Analysis On The Intrinsic Elements Of The Poem “A Red, Red Rose” By Robert Burns
ISSN: 2302-920X
Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud
Vol 17.3 Desember 2016: 217 - 222
Analysis On The Intrinsic Elements Of The Poem
“A Red, Red Rose” By Robert Burns
Ni Made Sintha Wulandari1*, I Nyoman Tri Ediwan2, A.A Sagung Shanti Sari Dewi3
123English Department, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University 1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]] 3[[email protected]] *
Corresponding Author
Penelitian ini berjudul Analysis on the Intrinsic Elements of The Poem ʻA Red,Red Roseʼ by Robert Burns. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis unsur intrinsik yaitu pola suara (sajak, aliterasi dan asonansi),bahasa kiasan (simile dan personifikasi), diksi, makna konotatif dari puisi dan menganalisa pesan yang terdapat di dalam puisi.
Sumber data dari penelitian ini diambil dari puisi A Red, Red Rose yang ditulis oleh Robert Burns. Data yang dikumpulkan dengan metode dokumentasi dan teknik pencatatan. Metode dan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif yang berdasarkan teori sastra yang diusulkan oleh Wallek and Warren (1995), dan Knickerbocker, K.L & H. Williard Reninnger (1963).
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa puisi ini berisi enam belas baris dan skema sajak abcbdefefgfghihi. Pada dasarnya, Burns membawa perasaan cinta dalam puisi ini. Dia mendedikasikan puisi ini untuk istrinya yang tercinta dalam hidupnya.Cintanya sungguh dalam dan kekal walaupun mereka terpisahkan.
1. Background of the Study
Poem is one of literary works written to entertain and express the poet’s feeling in that time. The fact is that there are many definitions but not at all of the readers understand them. Actually, literary works are divided into three types: poem, prose and drama. Poem functionsto entertain and educate as well to express the poet’s feeling in that time. For education, the poem has a moral teaching for the readers that they should be good persons. Poem is perhaps the most difficult kind of literature. Some people who are never concerned with the work of imagination consider that they never understand poem because it consists of some confusing words that can only be understood by the writer himself. This probably results from the very nature of most poemsthat require a
compactness and intensity not ordinarily found in prose. Definitions of poem are difficult. What is distinctive and important tends to evade the qualified language in which we attempt to cover all the considerations. Poem images something, tells a story, narrates an event from the past to the future or flash back story, and expresses human feeling. Poem does different things for different readers. Some respond with emotion, sadness, joy, love, sorrow and some respond only with thought hunting immediately for the message or central meaning of the poem.
2. Problems
By taking this topic, there are two problems discussed as the following questions:
a) What are the intrinsic elements found in the poem “A Red, Red Rose”?
b) What messages are conveyed in the poem “A Red, Red Rose”?
3. Aims of the Study
a) To identify the intrinsic elements found in the poem A Red, Red Rose.
b) To analyse the message conveyed in the poem A Red, Red Rose by Robert Burns.
4. Research Method
The data in this undergraduate paper is a poem A Red, Red Rose written by Robert Burns. The peom was published in 1794 by Robert Burns. The method and technique used in collecting data was the documentation method. The data in this study were analysed using the qualitative and descriptive method. The theories used are proposed by Wallek and Warren (1956), Knickerbocker and Reninger (1963), and also theory proposed by Leech (1971).
5. Result and Discussion
This part deals with the result and the discussion of the data.
(a) Sound Pattern
1. Alliteration
And I willluve thee still, my dear,
The repetition of consonant found in the seventh line. The words ‘will’ and ‘still’ have the same consonant pronunciation in the end of the words.
Till aʼ the seas gang dry, my dear,
In the ninth line, the alliteration found in the word ‘dry’ and ‘my’ with the same consonant ‘y’ in both of the words.
While the sands oʼ life shall run.
Next, the repetition of the consonant found in the words ‘sands’ and ‘shall’. They have the same consonant pronunciation in the first of the words which completed the harmony of the poem in the twelfth line.
2. Assonance
Till aʼ the seas gang dry, my dear,
The words ‘seas’ and ‘dear’ has the same vocal sound /eə/ which
is placed in the middle of the word.
And fare theeweel, my only Luve
The words ‘thee’ and ‘weel’ have the same vocal sound /i:/. Both have the sounds /ði:/ and /wi:/.
(b) Diction
1. The word ‘thou’ in the fifth line is a chosen word. (
2. The words “seas gang dry” in the eighth line were chosenby the poet and function as a symbol.
3. The chosen word of ‘sands of life’ can be the lifetime being.
(c) Figurative Language
1. Simile
O my Luve's like a red, red rose”. This sentence is used to compare two things that have similarity, between luve and red. By using simile, we can gain the deepest meaning of the sentence.
The word “As fair art thou, my bonnie lass” in the fifth line is also the simile introduced by ‘as’. This sentence is used to compare two things between fair and bonnie lass.
2. Personification
My Luve's like a red, red rose
The poet symbolism of red has the meaning of love, strong, respect, love and anger. The poem used the colour of red since red is the symbol of strong colour generally used to express love. Robert Burns used the words ‘a red rose’ and gave the reader sense of personification “My Love as a rose”.
(d) Symbol
Till aʼ the seas gang dry, my dear
ʻseasʼ can be taken as a symbol of human feeling that poet avowed his eternal and endless love to her love. He used the evaporation of the ‘seas’ for the end of the world which means something that can never happen.
• And the rocks melt wiʼ the sun
ʻrocksʼ can be taken as a symbol of feeling. The same as the previous line, Burns also used another symbolism of nature in his poem. The melting rocks in the heat of the sun can be the end of the worlds that has never happened. His love will be timeless for her.
• The sands oʼ life shall run
The word ‘sunʼ and ‘runʼ can be taken as a symbol of life. The poet comprehended about his love as something like an hourglass that had sand in it to measure time. These three functions are not only a symbol standing forthemselves literally but also show the immutability of the speaker’s affections for his beloved.
(e) Meaning and Message
1. The meaning of the poem A Red, Red Rose by Robert Burns used the connotative meaning theory proposed by Leech. The word “sands o’ life shall run in twelve line of the poem show the use of symbol. The word meaning refers to time. In this case, Burns symbolized his life as time like sand through an hour glass. And also the word ‘as fair art thou, my bonnie lass’ in the fifth line of the poem used the chosen word to give physical appearance to the readers about how beautiful and smart his bonnie lass.
2. The message
The message of the poem A Red, Red Rose that Robert Burns conveyed and expressed his faithful love to Jean Armour. Although in a condition where he was still close to her he suddenly went to Jamaica. He said farewell goodbye to her and promised that she would come back again.
6. Conclusion
According to the data analysis above, it can be concluded that the poem A Red,Red Rose by Robert Burns presents sixteen lines and the poetic elements found includes figurative language, diction, the connotative meaning and the message. There are three kinds of sound pattern found in this poem such as rhyme, alliteration and assonance. The rhyme scheme in this poem is abcddefefgfghihi; there are seven kinds of alliteration and two kinds of assonance found in this poem. The poem contains figurative language which is divided into one kind personification and three kinds of simile. In addition, there are five kinds of diction and three kinds of symbol found in this poem.
The messages that we get from the poem is the strong feeling of Burns’s love to Armour when they had long distance relationship. Burns’s brought the sense of love in this poem to get the reader know how deep his love to Jean Armour. His love was strong and everlasting. When Burns was separated, he promised that he would come back again to her.
7. References
Burns, Robert. 1794. A Red, Red Rose. Cited on 16th July 2015. Available from:,_Rose
Knickerbocker, K.L.&Reninger, H.W. (1963). Interpreting Literature. United States of America: Holt, Renehart and Winston, Inc
Leech, Geoffrey. 1971. Meaning and the English Verb.London: Longman.
Wellek, R. and Warren, A. (1956). Theory of Literature. Harcourt, Brace & World Inc, New York.
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