ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 17.3 Desember 2016: 230 - 236

Verbal And Visual Signs In Shampoo And Conditioner Vivepro Loreal Paris Advertisement

Ni Putu Ayu Hendri Warsiti1*, I Wayan Mulyawan2, Ni Ketut Alit Ida Setianingsih3

123English Department, Faculty Of Arts Udayana University 1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]]


3[[email protected]]


Corresponding Author


Judul dari jurnal ini adalah “ Tanda Kalimat dan Tanda Gambar pada Iklan Kosmetik”. Media cetak merupakan salah satu cara yang digunakan oleh perusahaan dalam mengenalkan produknya kepada masyarakat luas. Iklan pada media cetak merupakan bagian dari komunikasi yang akan menarik perhatian pembacanya untuk membeli atau memberi respon terhadap barang atau produk yang di promosikan. Pada suatu iklan pada umumnya terdapat dua tanda yang mempunyai peranan penting dalam menjelaskan sebuah produk. Tanda tersebut antara lain tanda kalimat dan tanda gambar.Penulisan jurnal ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tanda kalimat dan tanda gambar yang terdapat pada iklan Shampoo and Coditioner VivePro Loreal Paris. Dalam menganalisis iklan tersebut , jurnal ini menggunakan metode dokumentasi pada pengumpulan data dan metode kualitatif pada penganalisisan data.

Dalam menganalisis pokok permasalahan menggunakan teori tanda kalimat dan tanda gambar yang dikemukakan oleh Dyer. Selain itu teori yang dikemukakan oleh Leech tentang kompenen media cetak yang terdiri dari headline / kepala berita, illustration/ gambar, body copy/ list berita, signature line/ cap dagang, dan standing details / informasi juga digunakan dalam menganalisis tanda kalimat dan tanda gambar pada iklan Shampoo and Conditioner VivePro Loreal Paris.

Hasil dari pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa tanda kalimat dan tanda gambar terdapat pada iklan Shampoo and Conditioner Vive Pro Loreal Paris. Tanda kalimat terdapat pada beberapa komponen media cetak, seperti pada kepala berita, isi berita, cap dagang, dan informasi. Selain itu, ilustrasi / gambar sebagai tanda gambar terlihat dengan gambar produk yang ditawarkan dengan warna dan aktris untuk memberikan pesan dan menarik perhatian pembaca.

Kata kunci : tanda kalimat, tanda gambar dan iklan.

  • 1.    Background of the Study

According to Dyer (1982: 5), “advertising is one of the means used by manufacturing and service industries to ensure the distribution of commodities to people in society at large and it is designed to create demands for such goods sand services". Advertisement exists in many forms of information and communication media such as

newspaper, magazines, television, radio and internet. Advertising is part of communication in order to persuade people to buy or take some action upon the available products. An advertisement should be interesting, memorable, and prompt appropriate for persuading the reader to buy the product. Therefore, it necessarily includes the name of a product and benefits the consumer. Generally, advertisement can be differentiated in two types, commercial advertisement and public service advertisement. Commercial advertisement is advertisement which gives information about something, product launching or promoting sales and services. Public service advertisement is advertisement which is used to promote something positive for society, for example, as a government site to launch the new regulation, a warn, and to give national information. Public service advertisements can also be classified into two kinds, government public service advertisement and non-government public service advertisement. Government public service advertisement is advertisement which is used to launch the regulation, and to give national information. Non-government public service advertisement is advertisement which gives social education to society, for example, advertising which gives explanation to stop illegal logging and advertising which tells the reader to respect with the environment. Press (newspaper, magazine ), television, films, and internet, are the media of advertisement. Nowadays, internet is the famous media to advertise something or product, because all of the information can be accessed from the internet. And internet can be accessed through our mobile or other gadgets. Advertisement usually contains verbal and visual signs. Verbal signs in advertisement always represent with words and texts. Visual signs always present with pictures. Commercial advertisement like cosmetic printed advertisement also consists of verbal and visual signs that have meaning in it. Printed commercial advertisement is chosen as the object of this study. This study was conducted to give the reader understanding of the signs which formed.

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

Based on the background above, the problem of the study is “ What verbal and visual signs can be identified in the Shampoo and Conditioner VivePro Loreal Paris Advertisement?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

The aim of the study is “ To identify the verbal and visual signs formed in the Shampoo and Conditioner Vive Pro Loreal Paris Advertisement.

  • 4.    Research Method

Research method is a process and procedure of how people approach the problems and seek answer. It covers three points, namely:

  • 1 . Data Source

  • 2 . Method and Technique of Collecting Data

  • 3 . The Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

  • 4 .1 Data Source

The data in this study used the Cosmetic Advertisement Product. There are many kinds of cosmetic products using printed advertisements as media to promote the quality and excellence of the products. The products can be taken from www. such L'Oreal cosmetics which are most demanded by the users of the website of beauty products, which can reach thousands of viewers.

The data were taken from the http: // L' /.com. That cosmetic advertisement was chosen as the data source. Because the advertisement has higher rate and reach thousands of viewers than the other and its the most popular product in each industry. This can be seen from the comments and the pages of cosmetics reached 2.748 for the shampoo and conditioner vivepro product from Loreal Paris.

  • 4 .2 Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The method used to collect data in this study was the documentary method and the data were collected by note taking. The step was done by identifying the verbal and visual signs from the VivePro Shampoo and Conditioner Loreal Paris Advertisement. The method of this study included several steps: first looking for some web concerning cosmetic trend at present. Comparisons were made by looking at the dominant web visit. Second, the web was selected based on the most number of visits, number of likes, and products offered to attract consumers. In this step, the selected web was www. Loreal- paris. After that, from the web selected, the existing advertisements were chosen based on the number of visits, comments and enthusiasts of these products.

The selected advertisements from www.Loreal- were the advertisements of shampoo and conditioner products that have a touch of cashmere. The enthusiasts reach 2.748 and with good comments compared to other advertisements.

  • 4 .3 Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

The collected data were analyzed qualitatively. The collected data were analyzed based on the theories proposed by Chandler ( 2001:27) who introduces the non – textual analysis and textual analysis to analyze the verbal signs of the advertisement. In this study, the verbal consists of words or text, in the form of phrases or sentences that include a hidden meaning. Visual signs are conveyed by pictures which present the kinds of the product, logo of company. And the components of the advertisement were analyzed based on the theory of components printed advertisement proposed by Leech ( 1966) and the verbal and visual signs were analyzed based on the theory the verbal and visual sign proposed by Dyer ( 1993 ).

  • 5.    Analysis of Verbal and Visual Signs in Shampoo and Conditioner Vive Pro

Loreal Paris Advertisement

  • 5.1    Presentation of Verbal Sign

This is an advertisement of Loreal Shampoo and Conditioner New Vive & Pro

Product. The analysis of meanings found in the picture can be seen as follows :

  •    Headline : L’OREAL PARIS ( The name of manufactures ).

  •    Body Copy : Mirror Shine, Cashmere Touch. New Vive & Pro Shampoo and

Conditioner nutri gloss. ( The name of the product being advertised )

Expert care for dull, long hair. Hair is infused with pearl protein complex than captures and reflects light, softens every strand. Up to 85% more mirror shine. 100% cashmere touch. ( Smart way to protect your dull long hair with pearl protein complex that make your hair light and shiny. Your hair will has a good smell and softly as cashmere when touching the hair. New Vive & Pro Shampoo and Conditioner contain pearl protein complex that make your hair softly and beautiful after used it.)

  •    Signature line : L’oreal Paris (The name of manufactures ).

  •    Standing Details : Get your customized pro – scription and a downloadable coupon at vive ( The website addresses of the manufacturer in order to get more information of the product. And to get a coupon for the gift when you buy the products in order get a discount by downloadable at vive ) L’oreal Paris ( The name of manufactures }

Because You’re Worth it ( Motto of the manufactures / A statement to shows that the shampoo and conditioner are needed for your hair.)

  • 5.2    Presentation of Visual Sign

  • a. L’OREAL is written in the capital grey font. It is used to attract the reader’s attention to see the following text and picture under the headline. (The use of grey color for the headline is intend to express that grey is the true neutral color. Its energy imparts void, emptiness, lack of movement, emotion, warmth and identifying characteristics. Because of this, gray can be restful. It has a detached and isolated feeling. And grey is often used in the business world.) b. The image of a young beautiful brown skinned woman with long and shiny straight hair and try to attract the audience attention by touching her beautiful hair softly. (The result of the product used by the beautiful woman who got a beautiful, soft and shiny hair after she used it. In other words, that woman tried to grab the viewer’s attention. Many people were attracted to beautiful things or people, by using this in a shampoo advert that would influence the viewers to purchase the product as they would want beautiful hair too.)

  • c.    The image of L’oreal New Vive & Pro Shampoo and Conditioner. Resembles the product in reality. ( A high quality of shampoo and conditioner which

contain protein complex and give a maximum result, manufactured by L’oreal

Paris. )

  • d.    The use of light purple and pink as the dominant color in the picture of the advertisement, ( It symbolizes physical feminine, beautiful and elegant. Its color symbolizes girly situation because most girls or women like an elegant and pinky smell. )

  • 6.    Conclusion

There are some points that emerged from the previous analysis and discussion. The points can be presented as the conclusion of this study. They are as follows :

Advertisements are part of our lives, influences our thoughts, feelings and lifestyles. The advertisements are composedof verbal and visual signs, which can attract the readers of the advertisement. Verbal signs are conveyed by the texts using the form of phrases or sentences that include a hidden meaning. And visual signs are conveyed by picture; an advertisement usually uses a beautiful or handsome model as a picture of the advertisement.

The verbal signs of the advertisement are:

  • •  . Headline : L’OREAL PARIS,

  •    Body Copy : Mirror Shine, Cashmere Touch. New Vive & Pro Shampoo and Conditioner nutri gloss. Expert care for dull, long hair. Hair is infused with pearl protein complex than captures and reflects light, softens every strand. Up to 85% more mirror shine. 100% cashmere touch.

  •    Signature line : L’oreal Paris

  •    Standing Details : Get your customized pro – scription and a downloadable coupon at vive

  •    L’oreal Paris : Because You’re Worth it.

The visual signs of the advertisement are :

  •    L’OREAL is written in the capital grey fonts.

  •    The image of a young beautiful brown skinned woman with long and shiny straight hair and try to attract the audience attention with touching her beautiful hair softly.

  •    The image of L’oreal New Vive & Pro Shampoo and Conditioner.

  •    The use of light purple and pink as the dominant color in the picture of the advertisement and the picture of the product.

  • 7.    Bibliography

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Chandler, Daniel. 1994. Semiotic for Beginner. www.

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Leech, Geoffrey. 1966. English in Advertising: A Linguistic Study of

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