The Analysis of Conjunction in Political and Business Articles of International Bali Post
ISSN: 2302-920X
Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud
Vol 17.3 Desember 2016: 223 - 229
The Analysis Of Conjunction In Political And Business Articles Of International Bali Post
Ni Putu Alina Putri1*, I Made Winaya2, I Made Sena Darmasetiyawan3 123English Department, Faculty Of Arts Udayana University
1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]]
Corresponding Author
Jurnal berjudul The Analysis of Conjunction in Political and Business Articles of International Bali Post bertujuan untuk menganalisa jenis dan penggunaan konjungsi yang terdapat pada artikel politik dan bisnis dalam koran International Bali Post. Data yang digunakan diambil dari enam artikel dalam koran International Bali Post yang terbit pada tanggal 24 Mei 2015. Analisa menggunakan metode kualitatif dan teori Kohesi (Language, Context and Text; Aspect of Language in A Social-Semiotic Perspective, di dalam buku Halliday M.A.K and Hasan, 1976). Hasil dari studi ini menunjukan ada beberapa jenis konjungsi dan penggunaan kunjungsi dalam artikel.
Kata Kunci: Konjungsi, Aditif, Adversatif, Kausal, Temporal
Newspaper is one of the mass-media, which it is published daily. It contains news, features, advertisements, and correspondence. In the newspaper there are a lot of subjects such as medical, political, economic, business, sports and many others. The analysis of this study is needed in order to know more about the types of conjunction contained in the text in the newspaper, the meaning of conjunction and how it is used in the text. This study focuses on the types and the use of conjunctions found in political and business articles of International Bali Post, which were published on 25 May 2015. There are four types of conjunction: additive, adversative, causal, and temporal. Based on the theory proposed by Halliday and Hasan (1976:320) a conjunction is somewhat different from other cohesive relations. It is based on the assumption that there are in the linguistic form systematic relationships between sentences.
Based on the background, there were two problems focused in this study as follows:
1) What types of conjunction were used in the political and business articles of International Bali Post?
2) How were the conjunction used in political and business articles of International Bali Post?
The aims of the study are classified into two parts:
1) To identify the types of conjunction used in the Political and Business articles of International Bali Post?
2) To analyze the use of conjunction in the Political and Business articles of International Bali Post?
Research method consists of data source, method and technique of collecting data and technique of analyzing data. The data were taken from six articles of political and business of International Bali Post which were published from May 25, 2016. The data were collected by close reading and note taking and were analyzed qualitatively by applying theory of Cohesion proposed by Halliday M.A.K and Hasan in 1976.
The analysis began to find out the types of conjunction including additive, adversative, causal and temporal. The other one was to find the function of conjunction. Furthermore, the data that had been collected in this study were shown by the analysis of every sentence in an orderly way.
According to the type of conjunction, this analysis is divided into four (Additive, Adversative, Causal, and Temporal)
1. Additive
a. Example of Simple Additive Relation:
……..these entrepreneurs will be able to run their business well, expand and provide job opportunities ……..
……..these entrepreneurs will also be given support and capital if need before further business development.
……..novice entrepreneurs will also be provided so that they can take their business to the next level.
……..these entrepreneurs will also be given support and capital if need……..
Simple additive relation expressed either the external or the internal type of conjunctive relation. In the example above, it can be seen that the use of simple additive relation is expressed by and and also. In the first and second examples, the relationship between “support and capital” can be seen, which has the internal sense “there is something more to be said”. In the third and fourth examples, in fact, there is no very clear difference between the previous two. It is expressed by the example above, “entrepreneurs will also be provided” and “entrepreneurs will also be given”. There is a relationship between previous information, which was delivered before. Based on the analysis in the first and second examples in the use of the conjunctive and, the use of conjunction was found in the first example to add further information from the previous information which makes the sentence cohesive. It can be seen from “support and capital”. In this situation, the conjunction and is also used in the internal sense “there is something more to be said”.
The use word also in the example above has similar function to the conjunctive and, that is, to add further information from the previous information. It can be seen from “will also be provided, where it has internal sense, which is related to the previous information.
1. Adversative
a. Example of Adversative Relation ‘proper’
…….. protection system on food and beverage abroad. “However, if they are in the form of therapeutic products……..
The example of the adversative relation above is showed by however, which has the expression like as a result, in consequence, because of that. All this is regularly combined with the initial and. It can be seen from “however, if they are…”, which it expresses the result “protection system on food and beverage abroad”. The word however is applied to the example above. It does not indicate the strong sense of contrast as against but shows other alternative. This example shows external sense because it is used to link two different facts of what was being said. It can be seen from “protection system on food and beverage abroad”.
1. Causal
a. Example of Reserved Causal Relation
A ministerial meeting originally scheduled for this week has been delayed after other members……..
……..and widening their options for financing.
In the example above, the conjunction for , as reserved causal relation, expresses “for what to do something”, which talks about time. It can be seen from “this week” in the first example. In example two, it is expressed by “for explain something”. The example above shows the use of the conjunctive for in the sentence. In the first example, the use of for in the sentence is to express “for what to do something” which talks about time. It has internal sense, because it has relationship to the previous clauses. It can be seen from “originally scheduled for this week” that there is relationship between the use of the conjunctive for, it is to explain for something. In the example, it can be seen from “….and widening their options for financing.” The use of for as a conjunctive which has the internal sense “this is the reason for what was just said”.
2. Temporal
a. Example of Simple Temporal Relation
A ministerial meeting originally scheduled for this week has been delayed after other members preferred to wait……..
In the example above, the conjunctive after expresses simple temporal relation which indicates that sentences are concerned with time. The use of conjunctive after in the example above shows the sequential time. It refers to the time and it is used to join one clause to another. The conjunctive after in the example above is in the middle of the sentence.
Based on the analysis in the previous chapter, there are some points that can be concluded as the answers to the problems of this writing. There are four types of conjunction occurring in 6 articles International Bali Post that were taken as the data source of this writing. They are Additive, Adversative, Causal and Temporal.
There are two types of additive relation found in six articles occurring in the text, they are simple additive relation and complex additive relation. Simple additive relation is expressed by and, also and or. Besides, complex additive relative is expressed by in addition. The conjunctions and, also and or in the text are used to add the information of what has been said before. Besides, the conjunction in addition in the complex additive relation is used to add another point of information which has the link with the previous one.
In the adversative relation, there are two types of conjunctions occurs in the text, there are adversative relation proper and contrastive relation. The adversative relation proper are expressed by but, though, and however. The conjunction but contains the element ‘and’ as one of its meaning component. On the other hand, the word however in contrastive relation is used to introduce a statement that contrasts with, or seems to contradict with something that has been said previously. The word however indicates meaning “contrary expectation”. In relation to causal, there are three types occurring in the text, there are causal relation in general, reserved causal relation and conditional relation. Causal relation in general is expressed by so and therefore. The use of
conjunctions so and therefore shows the relationship between cause and consequence. Reserved causal relation is expressed by for. It shows the relation between cause and consequence because the following sentence is the effect of the previous sentences. Conditional relation in the text is presented by then. The use of the conjunction then expresses “under the circumstances”. In the temporal relation, there is one type of conjunction found in the text, that is, simple temporal relation which is expressed by before and after. The use of the conjunctions before and after in simple temporal relation refers to the sequential time.
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