ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 21.1 Nopember 2017: 115-119

The Analysis of Code Switching Found in TV Programs

Ni Putu Dewi Wulan Widyasari

English Department, Faculty of Arts – Udayana University

[[email protected]]


Judul dari skripsi ini adalah Analisis Tentang Alih Kode Dalam Program Televisi. Dalam tulisan ini, pembahasan terfokus pada alih kode bahasa Indonesia-bahasa Inggris yang dilakukan oleh pembawa acara akibat dari bilingualisme di kehidupan yang modern ini. Tulisan ini terbatas pada poin berikut; jenis alih kode bahasa Indonesia-bahasa Inggris dan fungsi dari alih kode bahasa Indonesia-bahasa Inggris. Semua data diambil dari program televisi; BREAKOUT NET TV dan CNN Indonesia TRANS TV. Data tersebut dalam bentuk lisan, didapatkan dengan cara mengunduh video dari Youtube dan merekam program dari televisi, dan selanjutnya dirubah ke bentuk tulisan (percakapan). Data dianalisis menggunakan metode kualitatif dan deskriptif, teori yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah teori dari Poplack (1995) yang mengusulkan bahwa ada tiga jenis alih kode; tag, intrasentensial dan intersentensial, dan teori dari Appel dan Muysken (1987) yang menjelaskan bahwa ada enam fungsi alih kode; referensial, direktif, ekspresif, fatik, puitis dan metalinguistik. Hasil analisis dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tag, inter-sentensial dan intra-sentensial pada peralihan kode ditemukan dalam sumber data. Sementara itu, untuk fungsi dari alih kode, ditemukan empat fungsi; referensial, direktif, fatik dan metalinguistik.

Kata kunci: bilingualisme, kode, jenis.

  • 1.    Background of The Study

Nowadays communication development is getting bigger. Many electronic media offer various alternatives to communicate with others. Nonetheless, language still plays an important role in interacting with others. Language also forms reflection of culture and trend. Without language, we can't communicate with others. Indonesia has one national language and it has many vernaculars. Besides, Indonesians also use International language (English) for some condition. Young people like to switch from Indonesian into English. This can be influenced

bysocial, register, education, trend, environmen t or some condition. Thus, they speak two languages in one speech, which is called

bilingualism. People speak one language and then switch it into another language in the first, middle and the end of their utterances. Every word that has been spoken has certain meaning and it is the reason why they switch their language. The main goal of switching is to convey messages or information from speaker to listener smoothly and to make good communication between them. The variety of languages can be found in a show or a conversation in Indonesian television programs. It is done by the presenters or public figures appearing on television shows. They sometimes use a variety of language in presenting their program, even mix or switch the language from one to another. In sociolinguistics, this is called code switching. Grosjean (1982) defines code

switching as the alternation use of two languages or more languages in the same utterance or conversation. There are a lot of phenomena of code switching in television programs. The presenters can speak English well. Sometimes they switch code from Indonesian into English or switch code from English into Indonesian. They make special characteristics by switching or mixing their language to get all the obstacles out of the path of his message.

  • 2.    Problem of The Study

Based on the background above the problems are formulated as follows:

  • 1.    What are the types of code switching used by the presenters of Breakout and CNN Indonesia?

  • 2.    What are the functions of code switching used by the presenters of Breakout and CNN Indonesia?

  • 3.    What TV program that code switching mostly found on?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

  • 1.    To identify the types of code switching used by the presenters of Breakout NET TV.

  • 2.    To analyze the functions of code switching used by the presenters of Breakout NET TV.

  • 3.    To find out what TV program that code switching mostly found.

  • 4.    Research Method

There are two data used; they are Breakout and CNN Indonesia. Data 1 were taken from Youtube entitled “Breakout NET Musisi yang banyak ditolak label di awal karir 30 Maret 2016" which was uploaded by BREAKOUT NET TV and data 2 which is CNN Indonesia were manually recorded from television. The methods of collecting data used in this study are the library research and note taking. The method used in this paper is the qualitative method. In this case, the theory of code switching proposed by Poplack (in

Romaine 1989) was used to analyze the types of code switching. For the functions of using code switching, the data were analyzed based on the theory proposed by Appel and Muysken (1987: 118-120). To answer the third problem, the data is presented in table percentage.

  • 5.    Findings and Discussion

The following examples present the types of code switching and the functions of using code switching.

  • 5.1.1  Types of Code Switching

    5.1.2  Tag Switching

Tag-switching is simply the insertion of a tag in one language in an utterance which is entirely in the other language, e.g. you know, I mean, right?. The examples of data analysis are as follows.

Boy: Yeah, Coldplay tinggi juga. Se-U2 lah. (Breakout, Segment 3)

In the utterance above tag switching occurs and is located in the beginning of utterance by the exclamation ‘yeahʼ and it is separated by comma from its next word. Based on the Oxford Dictionary Fourth edition (2008:517), the word ‘yeahʼ is the informal form of yes.

  • 5.1.3    Inter-sentential Switching

Inter-sentential switching is described as the switch between sentence boundaries, where one sentence is in one language and the other is in another language. The examples of data analysis are as follows.

Daniar: Dan saya Daniar Achri. Sekali lagi selamat hari perempuan Internasional.

Have a great day and stay positive.(CNN Indonesia, Segment 5)

In this utterance, the presenter did some code switching between English and Bahasa Indonesia. We can categorize this utterance as

inter-sentential switching since there is a complete sentence in the end of the utterance ʻhave a great day and stay positiveʼ right after Bahasa Indonesia utterance.

  • 5.1.4    Intra-sentential Switching

Intra-sentential switching refers to the switching that occurs inside the same clause or sentence which then contains the elements of both languages. The examples of data analysis are as follows.

Boy: Dan sekarang kita mau ngomongin yang unik, nih. Ini musisi-musisi yang hari ini kalian idolain ternyata dulu ya, karya mereka tuh sempet ditolak-tolak sama label-label rekaman.(Breakout, segment 1)

The sentence above can be categorized as intra-sentential switching because the switch from Indonesia to English occurs within the sentence boundary. Here, ʻlabelʼ means a company that produces recorded music according to the Oxford Dictionary ( bel). The presenter used  ʻlabel-labelʼ to

emphasize that there are more than one labels that ignore musicians who are going to be talked about.

  • 5.1.5    Functions of Code Switching

There are six functions of code switching proposed by Appel and Muskyen (1987). They are referential function, directive function, expressive function, phatic function, poetic function and metalinguistic function. In this study, there are four functions found as listed below.

  • 5.1.6    Referential

Sheryl: Yeah, true. Jadi Vidi ini akhirnya mendapat salah satu label yang merupakan major label waktu itu.

Tapi dulu itu dia sempat ikut ajang pencarian bakat dan itu juga dia ditolak. Pokoknya semua jenis audition dia ikut sampai akhirnya he made his own record label. (Breakout, segment6)

Regarding to the function, the data above serve as referential function by using ʻlabelʼ and ʻauditionʼ. This is categorized as referential function because there is no appropriate translation in Bahasa Indonesia for those English words. And if the translation is available in Bahasa Indonesia, the word expressed will be heard as a strange expression because that is not a common word used in daily life by the people in our country.

  • 5.1.7    Directive

Daniar: Dan saya Daniar Achri. Sekali lagi selamat hari perempuan internasional. Have a great day and stay positive.( CNN Indonesia, segment 5)

ʻHave a great day and stay positiveʼ involves directive function since the presenter used this expression to invite or suggest the viewers to stay positive or in other words keeping being happy and she also wishes everyone to have a great day.

  • 5.1.8    Phatic

Sheryl: Yeah, true. Jadi Vidi ini akhirnya mendapat salah satu label yang merupakan major label waktu itu. Tapi dulu itu dia sempat ikut ajang pencarian bakat dan itu juga dia ditolak. Pokoknya semua jenis audition dia ikut sampai akhirnya he made his own record label. (Breakout, segment 6)

When the presenter switched the utterance from Bahasa Indonesia to English ʻhe made his own record labelʼ there is a change in tone of the conversation in order to emphasize the message. Therefore, this can be categorized as phatic function.

  • 5.1.9    Metalinguistic

Sheryl: Yes, bukan mereka. Nah, pada saat itu manager-nya The Beatles itu langsung membawa demonya The Beatles ini ke salah satu tempat kayak tempat hmm bukan tempat recording sih, kayak toko kaset gitu lah ya. Disitu mereka disarankan kalo The Beatles kayanya cocok masuk ke EMI. (Breakout, segment 1)

Due to the function of code switching, it serves metalinguistic function because the presenter prefers to use recording rather than rekaman to show her English skill. It also involves a referential function using manager because there is no appropriate translation in Bahasa Indonesia.

  • 6.    Conclusion

The code switching found in the TV programs; Breakout and CNN Indonesia has been analyzed in the previous chapter. The types of code switching are analyzed based on the theory proposed by Poplack, while the functions of code switching are analyzed based on the theory proposed by Appel and Muysken.

The Indonesian English code switching is a common phenomenon in the Indonesian music program. The three types of code switching found in the TV programs Breakout and CNN Indonesia are tag switching, intra-sentential switching

and inter-sentential switching. Intra-sentential switching is found as the most dominant occurrence in Breakout, while in CNN Indonesia is dominated by tag switching. The occurrence of code switching is mostly found in Breakout rather that in CNN Indonesia, since Breakout is a music program which is presented in a non-formal way, so the presenters are easier to use the language they are comfortable with.

The functions of code switching in this study analyzed based on six functions which are proposed by Appel and Muysken are referential function, directive function, expressive function, phatic function, metalinguistic function and poetic function. There are four out of six functions of code switching found in the music program Breakout; they are referential function, directive function, phatic function and metalinguistic function. While in CNN Indonesia there are three functions of code switching found; they are metalinguistic function, phatic function and directive function. Most of the code switching occur as referential function and metalinguistic function since there are many phrases which are better to be expressed in English rather than in Bahasa Indonesia and the presenters showed an impressive expression to the viewer in order to make the utterance sound interesting.

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