Jurnal ini berjudul “Shifts of Cohesion and Coherence in Translation of The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner into Kisah Singkat Bree Tanner”. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa jenis-jenis kohesi dan koherensi pergeseran dalam penerjemahan yang ditemukan dalam novel berjudul The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner dan novel terjemahannya berjudul Kisah Singkat Bree Tanner. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori kohesi dan koherensi pergeseran dalam penerjemahan oleh Blum-Kulka (2000 di Venuti) dengan teori pendukung oleh Larson (1998) dalam bukunya berjudul Meaning-Based Translation. Metode yang digunakan dalam menganalisis penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Pembahasan data di awali dengan membaca kedua novel asli dan terjemahan, memberi tanda dan mencatat pergeseran penerjemahan yang ditemukan. Hasil dari pembahasan menunjukan bahwa terdapat dua jenis pergeseran dalam penerjemahan yaitu kohesi dan koherensi. Kohesi dalam pergesaran penerjemahan dibedakan menjadi pergeseran level eksplisit dan pergeseran makna text.Sedangkan koherensi dalam pergeseran penerjemahan dibedakan atas bentuk dan fungsi dan kata umum dengan ungkapan deskriptif.
Kata kunci: pergeseran, kohesi, koherensi.
Since every language has rules and system, there’s no exact equivalent in translation.
To maintain the meaning of source text, there will be shifts occurred. For example, The Short Second Life is acceptable as the translation of Kisah Singkat because the meaning of the sentence was delivered to the readers. Yet, there is no overt relationship considered as cohesion shift to the both SL and TL which a word second is missed. The information of second is not stated and left implicit to avoid an excessive meaning.
The reason why this topic was chosen because since no languages are the same, translator need to be careful to maintain the meaning of SL into TL when shift occurs. By studying shifts of cohesion and coherence in translation, the translator can make a good translation without changing the meaning of SL considered from it overt and covert relationship.
Based on the background above, the problems of this study are:
a) What types of cohesion shifts found in The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner into Kisah Singkat Bree Tanner?
b) What types of coherence shifts found in The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner into Kisah Singkat Bree Tanner?
Related to the problems of the study, the aims of this study are to identify and analyze cohesion and coherence shifts found in The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner into Kisah Singkat Bree Tanner.
In this study, the research method was classified into three parts; they are data source, method and technique of collecting data, and method and technique of analyzing data.
Data source from this study used primary data which was taken from English novel The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner written by Stephanie Meyer printed in the United States of America, published by Little, Brown and Company in June 2010 and its translation into Indonesian novel Kisah Singkat Bree Tanner, printed in Jakarta, published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama in 2010.
Data for this study was collected by using documentary study method by gather and analyze the documents. The data was taken in several steps. First, the English and Indonesian novels were read thoroughly. Second, gave a sign to the sentences including the pages to remember which data contained cohesion and coherence shifts in translation. Third step was taken a note for the data which was chosen, both the sentence and its page.
The data in this study was analyzed by descriptive qualitative method. The analysis was started by choosing the data. Second, it was continued by classifying the data that indicated coherence and cohesion shifts in translation. Third, it was followed by eliminating data which is put shifts in translation as cohesion and coherence that really deserve to be analyzed. Fourth, was analyzing the types of coherence and cohesion shifts in the English and Indonesian novels based on theory proposed by Blum-Kulka (2000 in Venuti) and the supporting theory by Larson (1998).
5. Analysis of the Shifts of Cohesion and Coherence in Translation of The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner into Kisah Singkat Bree Tanner
Haliday and Hasan (1975:4) stated that the concept of cohesion refers to relations of meaning that exists within text, and that define it as text.
When the meaning of TL becomes deeper than SL, connected explicitly as lexically and grammatically, giving the text a dense, close texture as shift of cohesion, it means that the explicitness occurs in TL (Blum-Kulka 2000:303 in Venuti).
- The General Level of the Target Text's Textual Explicitness is Higher than that of the Source Text
As required by target language (TL) grammatical system, in translating process; TL will be repeated once more or longer than source language (SL) (Blum-Kulka in Venuti). The analysis of the general level of the target text's textual explicitness is higher than that of the source text can see above:
SL: glared at me
TL: menatapku garang
TL literal: membelalak padaku
This is acceptable that glared in SL changed into menatapku garang in TL, yet there’s no exact equivalent between SL and TL because in literally way, glared is membelalak. The translator used menatapku garang in order to distinguish the meaning to the reader, which is menatapku garang or glared with wide-eyed stronger than membelalak. As Larson stated (1998:495) in order to create the same emotive effect in an overt meaning of cohesion shift SL glared, translator expressed it by menatapku garang rather than its literary meaning. Furthermore, the general level explicitness of TL menatap garang is higher than SL glared.
- The General Level of the Target Text's Textual Explicitness is Lower than that of the Source Text
When target language (TL) is shorter than SL, the result is in TL become lower level of redundancy compared with SL. For example:
SL: The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner (cover)
TL: Kisah Singkat Bree Tanner (cover)
TL literal: Kisah Singkat Kedua Bree Tanner
It’s understood that the title The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner changed into Kisah Singkat Bree Tanner. The matter is the word second in SL was missing in TL although the meaning unchanged. It cause of the explicitness of TL lower than SL. Not fully information has been added but the message was delivered to the reader. As Blum-Kulka (2000:299 in Venuti) stated that cohesion shift is an overt relationship holding between parts of the text,
expressed by language specific marker. The meaning of TL becomes more explicit in shorter way than SL without changing the meaning of SL.
When the blurred meaning of SL is translated into TL becomes clearly, it namely explicit meaning. In addition, when the meaning of SL is understood but changed into ambiguous meaning in TL, the implicit meaning is occur.
The translator may leave out some information because the reader already knows these facts and might even be insulted if they were included (Larson 1998:43). For example:
SL: when he saw this paper (p.1)
TL: saat ia membaca koran ini (p.11)
TL Literal: ia laki-laki
From the sentence above, it can be seen that the explicit meaning of SL he changed into implicit meaning as ia in TL because of cultural differences. The meaning of TL becomes more blurred than SL. If the word he in SL is clearly showed a gender as male, ia in TL is confusing because it could be a male or female.
A different of grammatical structure in SL may require TL to made explicitly (Larson 1998:494). For example:
SL: My brother
TL: Adikku
TL Literal: Saudara laki-laki
As pointed out by Larson (1998:493-495) some information of source text is need to be included in the translation of target text in order to avoid the wrong meaning. From the
example above, we can see that the implicit phrase my brother of SL is left explicit in TL as adikku. Actually, the meaning of my brother is saudara laki-lakiku. It needs to correct the expression of my brother into adikku (younger brother) in order to distinction the meaning to the readers because of cohesion shift occurs.
Also known as unknown concepts (Larson 1998), coherence shift is shift that occur when the meaning of SL is not shared in TL culture. Translator use related word as equivalence based on it form and function.
Form has to do with the physical aspects with any features or characteristic of a particular THING, such as its size, shape, quantity, color, taste temperature, substance, and material or the visible movements of a particular EVENT. Furthermore, function has to do with the significance of the THING or EVENT, that is, the reason for or its purpose, or in some cases, the usage of the THING (Larson 1998:180-181).
SL: The bodies
TL: Mayat-mayat itu
TL Literal: Tubuh-tubuh itu
The literal translation of body is tubuh, which is blurred to the reader since it could be dead or bodies. As explained at the previous sentence, the form bodies is coherently changed into mayat-mayat (dead bodies). Both functions of SL bodies and TL mayat-mayat are similar as a human corpse.
SL:I said
TL Literal: Kataku
I said and pujiku has a different form and different function. Said is speaking of something, such as complimenting, asking and arguing. Yet, pujiku means complimenting someone. As the effect of coherence shift, I said naturally changed into pujiku based on the previous story in order to send the meaning to the readers.
When words found in the source language do not occur in the receptor language, coherence shifts occurs, it may be need to analyze the source language word to discover its generic component in descriptive phrase. For example:
SL: ziplocks
TL: kantong-kantong plastik
Translator is translated the word ziplocks in SL by describe its meaning as kantong-kantong plastik. Larson (1998:185) argued if the form is important, then the form must be included. Like the sentence above, the form ziplock is unchanged which is put after the description of ziplock itself. Modified the generic word of SL with descriptive phrase in TL occur to made a covert meaning become an overt meaning as affected by coherence shift.
From the previous analysis, there are some points can be drawn as conclusion. Cohesion shift of translation that found in the novel are shifts in level of explicitness and shifts in text meaning(s). Shifts in level of explicitness are divided into two they are the general level of the target texts textual explicitness is higher or lower than the source text. Meanwhile shifts in text meaning(s) occurs in the novel are divided into two; they are the explicit meaning potential of the SL changes to implicit through translation and the implicit meaning potential of the SL changes to explicit through translation.
Furthermore, there are two types of coherence shift are found, they are form and function and a generic word with a descriptive phrase. Form and function of coherence shift is divided into two. When the form of the thing in SL changed into another form of the
thing in TL it’s called from the form of the thing to different form of the thing. Beside when the form of the event in SL changed into another form of the event in TL it’s namely from the form of the event to different form of the event.
Chresnayani, Monica Dwi. 2010. Kehidupan Singkat Bree Tanner. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
Halliday, M.A.K. and Ruqaiya Hasan. 1976. Cohesion in English. London: Longman Group Ltd.
Hornby, A S. 1995. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English. London: Oxford University Press.
Larson, Mildred L. 1998. Meaning-Based Translation. New York: University Press of America, Inc.
Meyer, Stephenie. 2010. The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner. New York: Little, Brown and Company.
Venuti, Lawrence. 2000. The Translation Studies Reader. London: Routledge.
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