Noun Form of Address of Characters in the 21 Jump Street Movie

Journal of Arts and Humanities
p-ISSN: 2528-5076, e-ISSN: 2302-920X
Terakreditasi Sinta-4, SK No: 23/E/KPT/2019
Vol 25.1 Februari 2021: 44-51
Noun Form of Address of Characters in The 21 Jump Street Movie
Luh Ledi Ruscita Dewi, Ni Luh Ketut Mas Indrawati
Udayana University, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
Correspondence e-mail: [email protected] , [email protected]
Article Info
Submitted: November 30th, 2020
Revised: January 2nd, 2021
Accepted: January 10th, 2021
Keywords: noun of address, movie, power, solidarity
Corresponding Author:
Luh Ledi Ruscita Dewi emal:[email protected]
. This study is aimed to identify the types of noun form of address and describing the function of noun form of address applied in the movie. The data of this study was taken from a movie entitled 21 Jump Street as the primary data. The data was collected by documentation method and note taking technique. A qualitative method was used to analyze the data. It means the data was described based on theories applied in this study. The theory proposed by Braun was used to analyze the types of noun form of address. Whereas, the theory proposed by Brown and Gilman was used to analyze the function of noun form of address applied by characters in the movie. The results found five types of noun form of address, namely; names term (first name, last name and nickname), kinship term, title, occupational term, terms of endearment. This study does not find any data related to the abstract noun because this movie does not have any scenes which describe the abstract quality of the addressee, such as in the kingdom or court. Moreover, the function of noun form of address terms to show solidarity becomes the highest occurrences in the movie.
Language is used as a tool to communicate among people in daily life. They use it as a way to maintain and organize their relationship in society. It is important to know that the purpose of people use a certain language in communication will affect its forms in order to build a good relationship. Addressing term is one of the significant aspects of communication that is used in
a community, because it shows the social identities of the speaker and addressee.
Address term is a part of sociolinguistics studies which investigate the relationship between language and society. Braun (1988) defines address term are words and phrases used for addressing that is referred to the speaker and involve a strong element of deixis. Thus, term of address which is compatible to the relationship of the
speakers and addressee, and which is agreed with the community regulation will be regarded as sufficiently polite. The use of a certain type of address terms will bring different kind of functions. Furthermore, the use of certain types of address term can show power or solidarity. As stated by Brown and Gilman (1960), power reflects social distances, relative superior status, unfamiliarity, and deference, whereas solidarity reflects familiarity, closeness, usual experiences and intimate relationship. The phenomenon of address terms is often appeared in the movie since it shows the culture and social status of people in certain society. Braun (1988) classified address terms into three types, pronouns of address, verb form of address, nouns of address. However, this study is only focused on noun of address.
Every languages that exists in different society have their own characteristic in using address terms. People should comprehend the use of address terms in order to avoid the mistaken in addressing particular people. By analyzing the noun of address within a movie, it is expected to comprehend the types of the noun of address used in the movie. Therefore, this study analyzed the uses of noun of address of characters and its function in the 21 Jump Street movie.
The data source of this study is taken from a movie entitled 21 Jump Street as the primary data. The movie tells about the duo cops named Greg Jenko and Morton Schmidt go undercover as students in order to bust a drug syndicate and find the source of a synthetic drug. Thus, it is assumed that this movie contains many noun form of address since it reflects how the society communicate with each other in daily life.
The method used to collect the data in this study was documentation with note taking technique. The process of collecting data is divided into several steps. Firstly, the movie script was downloaded. Secondly, the movie was watched carefully in order to know the utterances that shown by characters through their conversations that involve address terms.
Then a note was created. Finally, the data that included the classification of address terms were classified.
The method applied in analyzing the data was a descriptive qualitative method. The analysis follows the steps: firstly, the data were classified and categorized based on the classification of address terms. Secondly, the data were analyzed in which to know the functions that may occurs in the movie that affect the characters in choosing the variation of address terms.
Review of Literatures
In the literature review, there are some studies which have similar topic with the current study. Those studies were reviewed to support and give some contributions to this study.
Mardiha (2012:173) explains address term is a linguistic form that used in the course of a conversation to address a person or referring to them. Rahmadani and Wahyuni (2018), further explain that address terms is the study of addressing a person in writing or speech by using a word, name, title, phrase or the combination of them. In short, address term used to attract someone’s attention in a conversation. Rifai & Muhammad (2016) discussed that using the appropriate kind of addressing terms are crucial in a communication because it can make someone respected in the society. Furthermore, the choice of address terms depends on the relationship between the speaker and the hearer, the social distances, the purpose of the conversation
and the context of situation (Swandewi, 2104: 2).
Some previous studies (e.g. Bisilki, 2017; Krisnanda, 2014; Lumbanbatu, 2018) do not mainly discuss about address terms in general. However, those studies only analyze the address term in kinship terms. Unlike those studies, there are other studies which discuss about address terms in more complex field. Zavitri (2018), analyzed how the usage of address terms in English and Selayarese and the aspect influencing the choice of certain terms used by Selayarese people. Esmae’li (2011), discussed terms of address usage: the case of Iranian spouses. In his study, Hwang (1991), discussed terms of address between two cultures: Korean and American. Meylina (2014), discussed sociolinguistics feature of address forms in Malay Bengkulu. Oyetade (1995), analysed address forms in Yoruba. Ozcan (2016), discussed the choice of address terms: conversational setting. Salihu (2014), analysed the sociolinguistics study of gender address patterns in the Hausa society. You (2014), investigated the development of the generalization of address terms that is used to address a teacher in Chinese from the perspective of sociolinguistics.
Theory of Address Terms
To support the analysis of the study, it is important to adopt a theoretical basis. Based on the phenomenon of address terms, the main theory used in this study is the theory of address terms by Braun (1988). He classifies address terms into three types; pronoun of address, verb of address and noun of address. Since this study focused only on noun of address, therefore the types can be seen as follow.
According to Braun (1988), names term can be divided into several types.
They are: first name (FN), last name (LN), and nick name.
Kinship Terms
Braun (1988) states that kinship term are terms for affines and for blood relations. In addressing a person, the speaker uses the kinship terms, for instance: mother, father, mom, etc.
According to Braun (1988), another type of address term is title. In some languages, there are address terms which are equivalent to Mr./Mrs. These titles are common terms which does not need to be regarded as specific titles and are in usual use.
Abstract Noun
Abstract nouns are form of address which formerly referring several abstract quality of the person, for example: Your Honor, Your Excellency, (Your) Grace. These forms are commonly used in addressing a King or a Queen in the kingdom (Braun, 1988).
Occupational Terms
According to Braun (1988) occupational terms are designating someone’s profession which can be used as a form of address, for example: captain, driver, teacher, doctor, etc.
Terms of Endearment
Braun (1988) explains that context and function can define terms of endearment, for instance: addressing children, to whom the speaker feels close, and almost any noun whether it is already exist or new invented term that can be served as terms of endearment, for example: my boy, dear, honey, etc.
Theory of Function of Using Address Terms
According to Brown and Gilman (1960) there are two functions of using
address terms namely to show power and to show solidarity. Power reflects social distances, relative superior status, unfamiliarity, and deference, whereas solidarity reflects familiarity, closeness, usual experiences and intimate relationship. It is also possible that one type of address term has more than one function.
Referring to the research questions stated at the beginning of this study, the types of noun form of address were analysed first, followed with their functions.
Braun (1988) classifies names terms into first name, last name and nickname.
First Name
[4-1] Schmidt: I look like Fred Savage
from The Wonder Years, but completely naked, wearing Indian friendship bracelets.
David Schmidt: That is a great picture, Morton.
The conversation above tells about Schmidt and his father, David Schmidt, who argue about his childhood picture on the wall. Schmidt does not like the picture because he thinks it looks weird and not cool. Whereas David says that it is a great picture. In this conversation, Schmidt is addressed by his first name by his father. As stated by Braun (1988), first name is a personal name that comes before the family name. His full name is Morton Schmidt. Thus, Morton is categorized as the first name, whereas Schmidt indicates the family name or last name.
Since David Schmidt is his father, of course, they know each other very well and it does not matter for David to address Schmidt by his first
name. According to Brown and Gilman (1960), the dimension of solidarity is potentially applicable to all persons addressed. Power superiors could be solidary (elder siblings, parents). Thus, the function of using first name is to show solidarity, especially when it is used between the family members.
Last Name
[4-2] Annie Schmidt : No, no! Jenko, oh my God, please. No, no. Don’t touch that. We just brought it back from, Sedona.
Jenko : Uh, oh!
The conversation above tells about Jenko who just arrives in Schmidt’s house. He looks around the house with Schmidt’s family until he touches Annie’s lovely stuff. Annie Schmidt who stands near Jenko tells him not to touch it because she bought it in Sedona. In this conversation, Greg Jenko is addressed by his last name, Jenko by Annie Schmidt. She uses the last name to address Schmidt’s friend because they just meet each other and not too familiar with Jenko.
The use of last name in the conversation above indicates the unfamiliarity between Annie Schmidt and Jenko. According to Brown and Gilman (1960), the function of using last name to a new person is a sign to show power as they explain that power reflects relative superior status, social distances, unfamiliarity, and deference.
[4-3] Domingo : (to Walters) Put
that gun away, you’re going to hurt yourself. (then, re: Jump Streeters) D.B., shoot these motherfuckers.
Schmidt : That’s so unfair!
We laid our guns down in good faith!
The use of nickname as address term is reflected in the conversation between Domingo and Schmidt. It takes place in the penthouse when they do the drug transaction. Domingo asks his best friend, Donnie Brasco to shoot Schmidt and Jenko in that room. In this conversation, Domingo addresses his best friend by using the term “D.B”. According to Braun (1988), this term is categorized as a nickname as he explains nickname is formed informally that is used by someone to address someone else. Nickname can be a short name by taking syllables, either in the front, middle, end, or even one letter at the beginning of the name. As in the conversation above, a nickname is formed with Donnie's real name in which D.B refers to Donnie Brasco (first name + last name).
The use of nickname in the conversation above indicates the closeness between Domingo and D.B because they are in the same motorcycle gang. According to Brown and Gilman (1960), the function of using nickname in addressing someone is to show solidarity as they explain that the dimension of solidarity is potentially applicable to all persons addressed. Solidarity reflects closeness, familiarity, common experiences, and shared intimacies. The use of address terms which indicate solidarity can be found in such situation when there are a symmetrical relation, for example: attended the same school or have the same parents or practice the same profession
Kinship Term
[4-4] Annie Schmidt : Oh! That must be Phyllis. She is just dying to see you.
Schmidt : What? Mom,
you told Phyllis I was here? She’s going to tell the whole
The conversation above tells about Schmidt is angry with his mother, because she tells their neighbor, Phyllis, that Schmidt is coming home. Schmidt is afraid of Phyllis will tell the whole neighborhood about his undercover mission. In this conversation, he uses the term "mom" to address his mother. According to Braun (1988), this term is categorized into a kinship term as he explains that kinship term are terms for blood relations and for affines. Kinship defined relationships between individuals who are commonly thought of as having family ties. This term is another way that can be used to address a mother. Besides the blood relationship, it also indicates that there is a spoiled attitude of Schmidt to his mother.
Schmidt uses kinship term “mom” to address his mother indicates the closeness and the intimate relationship between them. According to Brown and Gilman (1960), the function of using kinship term in addressing someone is to show solidarity as they explain that the dimension of solidarity is potentially applicable to all persons addressed. Solidarity reflects closeness, familiarity, common experiences, and shared intimacies. Therefore, the use of address terms which indicate solidarity establish the degree of intimacy in the relationship. One of them is the use of kinship terms.
[4-5] Ms. Griggs : I’m sorry, What is your name? Brad?
Jenko : Brad. Yes,
In the conversation above, Jenko uses term “ma’am” to address Ms. Griggs
who is his teacher. According to Braun (1988) this term is categorized as a title as he explains that in some languages, there are address terms which are equivalent to Mr./Mrs., and the variants of these titles may different depends on the kind of language applied by the speaker: it can stand alone, it can be prefixed or suffixed to the other addressing terms, etc. In the data above, this term is used by Jenko to address his teacher that indicates a term of respectful or polite address used to a woman and is the equivalent of Mrs. and Ms.
The conversation above shows the asymmetric use of address terms in which Jenko uses a title to address Ms. Griggs. Whereas he is addressed by first name. This is to show his respect to his new teacher because she has the authority in this class. According to Brown and Gilman (1960), the function of using a title in addressing someone is to show power as they explain that the asymmetric use of address terms indicates power, for example; situation in school classroom is one of the examples. A teacher will receive T or TLN when he/she addressed by his/her pupils e.g. Sir (T), Mr. Smith (TLN). However, the teacher will address his/her pupils by their first name. It indicates the different power between the teacher and the pupils in classroom situation.
Occupational Term
[4-6] Jenko : Sir, are
you saying that you’re going to send us into, like, a child sex slavery ring or something?
Schmidt : Chief, if I
have to suck someone’s dick...I will, it’s just... I would prefer not to.
Deputy Chief Hardy : I think you idiots are perfect. You’re officially transferred.
An address term found in the conversation above is “chief”. According to Braun (1988), this term is categorized as an occupational term as he explains that an occupational term are designating someone’s profession that can be used as a form of address, for example: captain, driver, teacher, doctor, etc. They are sometimes combined with another nominal variant, e.g. Mr./Mrs. depending on the rules of certain language system. Thus, this term shows Hardy’s profession that he holds the position as the second-highest rank in the police department after the chief of police.
According to Brown and Gilman (1960), the function of using an occupational term in addressing someone is to show power. As they explain that the use of certain types of address term can show ‘power’ and ‘solidarity’, where ‘power’ reflects relative superior status, social distances, unfamiliarity , and deference, and ‘solidarity’ reflects closeness, familiarity, common
experiences and shared intimacies. The use of an occupational term in the conversation above reflects superior status and unfamiliarity between Hardy and Schmidt. In which it indicates the speaker (Schmidt) is the inferior whereas the addressee (Hardy) is the superior one that is shown by their rank of occupation.
Terms of Endearment
[4-7] Annie : My baby is
home! Come here. You will always be my infant angel baby child.
David : There’s my guy!
Schmidt : (fake) Hey, it’s so
great to be here...
The conversation above tells about Schmidt for the first time come home after he graduated from the police academy. His mother, Annie Schmidt is
very happy to see her son. In this conversation, she uses the term “my baby” at the first then continues the conversation by saying “my infant angel baby child” to address her son. According to Braun (1988), this term is categorized as a term of endearment as he explains context can define terms of endearment. For instance: addressing children, addressing someone to whom the speaker has a close relationship, and almost any noun whether it is already exist or new invented term that can be served as terms of endearment, for example: my boy, dear, honey, etc.
These terms of endearment have the same meaning in which to show affection and closeness. Instead of using his name, Annie Schmidt prefers to use these terms of endearment to show her affection to her son. Moreover, the use of these terms indicate the behavior of a mother who spoils her kid. According to Brown and Gilman (1960), the function of using term of endearment in addressing someone is to show solidarity as they explain that the dimension of solidarity is potentially applicable to all persons addressed. The use of certain types of address term can show power and solidarity. Power reflects social distances, relative superior status, unfamiliarity, and deference, whereas solidarity reflects familiarity, closeness, usual experiences and intimate relationship. Thus, the use of these terms of endearment in the conversation above reflect the closeness and the intimate relationship between a mother and her son.
Based on the foregoing discussions, there are two main conclusions can be drawn. Related to the first problem of this study, there are six types of noun form of address term. Braun (1988) classifies noun form of address terms into
six types; names term (first name, last name, and nickname), kinship term, title, occupational term, abstract noun, and terms of endearment. There are six data of first name, three data of last name, six data of nickname, four data of kinship terms, four data of title, three data of occupational terms, and four data of terms of endearment. This study does not find any data related to the abstract noun because this movie does not have any scenes which describe the abstract quality of the addressee, such as in the kingdom or court.
Related to the second objective of the study, there are two functions of noun form of address terms used by characters in the movie. They are to show power and solidarity. Furthermore, the function of noun form of address terms to show solidarity becomes the highest occurrences that reflect closeness, familiarity, common experiences, and shared intimacies. It is performed 19 times from a total of 30 data. Whereas the function of address terms to show power only performed 11 times which reflects relative superior status, social distances, unfamiliarity, and deference in the movie.
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