Verbal And Non-Verbal Signs In” Red Bull” And “Soy Joy” Advertisements
ISSN: 2302-920X
Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud
Vol 17.2 Nopember 2016: 73 - 80
Verbal And Non-Verbal Signs In” Red Bull” And “Soy Joy” Advertisements
I Wayan Adi Jayakusuma1*, I Ketut Tika2, I Made Winaya3
123English Department Faculty Of Arts, Udayana University
1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]]
Penelitian ini berjudul Verbal And Non-Verbal Signs In” Red Bull” And “Soy Joy” Advertisements. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengartikan kata-kata dan gambar yang di temukan di dalam brosur dari Red Bull dan Soy Joy. Sumber data diambil dari dua brosur Red Bull dan satu brosur Soy Joy. Ketiga brosur itu adalah START YOUR ENGINE, AND GIVES YOU EXTRA DRIVE, NOTHING BUT WIIINGS, and REAL FRUIT. WHOLE SOY. ALL JOY. Teori-teori utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diadopsi dari teori semiotic yang dikemukakkan oleh Daniel Chandler (2007) dan teori meaning oleh Leech (1971) kemudian sebagai teori tambahan adalah teori color psychology (2000). Metode mengkoleksi data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan cara mendownload ketiga brosur dan memilah kata kata dan gambarnya menggunakan teknik menulis di kertas. Dan metode ananlis data menggunakan tiga teori diatas dari hasil memilah kata kata dan gambar brosur.
Kata Kunci: Red Bull dan Soy Joy, makna, symbol gambar dan kata kata.
Advertisement can be recently found in everyday life of people. Based on Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary (2000) that advertisement is a notice, picture, or film telling people about a product, job, or services. Advertisement has primary purpose to introduce goods and service to public in order to support the selling. A language or simply a word contains many hidden meanings behind of it. There are two important elements in advertisement; Verbal and Non-Verbal sign. Verbal sign is the most common sign used in communication. Verbal sign includes spoken language and written language. The spoken and written language contain conventionalized linguistic
symbols such as words, phrases, and sentences that enable us to tell our thought, ideas, and feeling to other people. In the advertisement, verbal sign is the word. Like a slogan and all the word in the advertisement.
The problems that are discussed in this study are as follows:
1. What kind of verbal and non-verbal signs are found in “Red Bull and Soy Joy” advertisement?
2. What are the meanings of verbal and non-verbal signs in “Red Bull and Soy Joy” advertisement?
The aims of this study are:
1. To analyze and describe the verbal and non-verbal signs found in “Red Bull and Soy Joy” advertisement
2. To identify the meaning of the verbal and non-verbal signs in “Red Bull and Soy Joy” advertisement
In this research, START YOUR ENGINE, AND GIVES YOU EXTRA DRIVE, NOTHING BUT WIIINGS, and REAL FRUIT. WHOLE SOY. ALL JOY are used as the data source. The advertisement will classify base on the composition of verbal and nonverbal signs. First step was download the pictures of two Red Bull and one Soy Joy advertisements used as the data, after that observe the three advertisements. And collect the verbal and non-verbal signs from the three advertisements by using note taking technique.
The semiotic theory from Chandler (2007), Color Psychology (2000) and the theory of meaning from Leech (1971) are used as the reference to analyze the data. First Separate then classify elements of each Red Bull advertisement into headline, body copy, illustration, signature line, and standing detail components into verbal and non-
verbal signs based by Leech theory (1966).Analyzing the meaning of non-verbal signs was analyzed by using the semiotic theory from Chandler (2007) and color that used in the advertisement based on Color Psychology (2000).The meanings of the verbal signs in “Red Bull and Soy Joy” advertisement were analyzed by using the theory of meaning by Leech (1971).
This part deals with the result and discussion of the analysis of kinds and meaning of verbal and non-verbal in data were taken from Red Bull and Soy Joy advertisement.
Semiotics is the study of signs, symbols, and signification. It is the study of how meaning is created, not what it is. Below are some brief definitions of semiotic terms, beginning with the smallest unit of meaning and proceeding towards the larger and more complex.
There are three kinds of sign according to Chandler (2007: 36) are as follows:
1. Icon
Icon/iconic: a mode in which the signifier is perceived as resembling or imitating the signified (recognizably looking, sounding, feeling, tasting or smelling like it) – being similar in possessing some of its qualities. The iconic relation can occur because the signifier is recognizably looking, sounding, feeling, tasting or smelling like the signified, or being similar in possessing some of its qualities. There are many icons in the picture of advertisement, like a icon of product, icon of thing related to the advertisement and icon of background.
5.2 Theory of Meaning
In order to know the meaning of the figurative wordsin all of four songsby Iron Maiden, Leech theory about meaning is used here. There are three kinds of meaning used for analysed the data.
Conceptual meaning is also called logical or cognitive meaning. It is the basic propositional meaning which corresponds to the primary dictionary definition. “FITS EVERY GLOVE BOX”. Based on Wikipedia, glove box is a compartment built in the dashboard, located over the front-seat passenger's foot well in an automobile, often used for miscellaneous thing storage. The meaning of sentence is Red Bull compatible in every glove box on the car. So, the advertisements tell to the reader, Red Bull is easy to bring when drive a car. The driver will not be distracted and does not require a large place to bring Red Bull in the car.
START YOUR ENGINE, AND GIVES YOU EXTRA DRIVE. Connotative signified is the objective or literal meaning of the verbal sign. The first sentence “START YOUR ENGINE” means turn on the car engine because there is word “ENGINE” in there. And there are car key in the illustration. Advertisement tell to the reader, turn on the car engine. There is conjugation between sentence one and sentence two. The second sentence is “GIVES YOU EXTRA DRIVE” means the product give extra drive to the reader. The product is meant is Red Bull. So, the meaning from first headline is before the reader turn on the car, drink Red Bull.
Color can represent or bring the feeling of something as stronger than unusual to make what is being presented or promoted by the advertisement more clear and can attract or persuade the readers to read the message with more interest. But the most relevant to this study is the theory from Color Psychology, which entitled “How Colors Impact Moods, Feelings, and Behaviors” because give explanation based on the relation between color and the impact with moods, feelings, and behaviors it is very match with
the reason why advertisement made and how the advertisement can attract attention the readers. There is a can of Red Bull with white and blue colors and it an icon of Red Bull. According on Color Psychology, White and blue are the color which represents coolness and coldness. The Red Bull energy drink is compatible to drink when in the cold condition. Chandler (2007) stated, iconic mode is a mode of sign in which the signifier related to the signified through resemblance.
The three advertisements have two sign there are verbal and non-verbal sign. The verbal and non-verbal signs use signifier to represent the signified. The verbal and nonverbal signs have denotative and connotative meaning, which can persuade readers by accessing the thought of readers about their views towards a sign based on the reader social status, feeling, culture, and emotion.
There are two meaning used for this study, Conceptual Meaning and Connotative meaning. Red Bull advertisement 1 have two meaning, the conceptual meaning are about red bull is easy to bring and the energy from red bull. The connotative meaning is about the impact of consumer when they dink red bull. The second advertisement use two type of meaning are conceptual and connotative meaning. The conceptual meaning is about the ingredient contains the product and the connotative meaning is about benefit to the consumer. The three advertisements only use one type of meaning, Conceptual meaning are about flavor, benefit and promote the product.
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Discussion and feedback