ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 21.1 Nopember 2017:1-5

Conflict In The Movie Inside Out By Pete Docter

Dewa Ayu Wulan Widhiantari

English Department – Faculty of Arts – Udayana University [[email protected]]


Judul dari penelitian ini adalah konflik pada film “ Inside out by Pete Docter”. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menemukan jenis konflik yang di hadapi pemeran utama dan untuk menganalisis karakter utama dalam hal aspek psikologi dalam film. Data dalam penelitian ini di ambil dari film Inside Out. Penelitian ini fokus untuk menjelaskan konflik eksternal dan internal , dan aspek pisikologis. Konfik analisis berdasarkan atas teori konflik dari Kenny (1966) yang terbagi dalam dua tipe konflik ekternal dan internal . Deskripsi dan penyajian karakter utama dengan cara menganalisis menggunakan teori dari Bernhardt (1953) yang menjelaskan tentang aspek psikologis yang terdiri dari keinginan, perasaan dan emosi. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa karakter utama menghadapi dua konflik yaitu: konflik ekternal dan internal. Aspek psikologis menjelaskan bahwa karakter utama memiliki keiinginan, perasaan dan emosi. Dari konflik itu, bisa di lihat bahwa Riley adalah karakter utama yang berusaha menjaga rahasia dalam hidupnya dan berusaha memecahkannya sendiri.

Kata kunci: Karakter Utama, Konflik, Psikologi.

  • 1.    Background of the Study

The conflicts which fiction are concerned with are of many kinds. A story may deal with a conflict within a single man, a conflict between men, a conflict between man and society, between man and nature, and so on. Conflict refers to the person who deals with life situation. It is only situation that offers a conflict (Kenney, 1966:19). The plot in this movie “Inside Out” is made through the arrangement of conflicts of Riley as the main character who has dealt with external and internal conflicts in this movie. A conflict happens because of difference. It can happen inside a person or between someone and another individual, also with society

The focus of this study is the conflict of the characters in the movie entitled “Inside Out”. Inside out is an American

3D computer animated comedy, drama adventure film produced by Pixar Animation studios and released by Walt Disney Picture. Pete Docter wrote and also directed this film. This story told about a little girl named Riley. She has a lot of emotion in her mind. In this study, the conflicts on the characters in this film were chosen as topic because the conflicts influence the whole story and it was interesting to be analyzed.

  • 2.    Problem of the study

Based on the background stated above, the research problems can be stated as follows:

  • 1.    What are the external and internal conflicts faced by the main character in the movie Inside Out?

  • 2.    How did Pete Docter describe the main character through its conflicts in relation to psychological aspect?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

Based on the problems mentioned above, the aims of this study can be stated as follows:

  • 1.    To identify and analyze the external and internal conflicts in the main character of the movie Inside out.

  • 2.    To analyze the main character in terms of psychological aspect in the movie.

  • 4.    Research Method

The research method in this study consists of data source, method and technique of collecting data, method and technique of analyzing the data, and method and technique of presenting data.

  • 4.1    Data source

The data in this study were taken from the movie entitled “Inside Out” by Pete Docter. This movie is a cartoon. Cartoon is some animation or a sketch or drawing, usually humours, as in a newspaper. Movies Inside Out is a premier movie in the movie festival Cannes on May, 18 2015 and released in USA on June, 19 2015. Inside Out is a movie telling about the young girl named Riley; she has five different emotions in her mind. The five emotions are Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger and Disgust, they controlled Riley’s attitude, when her family moved on Minnesota to San Francisco, suddenly her attitude began to change. The character’s behaviours in the movie are often seen and occur in the real

life. The data were related to the object of the study because it contains a lot of psychological conflicts of characters.

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The method used in collecting data is the documentary method. It means that the data were collected by downloading the movie, watching it, and reading the script, and taking down more information related the conflicts. The processes of collecting data are of: firstly, the data were collected by watching the movie and reading the script Inside Out by Pete Docter , understanding step by step what the meaning of the movie and repeatedly to get the information relevant to the topic of discussion. Secondly, identifying and selecting the information related to the conflicts in the movie. Finally, the data were analyzed based on the related theory.

  • 4.3    Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

The collected data were analyzed using the qualitative method based on the theoretical framework. The analysis started with the overview of the synopsis of Inside Out movie. Afterwards, the conflicts of the main character were analyzed using the theory of conflict proposed by William Kenny (1966). They are used to analyze the problem were the psychological theory proposed by Karl S. Bernhardt (1963).

  • 5.    Analysis

    • 5.1    Types of Conflict found in the movie Inside Out

  • A.    External Conflict

Conflict between Riley and Father

(Int. Kitchen Table)

Dad : Riley, I do NOT like this new attitude.

Riley : What is your problem? Just leave me alone.

Fear and Disgust tried to warn Anger so that he always made Riley feel happy, but was not successful. Anger did not want to listen Fear and Disgust, because it all made Riley and her father argue and change Riley’s attitude. Her father was very angry to see Riley’s behaviour; emotion in her father’s mind was controlled her father to make him take firm steps to Riley’s attitude.

  • B.     Internal Conflict

Riley        : Uhh… okay. My

name is Riley Andersen. I’m from Minnesota.

And now I live here.

Teacher     : And how about


Can you tell us something about it?

Well you certainly get a lot more snow than we do.

Riley          : Yeah, it gets

pretty cold. The lake freezes over, and that’s when we play hockey.

I’m on a great team. We’re called the Prairie Dogs.

My friend Meg plays forward.

My dad’s the coach. Pretty much everyone in my family skates.

Riley          : It’s a kind of

family tradition.

We go out on the lake almost every weekend

Riley         : Or we did, ‘til I

moved away.

Her teacher asked Riley to tell a little bit about her life in Minnesota, but when she told about Minnesota, suddenly Sadness touched the core memory and made her sad, because she missed Minnesota and remembered the best day ever in that town. She cried and covered her face with a bag. She was very embarrassed when she told about Minnesota, causing her to cry in front of the class

  • 1.    Psychological Aspect

    1.     Wants

(Int Headquarters)

Fear : what was that? What it a bear? It’s a bear!

Disgust: there are no bears in San Francisco!

Anger : I saw a really hairy guy. He looked like a bear.

Fear : oh, I’m so jumpy, my nerves are shot!

Disgust: Ewh, I don’t want to hear about your nerves!

Fear : That’s what I’ve been telling you guys!

There are at least 37 things for Riley to be scared of right now!

Disgust: the smell is enough to make her gag.

Anger : I can’t believe Mom and Dad moved us here!

Joy : Look, I get it. You guys have concerns.

But we’ve been through worse!

Tell you what: let’s make a list of the things

Riley should be HAPPY about!

The other emotion did not agree with Joy about what Joy wanted and they were very upset with this condition. Joy was confused about what to do to convince them that entire Riley was not affected. When Riley’s mother came and told the problem, Riley asked

where her father was, but her mom said her father was still in his office and her mother was thankful to Riley, because she was very happy to have a daughter like her. In this condition they were confused and made them stress. Riley remained a happy girl and now her father was very depressed, then her mother wanted Riley to be a cheerful girl. When Riley’s mother asked Anger, Fear, Sadness and Disgust wanted to help Joy make Riley still happy. Joy saw Riley having nightmares and she changed the dream of remaining her with the memory. The memories are when Riley with her parents spent time together.

  • 2.    Feelings

(In Headquarters)

Sadness      : I just touched it.

Joy           : that shouldn’t

make it change.

Fear         : Change it back,


In this situation Riley felt sad because Sadness touched one of the memories which began reminding Riley about the good situation and made her happy while on the vacation with her family. Sadness touched the memory and the memory could not get back again. Riley could feel sad when she remembered that memories.

  • 3.    Emotions

(Int. Kitchen Table)

Dad : ahh, so, Riley! How was school?

Riley : (snarky) school was great, alright?

Her father was shocked with her attitude which was shown to Riley. She made her father very upset and did not like her attitude. Riley became more upset when her father scolded. But her father tried not to upset and forget the situation. Her father tried to give her understand the situation.

  • 6.    CONCLUSION

In Inside Out movie, there are two internal elements; they are conflicts and the psychological aspects of main character. The conflicts in the movie describe how Riley as the main character control her conflict, with all the problems she got, Joy as the dominant emotion in Riley’s mind, she wanted to make Riley happy. The conflict of Riley could be categorized into two general types: external and internal conflicts. For the external conflict, it is shown in this story that mostly the conflict occurred between man and man, Riley had two conflicts; they are; conflict between her father and conflict between her mother. Internal conflict is also sometimes called psychological conflict. There was a conflict in Riley’s mind.

The main character was represented by Riley; she had five emotions when they was controlling Riley’s attitude. That is why she got a lot of wars between her mind and it was analyzed in the internal conflicts.

The analysis of psychological aspects of the main character is divided into want, and emotions. The wants of the main character described by the narrator of this story are mostly about Joy who wanted to make Riley happy.

The emotion in human being was reflected in the main character of the

story in Inside out; it was reflected through Joy attitude.


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