ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 21.1 Nopember 2017: 120-123

The Analysis of Illocutionary Acts in the Titanic Movie

Dewa Gede Bayu Prakarsa

English Department, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University [[email protected]]


Judul skripsi ini adalah Analisis Tindak Ilokusi di dalam Film Titanic. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada pembahasan penggunaan tindakan ilokusi dalam ucapan tokoh utama di film Titanic. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menemukan konteks situasi dan mengklasifikasikan tindakan ilokusi yang digunakan dalam film Titanic. Sumber data dari penelitian ini diambil dari film Titanic. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah metode dokumentasi dengan mengamati dan menonton film kemudian menuliskan percakapan yang dianggap data yang cocok. Metode deskriptif kualitatif digunakan untuk menganalisis data dengan mengklasifikasikan data ke dalam lima jenis ilokusi beserta dengan penjelasan maknanya. Ada dua teori utama yang digunakan dalam menganalisis data, yang pertama adalah teori jenis tindakani lokusi oleh Searle (1976). Teori ini digunakan untuk menganalisis jenis tindak ilokusi terhadap ucapan-ucapan tokoh utama di dalam film. Yang kedua adalah teori konteks situasi pembicara oleh Leech (1983) untuk menganalisis konteks situasi yang terdapat pada film Titanic. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan ada empat jenis tindakan ilokusi yang ditemukan dalam film, diantaranya adalah (1) Asertif, (2) Direktif, (3) Comisif, dan (4) Ekspresif. Contoh-contoh yang ditemukan mengenai jenis tersebut, ada yang mengklaim, meminta, menjanjikan, memerintahkan, berterimakasih, dan menjengkelkan. Konteks situasi sangat berguna untuk mengetahui apa yang maksud dari pembicara dengan berucap menggunakan tindak ilokusi ke pendengar.

Kata kunci: ucapan, ilokusi, konteks situasi, film Titanic

  • 1.    Background of the Study

Language is the system of sounds, words, patterns, etc. used by human to communicate thoughts and feelings. Language is the system of communication in speech and writing used by people of a particular country. It is impossible for the human to live without communicating with others and language is the main means of communication.

Communication occurs in every aspect in life, such as social, politics, economy and culture. It is commonly described in some media, especially in the electronic media, like movie. Movie becomes the most influential media than

any other media since as audio and visual, the work together to make the audience interested in watching.

The context is an important thing in pragmatic study because context is the background knowledge assumed to be shared by the speaker and hearer and which contributes to the hearer’s interpretation of what the speaker means by giving an utterance. Beside context, there are other aspects of speech; they are hearer and speaker, purpose of speech, etc.

According to Austin (1962) speech acts is the actions performed in saying something. Speech act theory says that the action performed when an utterance is produced can be analyzed

based on the three different levels. They are Locutionary act, Illocutionary act, Perlocutionary act. Locutionary act is roughly equivalent to uttering a certain sentence with a certain sense and reference, which again is roughly equivalent to ‘meaning’ in traditional sense. Second, illocutionary act such as informing, ordering, warming, and undertaking. Thirdly, perlocutionary acts achieve by saying something, such as convincing, persuading, deterring, and even, say, surprising or misleading.

This study was conducted to find out types of illocutionary acts on movie. Besides, this study also analyzes the contexts occurring in some conversations. The data used in this study were taken from the movie Titanic. The movie tells about a love story. It took place in the famous ship called Titanic. The story has a plot telling back to the past. Rose as the main character in this movie was engaged with Cal. But she didn’t love him. She agreed with that because of her mother’s pressure. Cal was a rich man. He has many companies in several countries. Rose’s mother chose him because she wanted to change her life. Rose met Jack when she wanted to end her life by jumping from the ship. He was a man from lower class. He was poor man but he was kind person. Time passed they both started to love each other. But on the way they got a lot of troubles. One of them was when their ship hit an ice berg and then sank. At the end of the story Jack died. This movie was produced by director James Cameron and distributed by 20th Century Fox.

Rose has a unique way of talking to other persons. It was very interesting to analyze Rose's utterances because he is the main character and the key in this movie. In the movie, she recounts her experience when the Titanic ship sank

and she was one of the survivors of the incident. This study tried to find out types of illocutionary act used in Rose’s utterances. And from that, this study also analyzes the contexts occurring in Rose’s conversation. Hopefully, this study can help us to learn more and understand about the context and types of illocutionary act in the movie Titanic.

  • 2.    Problem of the Study

Based on the background, there are two problems appearing to be discussed.

  • a.    What contexts of situations are found in the Titanic movie?

  • b.    What types of illocutionary acts are implied in Rose’s utterances in the Titanic movie?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

Based on the problems above the purpose of this study can be formulated as follows:

  • a.    To identify the contexts of situation found in the Titanic movie.

  • b.    To analyze the types of illocutionary acts implied in Rose’s utterances in the Titanic movie.

  • 4.    Research Method

Documentation method was used to collect the data in this study, which means that the data were taken from the movie Titanic as the main data and supported by its scripts. Meanwhile, the descriptive qualitative method was used to analyze data in this study, which means that the information gathered is not in numerical form. The qualitative method was applied to give a deep explanation descriptively in analyzing the data. There were two major theories used to analyze the data. The first was the theory of types of illocutionary acts

by Searle (1976) used to analyze the types of illocutionary acts toward the utterances in the movie. The second was the theory of aspects of the speech situation proposed by Leech (1983) to find out the context of situations that occurred in this movie.

  • 5.    Findings and Discussions

The discussions present the analysis of the types of illocutionary acts and the context occurring in Rose’s utterances found in movie Titanic using the theory proposed by Searle (1976) and Leech (1983)

  • 5.1.    Data 1

A conversation between Lovett and Rose in minutes 00:12:50, as follows:

LOVETT: This is Brock Lovett. What can I do for you, Mrs...? Mrs. Rose Calvert.

ROSE: I was just wondering if you had found the "Heart of the Ocean" yet, Mr. Lovett.

LOVETT:  Alright. You have my

attention, Rose. Can you tell me who the woman in the picture is?

ROSE: Oh yes. The woman in the picture is me. (Claiming)

  • a.    Context

  • 1.    Addresser & Addressee: Rose & Lovett

  • 2.    Setting: In the Rose’s kitchen

  • 3.    Context of Situation: Rose was in the kitchen with her granddaughter Lizzy. Rose was surprised when she saw her picture on television. The picture was made by Jack who had made her life until now. Then she called Lovett who had found the picture. She started the conversation by making sure that the Titanic ship had been found. Then Lovett said

that it was true that the ship had been found. Then he asked about the picture. Did you know anything about it? Then she said that the woman in the picture was her. The following day, team Lovett picked Rose from her house to go to a research office located in a large ship. There they took Rose into a stateroom that contained things had been found on the ship such as small mirror, comb, hair clip, plate, etc. She claimed that all the things that were here were often seen and she always used when she was young, including the picture that made her always think about Jack.

  • b.    The analysis of illocutionary act From Rose’s utterance “Oh yes..The woman in the picture is me”. Rose conveys her belief that she claimed that the picture on the television was her. She tried to convince Lovett and all the people that the woman in the picture was her. She explained about the incident that she remembered at that time. By the way, she wanted Lovett and all people to know the truth and believe her.

Based on the theory of illocutionary act proposed by Searle (1979), Rose used illocutionary acts of assertive. Assertive commits the speaker to something’s being the case, to the truth of the expressed proposition. Rose conveyed her belief that she claimed that the picture on the television was her. She explained about the incident that she remembered at that time. She dares to say it because she knew the truth that she was the woman in the picture. It is clear that the utterance is asserting.

  • 6.    Conclusion

First, among the five types of illocutionary acts proposed by Searle

(1979), there are four types of illocutionary acts found in the movie Titanic. They are Assertives, Directives, Commissives,     and    Expressives.

Yule, George. 1996. Pragmatic. Oxford : Oxford University

Declarations were not found since the story and the setting of the movie did not include the environment in which Declarations can exist.

Second, the context of situation theory proposed by Leech (1983) especially addresser & addressee, setting, and context of situations is very useful to know what the speaker's intention by producing the utterance to the hearer. The context of situations supported the speaker’s intention or illocutionary acts in producing the utterance.

  • 7.    Bibliography

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Hymes, D. 1972. Toward Ethnography of Communication: The Analysis of Communication Events. In Giglioli

Leech, Geoffrey N. 1983. Principles of Pragmatic. New York: Longman Inc.

Searle, John R. 1969. Speech acts : An Essay in The Philosophy of Language. Cambridge University Press

Schiffrin, Deborah. 1994. Approach to Discourse. Cambridge: Blackwell