ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 21.1 Nopember 2017: 150-154

Politeness Maxim Used by the Two Main Characters in Brave Movie Script

Ni Luh Made Arisanti1*, Putu Ayu Asty Senja Pratiwi2

English Department – Faculty of Arts – Udayana University 1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]]

*Corresponding Author


Judul tulisan ini adalah "Politeness Maxim Digunakan oleh Dua Karakter Utama dalam Brave Movie Script". Hal ini terutama ditujukan untuk menggambarkan jenis kesantunan kesantunan yang digunakan oleh dua karakter utama dalam film Brave dan untuk menjelaskan alasan mengapa pepatah pepatah diterapkan oleh dua karakter utama dalam film Brave. Data primer dalam penelitian ini diambil dari ujaran antara dua karakter utama. Skrip film adalah data sekunder yang sudah tersedia atau dikumpulkan dari sumber lain, naskah film ini diambil dari internet. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori yang diajukan oleh Leech (1983). Hal ini dikenal sebagai kesantunan Maxim, ada Tact Maxim, Generosity Maxim, Approbation Maxim, Modesty Maxim, Agreement Maxim, Sympathy Maxim. Leech (1983) memperkenalkan prinsip kesantunan yang pada prinsipnya meminimalkan ekspresi keyakinan yang tidak sopan, dan ada versi positif yang sesuai. Prinsip kesopanan mengusulkan bagaimana menghasilkan dan memahami bahasa berdasarkan kesopanan. Tujuan prinsip kesopanan adalah untuk membangun perasaan masyarakat dan hubungan sosial. Dengan demikian, prinsip kesopanan berfokus pada proses interpretasi bahwa pusat penelitian ini berpengaruh pada pendengar dan bukan pembicara. Ini juga bisa menjadi strategi untuk menghindari konflik

Kata kunci: Kesopanan, Maxim, Skrip.

  • 1.    Background of the Study

Humans as social beings need to interact so that all of us can live and understand one another. The interaction could be done physically and orally. Conversation Richards, J.C. and Schmidt (1983) is the example of daily interaction with other people. People make conversation to get some information or gain their knowledge about what happens in their environment. Based on Oxford Dictionary, conversation is informal talk

involving a small group of people or only two.

Leech (1983) introduces the politeness principle which principally minimizes the expression of impolite beliefs, and there is a corresponding positive version. This movie was chosen because it comes from Disney Animated Company which affects the viewers and also delivers the message of how to be polite from the smallest element of environment, family.

  • 2.    Problem of the Study

Based on the background above, there are two problems that appear as follows:

  • 1.    What types of politeness maxim are used by the two main characters in “Brave” movie?

  • 2.    What are the reasons for using politeness maxims by the two main characters in “Brave” movie?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

Based on the problems mentioned above, the aims of this study can be stated as follows:

  • 1.    To find out the types of politeness maxim used by the two main characters in “Brave” movie.

  • 2.    To explain the reason for politeness maxims used by the two main characters in “Brave” movie.

  • 4.    Research Method

There are four components of research methods in this study; they are: Data Source, Data Collection, Data Analysis, and Presentation of the result of data analysis that will be explained in details below.

  • a.    Data source

The primary data in this study were taken from the utterances in conversations between the two main characters in “Brave” movie. This movie was written by Brenda Chapman and this movie was produced by Katherine Sarafian. This movie was released on 22nd June, 2012. The movie was chosen as data source because Walt Disney as the distributor of the movie is one of the biggest animated movie

companies in the world which of course has very big influence on the viewers.

  • b.    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The method of collecting the data in this writing was the documentation method. The movie was watched for several times to gain the information and politeness maxims were noted down. Besides, movie script was read carefully in order to support this study.

  • c.    Method and Technique of Analysing Data

The data were analysed using the qualitative method which did not involve measurement or statistics. The technique of analysing the data; primary data was watched for several times inn order to know the two main characters which were analysed and the secondary data was read as well to classify the types of politeness maxims.

  • 5.    Analysis

    a.    Tact Maxim


Queen Elinor : What’s this?

Merida       : It’s a peace

offering. I made it, for you.

Queen Elinor : You made this for me? Mmm. Interesting flavor Merida proposes a peace offering to her mother in the form of a cake. Although the queen knows that her behaviour is totally different from that of the other common princesses as she likes to do archery, ride her horse to the woods and so on but the queen still takes her offering and eats it. The

queen wants Merida to act like ones but Merida does not like it. But as a mother she still loves Merida even if they argue all the time.

The reason for using the tact maxim

Tact maxim is applied by both participants in the conversation because the relationship between them as mother and daughter shows that it does not matter how rebel Merida is, kinship still becomes the factor to respect each other especially between mother and daughter. Besides, in Merida’s utterance, she uses the word ‘I made it for you’ to show her sincerity to apologize to her mother.

  • b.    Generosity Maxim

(After the triplets help Merida and Queen Elinor to sneak out of the castle)

Merida : Now, I’ll be back soon. Go on and help yourself to anything you want, as a reward.

The data presents a generosity maxim performed by Merida when she is helped by her little brothers to release her from the castle. Merida states ‘Go on and help yourself to anything you want’ to emphasize that she is kind enough to let her brothers have anything they want.

The reason of using the Generosity Maxim

Generosity Maxim is clearly applied by Merida as kinship and

age are the factors causing her to be polite. The triplets are still toddler and have helped her for a big case so she thanks them by giving and letting them to take everything as the reward of helping their big sister.

  • c.    Approbation Maxim

Merida :  I climbed the

Crone’s Tooth and drunk from the Fire Falls.

King Fergus: Fire Falls? They say only the ancient    kings

were     brave

enough to drink water

When Merida tells her father that she climbed the Crone’s Tooth and drunk from the Fire Falls, her father gives compliment by saying ‘Fire Falls? They say that only the ancient kings were brave enough to drink fire.’ King Fergus’ utterance belongs to Approbation maxim because he is proud that her daughter’s act is considered equal to the bravery of the ancient kings. The reason for using the Approbation Maxim

It can be simply seen that the King compliments her because the gender of hers is female but very brave to climb a high fall and the comparison which is stated by the King is on high level. When King Fergus asked, ‘Fire Falls?’ he shows his surprise of her daughter’s act to give politeness how great Merida and at the same time praises her.

  • d.    Modesty Maxim

Merida : You’ve always been there for me. You’ve never given up on me. I just want you back. I want you back, mommy. I love you.

This utterance happens when Merida tries to make her mother back to be human, but there is nothing happening to her mother. Even though Merida has done anything the clue from the Witch and at the same time Merida cries reminding her mother to always be there for her, and she just wants her mother back because Merida loves her so much.

The reason of using the Modesty Maxim

The utterance also becomes a motivation to her to bring back her mother. Merida finally admits that she loves her mother directly, they have been fighting and have so many disagreements but in this time, Merida admits even if they argue for the whole time when they are in the castle but she still loves her mother by saying it directly to the queen.

  • e.    Agreement Maxim

Merida : Oh, alright! You can have my dessert for two…..three weeks!

Triplets : (triplets are crossarming)

Merida : Fine! A year!

This is a clear agreement between Merida and her triplet brothers even though her brothers do not say a word but they give Merida gestures instead toward

Merida’s offering. In some situation gestures become language which does not contain oral information.

The reason for using the Agreement Maxim

When the elders talk to the younger especially children, the elders tend to be more understanding as the elders cannot fight the cuteness of the children, in this case Merida agrees as she wants her brothers to help her and she does not have other choice except agree with the little brothers.

  • f.    Sympathy Maxim

Merida : Oh, no! I don’t understand. I…

Merida : Oh mom, I’m sorry. This is all my fault. I did this to you, to us.

The situation from the data above is when Merida covers her mother with the tapestry she has ripped off. Merida is very hopeless because at the beginning her mother is still a bear. She cries because she thinks that her mother will never become a human again.

The reason for using the Sympathy Maxim

She shows her sympathy by blaming about what happens to herself. She is afraid and deeply regrets for the changing of her mother. Merida also indirectly admits that she does not want to lose her mother as she loves her so much. The reason Merida uses this maxim is that she wants to be her mother side.

  • 6.    Conclusion

The maxim is the type of politeness maxim which is mostly used in this movie that is Approbation Maxim. The reason why the politeness of approbation maxim is applied by the two main characters in this movie is the contexts of situation which obliges them to apply it as the two main characters are mother and daughter and they are from the royal family in Dunbroch. The two main characters must use it to avoid conflict and give appreciation for others as both are actually the role models of their people.

  • 7.    Bibliography

Leech, Geofrrey N. 1983. Principle of Pragmatics. Longman Group Ltd, London

Richards, J.C. and Schmidt (eds). 1983. Language and Communication. Longman Group Ltd, London and New York.