Illocutionary Acts Found in the Movie Entitled “Hangover”
ISSN: 2302-920X
Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud
Vol 21.1 Nopember 2017: 124-128
Illocutionary Acts Found in the Movie Entitled “Hangover”
I Putu Bayu Perdana Putra1*, Made Budiarsa2
English Department, Faculty of Arts – Udayana University 1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]]
*Corresponding Author
Penelitian ini berjudul Tindak Ilokusi yang Ditemukan dalam Film yang Berjudul 'Hangover' yang disutradarai oleh Todd Philips. Tulisan ini difokuskan dan membahas tentang tindak ilokusi terutama pada pengelompokan jenis dan menentukan fungsi jenis tindak ilokusi. Untuk menyusun tulisan ini, cara mendapatkan data adalah melalui metode dokumentasi. Metode ini sesuai untuk penelitian ini karena data diambil dari film melalui teknik mencatat. Selain itu, metode kualitatif digunakan untuk menganalisis dan menyajikan data yang terkumpul. Sebagaihasilnya, penelitian ini mencakup lima jenis tindak illokusi yang ditemukan pada film berjudul Hangover yaitu; assertif, direktif, comisif, ekspresif, dandeclarasi. Dan fungsi dari jenis tindak ilokusi itu adalah assertif (memberikandeskripsi, mengklaim, meminta, danmengkomplin), direktif (menyarankan, meminta, menanyakan, memperingatkan), comisif (menawarkan, menjanjikan, menolak), ekspresif (ucapanselamat, menyapa, ucapan terimakasih ), dan deklarasi (penunjukan). Untuk menyimpulkan penelitian ini, semua jenis tindak illokusi yang ditemukan didasarkan pada proses klasifikasi ucapan pembicara untuk menentukan jenis tindak illokusi. Kedua, fungsi tindak ilokusi ditemukan melalui analisis konteks situasi berdasarkan cara SPEAKING sesuai kebutuhan, yaitu setting and scene, participants, ends, act and sequences, and key, instrumentalities, norms, and genre.
Kata kunci: ilokusi, jenis, fungsi
Language is a tool used by people to communicate with each other. In communication, speaker delivers the message through the utterance to hearer. Utterance is a term of linguistic expression used in specific context. Sometimes, misunderstanding happens when the hearer or the interpreter does not fully understand what speaker says or the meaning of the utterance is not clear.
This can happen because the utterance uttered by speaker is not only uttering the sounds of the language for communicating but speaker also performs the act of doing something such as the act of ordering, act of asking, act of making
promise, act of making an offer, act of giving command, etc. In other words, when speaker utters an utterance, it is only means as what he says but means something else even tends someone to do something. The act performed via utterance is called speech act (Yule (2000).The term of speech act is firstly introduced by Austin.
Levinson (1987:236) states that there are three basics of speech acts; they are locutionary act: the utterance of sentence with determinate sense and reference. Illocutionary act: the making of a statement, offer, promise, etc. in uttering a sentence, by virtue of the conventional force associated with it.
Perlocutionary act: the bringing about effects on the audience by means of
uttering the sentence such effects being special to the circumstance of utterance. Illocutionary acts can be found in the movie. Movie is a part of the entertainment industry. This study used a movie entitled Hangoverwritten by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore as object to discuss. This movie was chosen because it is relevant to this study and consists of many utterances that contain illocutionary acts performed by each character of the movie and can be considered as the data.
Based on the background above the problems are formulatedin two questions as follows:
1. What are the types of illocutionary acts found in the movie entitled “Hangover”?
2. What are the functions of those types of illocutionary acts found in the movie entitled “Hangover”?
Based on the problems of the study mentioned above, the aims of this study are presented in two questions as follows:
1. Toclassify the types of illocutionary acts applied in the movie entitled “Hangover”
2. Toidentify and describe the
functions of illocutionary acts found in the movie entitled “Hangover”
The data of the study were taken from the movie entitled “Hangover”. Documentation method was used to collect the data. This study applied the qualitative
research methodin order to give a deep explanation descriptively in analyzing the data. There were two theories used to analyze the data. The fist theory was the taxonomy of illocutionary acts proposed by Searle (1979) used to analyze the types of illocutionary acts. The second theory is the way of speaking proposed by Hymes (1972) used to analyze functions of illocutionary acts through the analysis ofthe context of situation.
The discussion presents the analysis of the types and functions of the illocutionary acts found in the movie entitled Hangover using the theory taxonomy of illocutionary acts proposed by Searle (1979) and ways of speaking proposed by Hymes (1972).
Linda : Anything?
Tracy : I tried them all. It keeps
going straight to voicemail.
Linda : Well, there has to be an
explanation. (00:01:21 ÷00:01:23)
Sid : Sweetie, its Vegas. You lose track of time in casinos. There’s no window, there’s no clock. He’s probably on a heater. And you never walk away from the table when you’re on a heater.
Linda : You do if you’re getting
married. (00:01:34÷00:01:36)
(The situation of this conversation is Tracy worried about her groom who travel to Vegas and don’t answered the
call because the marriage would be held in few hours.)
The utterance performed by Mr. Sid was a prediction about something that might happen in a place named Vegas to Tracy who worried about her groom condition. Mr. Sid as the speaker predicted when people in Vegas especially in the casinos might lose their time; they might not want to leave that place and forgot about the time when they were on a heater. Speaker taught that it mightalso happen to Tracy’s groom.
The reaction of the other participant, in this case, Linda looks like hesitant to what Mr. Sid is said. It is showed by her question “you do if you’re getting married?” She might think it is impossible to gamble when someone would get married in few hours again. On the other hand, Mr. Sid might have own reason for his prediction. It might be connecting to his experiences. So, it is showed that what Mr. Sid is said is just a prediction and it might not be true.
This utterance tends to be regarded as an assertive illocutionary act. The point of the purpose of this utterance is commitment of the speaker to the truth of the expressed prepositions (Searle, 1979). In this case, speaker (Mr. Sid) expresses his prediction by describing about Vegas and what people might be done in Vegas to hearer (his daughter).
From the conversation, setting and scene referring to place, time, and range of
formality, this conversation among Tracy, Mr. Sid, and Linda takes place in Mr. Sid family’s living room where all the members of the family gathered together waiting for the groom’s confirmation in informal condition.
Tracy, Linda, and Mr. Sid are the participants of this conversation. In the beginning, the conversation was only between Linda and Tracy. Tracy called his groom who went to Vegas. She worried because his groom did not answer the call.
Linda looked out to the window, she worried too because the marriage would be held in some hours again. In this situation, Mr. Sid (Tracy father) was calm. He knew what might happen if someone went to Vegas. Then, Mr. Sid was involved the conversation, he said “Sweetie, its Vegas. You lose track of time in casinos. There’s no window, there’s no clocks. He’s probably on a heater. And you never walk away from the table when you’re on a heater”.
Therefore, his utterance directly refers to his daughter. Mr. Sid produced this utterance to inform his daughter who worried about her groom’s condition about thing that might happen in Vegas through his prediction. He believes that people in Vegas would lose of their whole time when they were in casinos. The keys of this conversation are showed by the way Mr. Sid delivered his utterance to Tracy. He uttered it using politeness expression. He used precise and clam tone; meanwhile the situation at that time was serious. So, by using this way, Mr. Sid wanted Tracy to believe him. The genre of this conversation is daily conversation.
Through the analysis of the context of situation found in this utterance based on the way of speaking, function of Mr.
Sid’s utterance “sweetie, it is Vegas. You lose track of time in casinos. There’s no window, there’s no clock. He’s probably on a heater. And you never walk away from the table when you’re on a heater” was to inform Tracy by describing Vegas.
(This conversation held in Mr. Sid’s house before Allan and Doug went to Vegas)
Allan: I want you to know Doug, I’m a steel trap. Whatever happens tonight, I never, ever, ever, speak a word of it. (00:04:49÷00:04:57) Doug: Okay, yeah, I got it. Thank you. I don’t think that (00:04:48÷00:05:00) Allan: Seriously, I don’t care what happens. I don’t care if we kill someone (00:05:00÷00:05:05)
Doug: What? (00:05:05)
The utterance uttered by Allan was an act of claiming that he was a steal trap. According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, claim; to say that (something) belongs to you or that you deserve (something). Doug replied what was Allan said calmly, he taught they just travelled to Vegas, have funs and did some parties.
Allan taught that Doug did not believe him. Then, he walked forward to Doug and said “seriously, I don’t care what happens. I don’t care if we kill someone.” This statement was like the supporting statement of what Allan had claimed before that he was a steal trap and he never spoke a word for what he had been doing.
In performing this utterance, speaker (Allan) expressed the preposition (I am
steal trap), he represented the world as he believed it to hearer (Doug), thus made Doug to believe in his own reason. The purpose of this utterance was appropriate with the purpose of the members of the assertive class, that is, to commit the speaker to the truth of the expressed preposition. So, this utterance can be regarded as an assertive illocutionary act.
Here, the analysis of the function of this type of illocutionary act is based onthe analysis of the context of situation found in the utterance.This conversation took time and place in middle day in Allan’s house. There are two participants, Allan and Doug. Allan is Tracy’s brother, Tracy is Doug’s bride. Both participants have close relationship as brother in-law. The conversations between Allan and Doug started after they tried the clothes for the Doug’s marriage.
Allan hesitated about to joint Doug to Vegas. He felt it would be better if Doug went to Vegas without him. Doug disagreed with Allan’s statement. He made sure that Allan should go with him because it was just the trip to Vegas, had funs, and did some parties. After Allan heard that, he started to talk seriously. He told Doug that he was a steel trap and what would happen at that night, he never, ever, spoke a word of it. Allan uttered “I’m a steel trap” with precise tone, but Doug smiled at him and looked like that what Allan said was not important or what Allan was said was like a joke.
Then, Allan moved to him with serious face, and direct eye contact to him. This sign indicated that Allan showed that he was honest and wanted the Doug to get
intension to him when he was talking. Then, Allan replied, he said that he did not care what would happen when he travelled to Vegas. Moreover, he did not care if he killed someone. By uttering this utterance, Allan wanted Doug to believe that he was a steel trap was true.
Through the analysis of the context of situation found in this utterance, the function of this utterance was to tell the hearer how the speaker was.
Through the analysis of the utterance based on what this study found in the movie entitled Hangover, it can be concluded as follows:
Firstly, there are five types of illocutionary acts found in the movie entitled “Hangover”. They are assertive, directive, commissive, expressive, and declaration. All the types found through the way of classifying the form of the utterance. Classifying the speaker’s utterance is important to determine the purpose of the utterance. The utterance could be a statement, a request, a question, declaration, and so on. This process is aimed to determine what utterance belongs to types of illocutionary acts.
Secondly, there are some functions of those types of illocutionary acts found in the movie entitled “Hangover”; they are the functions of assertive illocutionary act are giving description, claiming, requesting or complaining; the functions of directive illocutionary act include advising, requesting, asking, warning, the functions of commissive illocutionary act include offering, promising, refusing, the functions of expressive illocutionary act include congratulating, greeting, thanking, and the
function of declaration illocutionary act includes appointing.
Austin, J.L. 1970. How to Do Things with Words. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Hymes, D. 1972. Directions in Sociolinguistics: Ethnography of Communication.
Pennsylvania: University of
Levinson, Stephen C. 1987.
Pragmatics.Cambrige: Cambrige University Press.
Searle, J.R. 1979.Expression and Meaning: Studies in the Theory of Speech Acts. Cambrige: Cambrige
University Press.
Yule, George. 2000. Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University.
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