get into the box.
The atmosphere within scenes at 01:29:04-01:30:22 shows how the tension is rising, gunshots happen among these characters. However, the situation is different that John Hartley, Nolan Booth, and the bishop are on a side. On the other hand, Interpol Das and troops, are the one who start the shot. As Interpol Das has more people to fight, John, Booth, and the bishop have to escape by a car. A fight happens on a car to take the egg. However, Nolan Booth can take the egg first and jump from the car to the other car. The bishop drives the car with John on it. When Interpol Das chases them, the road leads them to a canyon with a waterfall and a river beyond. John, Booth, and the bishop decide to jump with the car to the river. On the other hand, Interpol Das stop.
These parts are considered as the climax of the plot as it provides a scene where the peak of the tension is performed. The chasing of Interpol Das and their jumping over the canyon can be
considered as the climax as it could lead theme to death. Therefore, it is clear that this part is considered as the climax.
3. Denouement
Jumping over the canyon does not make these characters die. Nolan Booth who is holding the third egg swim to the surface of the river. Being safe and swimming to the edge, Nolan Booth feels that John Hartley is missing as this character does not appear to the surface.
The scene at 01:36:16 shows that Nolan Booth cares about John Hartley. However, it turns out that John Hartley has been standing at the edge of the river and call Nolan Booth. Although both of these characters are safe, it is not how the story ends. The bishop comes after Nolan Booth and John Hartley. The story unfolds to be unexpected as John Hartley and the bishop are partners. It leads Nolan Booth to a confusing scheme. John Hartley and the bishop tie Nolan Booth on a tree, and finally leave him alone.
The story unfolds in different setting that John Hartley and the Bishop are on a wedding party where the eggs are sold for a wedding party gift. Knowing that the eggs have been sold, Nolan Booth shows Interpol Das how unsecure the account where John Hartley and the bishop save their money. As Nolan Booth has got his revenge, he finally gives a new offer that makes the bishop and John Hartley think. The offer is to cooperate on a different theft, which gives them more money than previous eggs. At the end, they agree to cooperate on the following project.
This part is regarded as the denouement of the plot as it provides how the story is resolved by way of knowing who is John Hartley. John Hartley appears to be the partner of the bishop, and the cooperation between John and Nolan Booth has been fake. However, the three of these characters
turn out to be a team in a following project.
B. Narrating Technique in Red Notice
Based on the plot structure, it is necessary to list the events arrangement in order to recognize how they are arranged. Therefore, it is easier to recognize to what technique the arrangement is involved to. These following events were presented as follow.
Event 3 - Climax
Flashback - Event
Event 5
Event 2
Event 1
The figure presented in this section provides information about the flow of the story in case of how the story is narrated, involving the parts which have been divided into some events regarded as the outline of the story.
Event 1 : John Hartley call for Interpol about an upcoming theft of a precious egg and the egg is found fake; the real egg has been stolen by Nolan Booth and gets caught
Event 2 : John is accused to take the real egg from Booth and arrested; Booth is found to know the location of the second and third eggs and has to cooperate with John Hartley
Event 3 : John Hartley and Nolan Booth are struggling to search all eggs
Event 4 : After all eggs are found, John Hartley turns out to be the bishop’s partner
Based on the arrangement of the events provided above, the story moves forward from the beginning to the end of the story. The first event involves an information about an upcoming theft of a precious egg, and John Hartley proves
the egg in the museum is fake and has been stolen. The person who has stolen the egg is caught, Nolan Booth and the egg is taken by the interpol. However, within the segment of event 2, John is accused to take the real egg from Booth and get arrested in the same prison with Nolan Booth. Event 3 provides information about the struggling to search all eggs. Although the first egg and the second are stolen by the bishop from John and Booth, John Hartley and Nolan Booth succeeds to get the third egg on their hand. Surprisingly, the last event shows that John Hartley turns out to be the bishop’s partner, his real identity by providing previous events (flashback).
The story represented by these events unfolds forward from the beginning to the ending of the story; however, the truth is narrated by providing a flashback scene in the middle of the story. Therefore, the narrating technique applied within the story is mixed technique.
After the analysis had been conducted, there are three points to be concluded in this chapter, the plot structures, the elements within each phase, and the narrating technique. All of those points were presented based on the analysis and the theoretical framework.
Based on the analysis above, it can be concluded that the plot structure of Red Notice Movie consists of three phases, among those: beginning phase, middle phase, ending phase. Each of these three phases of the plot structure of this movie is built up components by which the whole story of this movie is composed. The beginning of the plot involves the character’s introduction including John Hartley, Nolan Booth, Das, the bishop or Sarah Black. Accordingly, the setting of the story is also introduced that the story takes place in Italia (Roma and Sardinia), Indonesia
(Bali), Russia, London, Valencia, Argentina, and Cairo. Furthermore, a potential conflict appears at the beginning which is indicated by John Hartley’s calling for Interpol about an upcoming theft of a precious egg and the egg is found fake.
Within the middle, the conflict of this study appears when John is arrested and Booth is found to know the location of the second and third eggs and has to cooperate with John Hartley
The struggling of searching all eggs by John Hartley and Nolan Booth is considered as complication. Moreover, the scramble of the third egg becomes the highest point of conflict which is considered as climax. Finally, that the true identity of John Hartley is considered as the ending of the story.
The technique that was applied in narrating the story was mixed plot since the story moves forward from the first event to the last event; however, a flashback is performed in the middle of the story.
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