ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 21.1 Nopember 2017: 6-11

Communication Relation of Propositions: A Case Study of Noun Phrase Shift in Rick’s The Serpent’s Shadow and Bayangan Sang Ular

Ni Wayan Dessrimama1*, I Nyoman Sedeng, Putu Lirishati Soethama3 [123]English Department, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University 1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]] 3[[email protected]]

*Corresponding Author


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tipe-tipe hubungan makna yang menghubungkan dua atau lebih proposisi dengan topik tambahan pergeseran frasa nomina dalam penterjemahan. Penelitian ini fokus pada hubungan makna dan pergeseran pada frasa nomina. Data diambil dari novel berjudul The Serpent’s Shadow dan terjemahannya Bayangan Sang Ular (2010). Jenis penelitian ini adalah studi pustaka. Data dikumpul melalui teknik membaca dan mencatat. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis secara kualitatif dan deskriptif. Teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data adalah teori hubungan makna oleh Larson (1998), dan teori Pergeseran dalam penterjemahan oleh Catford (1965). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa tipe hubungan makna yang ditemukan adalah sequential, simultaneous, progressive, conjoining, alternation, orientation, logical dan clarification. Sementara untuk pergersan frasa nomina ditemukan structure shift, unit shift, intra-system shift, class shift.

Kata kunci: hubungan makna, pergeseran, frasa nomina

  • 1.    Background of the Study

Language uses words to mean the specialized sound signaling system which seems to be genetically programmed to be developed in humans. As part of the culture, it grows and spreads within a society serving as a tool of communication. It plays a major role of expressing what people have in their mind and want to share with others. Communication can be done in various different ways: winking, waving, smiling, tapping someone on the shoulder, and so on, thus language also the way of conducting the communication because it functions to transfer message orally or written.

In accordance with the fact that language helps people transfer message during communication, it is then justifiable to say that word used by language carries meaning. The meaning intended in the words being used is

inevitably related to the notion embodied by each word. Sometimes the meaning of a word is not necessarily discovered or understood explicitly but can also implicitly, thus the notion embodied by the word itself can be helpful. The implicit meaning of a word or sentence hides in deeper structure and called semantic meaning. When someone says “You are my apple” the one addressed as ‘apple’ is not necessarily an apple. The semantic meaning of an apple is dear child. The semantic meaning can also occur in different roles such as to describe time of an event, why something happens, where it takes place etc. This is the variation that a language has when it transfers a message

With regard to the meaning, when a language is to be translated the meaning of the SL is preserved in TL. In other words, the semantic layer to

which a sentence or a word belongs is similar. Rarely two languages are found with complete similarity. There must be differences in their either grammatical system or syntactical structure or in any other aspects. Therefore, when one language is translated into another different language, changes in structure are inevitable. But we see no problem can occur because when translation is conducted, the message or meaning of SL is preserved in TL.

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

Based on the background stated above, the problems discussed in this study can be formulated as follows:

  • 1.    What types of communication relation do propositions have in the novel entitled The Serpent’s Shadow and its translation Bayangan Sang Ular?

  • 2.    What categories of noun phrase shifts are carried out?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

Based on the problems mentioned, the aims of this study can be formulated as follows:

  • 1.    To discover types of communication relation of propositions have in the novel entitled The Serpent’s Shadow and its translation Bayangan Sang Ular

  • 2.    To identify shifts of noun phrase in the translation.

  • 4.    Research Method

There are three aspects of the research method used in this study, namely data source, method and technique of collecting data, and method and technique of analyzing data.

  • 4.1    Data Source

The data were taken from the novel entitled The Serpent’s Shadow (2013) and its translation Bayangan

Sang Ular. The language used in this novel is easy to understand and simple with clusters of propositions that occur in form of compound or complex sentences. The novel was firstly published in 2013 by Disney. Hyperion Books

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of

    Collecting Data

The data were collected using the note taking technique. First, the SL novel was read carefully. Second, the propositions were underlined and put into table. The same steps were done as well for the novel in TL version.

  • 4.3    Method and Technique of

    Analyzing Data

The data were analyzed through the qualitative and descriptive method. Descriptive and qualitative studies are generally characterized by simultaneous data collection and analysis. In the descriptive and qualitative method, the data are systematically and accurately analyzed based on the theory proposed by Larson and Catford. As for this study, the analysis of the data were observed from the scope of discussion and the theoretical framework and the results were presented using the descriptive method, which means that the result is in the form of description.

  • 5.    Finding and Discussion

There were fourteen examples of this research but only five of them are presented here for the sake of efficiency. The example was typed in bold and are of two categories. The first category is the analysis of communication relation and the second is the analysis of noun phrase shift. The analysis can be presented as follows:

  • 5.1    Communication Relation               The sentence can be broken down

  • A.    Sequential                         into two propositions:

(Datum 1) “Stuck in the throne room of the gods every day, helping Amos run the First Nome every night,”

T              A                                   A

(Somebody)    is stuck     in the throne room of the gods        every day

T             E                            A

(Somebody)       helps    Amos run the First Nome       every night

Cores of the both propositions shown above—stuck and help—are related in terms of time. This relationship can be obviously traced in the attribute every day of the first proposition and every night in the second proposition. Within each proposition, these adverbs clearly indicate time or when something is happening. However, these adverbs of time denote different occasions that they tell the readers two things that do not happen at the same time. Therefore, they are still chronologically related.

Whether there is time overlapping between the two propositions, it can be seen from the difference between their time indicators—every night and every day. These time indicators mark a particularly different time within a day and therefore, the communication relation is sequential. That means that somebody is stuck in the throne room of the gods every day and then somebody helps Amos run the first Nome every night.

  • B.    Orientation

(Datum 2) Strolling along the Nile we saw the old temple

Form the sentence above there can be found two propositions, namely: (1) We strolled along the Nile, and (2) We saw the old temple.

The first proposition tells the location where the main event happened while the second proposition is the main proposition and has the role of HEAD of the propositional cluster. The second

proposition is said to be the HEAD because there is a gap of prominence between the first and the second one. Because the first proposition mainly indicates location which also means that its background information relates the first and second clause in term of circumstance; therefore, the relation between them is circumstance-HEAD.

circumstance We strolled along the Nile

HEAD       We saw the old temple

  • C.    Logical

(Datum 3) Teacher chaperones walked the perimeter on “bush patrol, making sure that none of the older students sneaked off into the shrubbery.

There can be found three propositions from the datum 3:

Teacher chaperones walked the perimeter on “bush patrol”

Teacher made sure of something

Students did not sneak off into the shrubbery

One example of the subtypes of logical relation is the purpose-MEANS relationship. Purpose-MEANS relation is often signaled in SL by the conjunction in order to express the notion of cause and effect. For example, she went to call him to dinner consists of two propositions; the MEANS, she went and the purpose. (in order that) she call him to dinner. Similarly in datum 3,

though there are three propositions, two of them are of the purposes. The MEANS of the datum 3 is, Teacher chaperones walked the perimeter on “bush patrol and the purpose, (in order that) teacher wanted to make sure

something that is students did not sneak off into the shrubbery. In doing the MEANS, there the implicit element of intention which implicitly answer the question what is undertaken to achieve the intended result.

MEANS       Teacher chaperones walked the perimeter on “bush patrol”

Teacher made sure of something


Students did not sneak off into the shrubbery

5.2 Noun Phrase Shift

A. Structure Shift (Datum 4)



The unconscious mortals began to stir, shielding their faces from the debris. (pg. 95)

Manusia-manusia yang tak sadarkan diri mulai bergerak-gerak, melindungi wajah mereka dari serpihan sampah. (hal. 93)

Differences in linguistic system requires structural shift and due to the cultural factor, shift becomes optional as well like what it is shown in datum 4. In the NP of the SL, the head faces is preceded

Possessive adjective          Noun


modifier                head

their                   faces

Wajah            mereka


head                modifier

Noun             Noun

The structure of SL noun phrase is MH; while on the contrary, the structure of TL noun phrase is HM. The SL noun phrase “their faces” appears to be “wajah mereka” after being translated into the TL, not “mereka wajah”, which is due to the fact that the SL and TL have different linguistic system from each other. In the SL, the head of NP “their faces” is “faces” which appears in

by the modifier their. However, in the TL the NP’s head wajah is followed by the modifier-mereka. Consider the following display for an easier understanding:

the final position of the NP, while on the other hand, the translation in the TL “wajah mereka” shows that the head of NP “wajah” fills the initial position of the NP, from which it can be concluded that the shift occurs from Adj. (M) + N (H) into N (H) + Adj. (M) where the head at the final position is shifted into the initial position.

B. Unit Shift (Datum 5)



All I could do was pummel its head with my glowing blue fist, but my power was fading rapidly.

(pg. 213)

Yang bisa kulakukan hanyalah memukuli kepalanya dengan kepalan tangan biru bersinar, tetapi kekuatanku melemah dengan cepat.

(hal. 211)

Basically, the NP “glowing blue fist” in table of datum 5 underwent structural shift when it is translated to TL. The structure of NP is Adj.(M) + Adj.(M) + Adj.(M) + N (H), while the NP structure in TL is N(H) + Adj.(M) + Adj. (M). In this part, however, the focus of the discussion lies on the N(H)

of the NP. As what can be observed from the datum 5 above, there is an indication of a change in terms of meaning component amount after the process of translation. The following display shows the unit shift in the isolated part of the NP.

SL:            One meaning component


TL:                kepalan tangan

Two meaning components

Word is one rank lower than phrase, indicating that there is a rank shift. However, in this discussion the rank shift is put aside and the focus of the discussion lies on the amount of meaning component regardless the rank shift. When the translation equivalence of a unit from one language is at different rank in the receptor language in terms of meaning component amount, then it can be said as unit shift. The display above shows a word “Fist” of one meaning component in the SL, which is translated into a phrase “kepalan tangan” of two meaning components that consist of N(Det.) + N(H) in the TL. A word of one meaning component in SL has its translation equivalent in TL as a phrase of two meaning components which is of higher rank because TL has more meaning components. Therefore, datum 5 is unit shift that happens from the lower unit to the higher one.

  • 6.    Conclusion

From those examples, all types of the communication relation found in the novel—sequential, simultaneous, progression, conjoining, alternation, orientation, logical and clarification— are the underlying relation that connects one proposition to another. It implicitly or semantically tells the readers to what extent one proposition is related to another. Noun phrase as one of the constituents of the proposition underwent shift during the translation due to the different language or grammatical system between SL and TL. The shifts found were structure shift, unit shift, class shift as well as intra-system shift.


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