ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 17.1 Oktober 2016: 282 - 288

The Structural Shift In "Gajah Selalu Ingat"

Yunia Dian Priscilia Iki1*, I Nyoman Aryawibawa2, Ni Ketut Alit Ida Setianingsih3 123English Department, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University

1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]] 3[[email protected]] Corresponding Author


Skripsi ini berjudul “The Structure Shifts in “Gajah Selalu Ingat” fokus utama skripsi ini adalah mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa pergeseran terjemahan yang muncul pada novel tersebut.

Skripsi ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan metode dokumentasi. Sumber data dalam skripsi ini adalah novel yang berjudul Elephant Can Remember karya Agatha Christie yang diterjemahkan oleh Julanda Tantani dengan judul Gajah Selalu Ingat. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori dari Catford tentang A Linguistic Theory of Translation (1965). Sedangkan, teori-teori pendukung yang digunakan adalah teori dari Larson tentang Meaning Based Translation (1984), teori dari Nida tentang Languange Structure and Translation (1975), teori dari Quirk tentang Grammar of English (1976) dan teori dari Hasan Alwitentang Tata Bahasa Indonesia (2003)

Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa, adanya pergeseran struktur terjemahan dari bahasa sumber yaitu Bahasa Inggris ke bahasa tujuan yaitu Bahasa Indonesia. Struktur yang dipakai sebagai acuan pembanding diantaranya adalah subject (subyek), predicate (predikat), object (obyek), adverb (keterangan) dan compliment (keterangan pelengkap). Selain itu, dalam struktur kalimat Bahasa Inggris terdapat modifier yang berlaku sebagai kata sifat atau kata keterangan dan head yang berlaku sebagai kata utama dan biasanya adalah kata benda yang sering kali mengalami struktur kalimat yang terbalik dengan struktur kalimat pada Bahasa Indonesia. Secara singkat, baik dalam novel sumber maupun novel terjemahan tersebut memiliki arti yang sama walaupun strukturkalimatnya mengalami pergeseran.

  • 1.    Background of the Study

Translation plays an important role in communication. In the process of translating we should make the translation suitable to the source language and the form of the target language. Translation is a complex of transferring the messages of the text from the source language (SL) into target language (TL) text; retaining the closest equivalent meaning of the source language (SL) in the target language (TL) (Bhatia 1992:51). Translation needs a comprehension of the context of the ideas or message to be transferred as well as the form (i.e. words, phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, etc.) of the source and the target languages.

There are some definitions of translation, those are quoted from some books, and their definitions are as follows : According to Catford, translation is an operation performed on language: a process of substituting a text in one language for a text in another (Catford 1965:1). The meaning must be kept constant, even when the form of the source language changes as it is turned into the form of the target language. The meaning must not be changed.

Lawrence Venuti(1995:14) states "A translated text, whether prose or poetry, fiction or nonfiction, is judged acceptable by most publishers, reviewers, and readers when it reads fluently, when the absence of any linguistic or stylistic peculiarities makes it seem transparent, giving the appearance that it reflects the foreign writer's personality or intention or the essential meaning of the foreign text--the appearance, in other words, the translation is not in fact a translation, however, the 'original.' The illusion of transparency is an effect of fluent discourse, the translator's effort in order to insure easy readability by adhering to current usage, maintaining continuous syntax, fixing a

precise meaning. What is so remarkable here is that this illusory effect conceals the numerous conditions under which the translation is made ...."

A process of translation from English to Indonesian involves many problems. One of the problems is the structure shift. It is very interesting to write this paper because in many translations, structure shift always appears as one of the techniques of translation. Besides, the data are very unique because we can see the change of structure that would happen in this paper

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

Based on the background above, there are two problems of the study that will be discussed:

  • 1.    What types of structure shifts do occur in the English Indonesian translation?

  • 2.  How does the implementation of structural shift occur in the Novel Elephant

Can Remember written by Agatha Christie into Gajah SelaluIngat translated by JulandaTantani?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

Considering the problems formulated above, the aims of the study can be stated as follows:

  • 1.    To find out and recognize the occurrence of the translation shifts in the novel Elephant Can Remember with its translation version in Indonesian Gajah SelaluIngat.

  • 2.    To analyze the implementation of the structural shift in the novel

  • 4.    Scope of Discussion

The discussion in this study is focused on translation shifts with reference to the novel Gajah Selalu Ingat and its the translation Elephant Can Remember

The study is focused on:

  • 1.    The type of structure shift occurring in English Indonesian translation

  • 2.    The implementation of structural shift in the translation of the novel Gajah Selalu Ingat into Elephant Can Remember.

  • 5.    Research Method

Method of research is the procedure applied to determine the data and present the analysis of the data as well as to draw conclusion. The data were taken from novel entitled Elephant Can Remember by Agatha Christie in year 1972 and its translation entitled Gajah SelaluIngat by Julanda Tantani in year 1992. Both of the data were collected in Collins Crime Club (London) and Jakarta. The reason why this novel was chosen is that it contains many data that are relevant to the problem. The research method consists of data source technique and method of collecting data, and technique and method of analyzing data.

  • 1.    Result and Discussion

This part deals with the result and discussion of the data. The data analysis is divided into two parts: clause structure shifts and phrase structure shifts which occur in the translation process from English into Bahasa Indonesia.

  • a.    Clause structure shift


  • 1.    Her brows drew together (p. 78/para. 7)

S       VA

Dahinya berkerut (p. 228/para. 3)


In example 1 there is structural shift in the translation from SL into TL. It is clearly shows the change between SL-pattern and TL-pattern. The pattern of these examples shows the change from SVA-pattern into SV-pattern. In example 1 there is an omission of element A. The omission is due to context of situation where element A is optional in target language because it is not compelled by any evident “rule”, but is free to choose between alternatives, which in varying degrees reflect proximity to the source message. It can also be concluded that the structural shift is well implemented because there is a formal correspondence between SL-pattern and TL-pattern and also the translator was successful in changing the structure without changing the meaning itself.

  • b.    Phrase structure shift


  • 1.    SL: intellectualbrow (p. 1/para. 2)

M    H

TL: dahiintelek (p. 1/para. 1)


The examples above show clearly that there are structural shifts in which SL is translated into TL. These examples show the structural shift that occur in phrase

structure level. In this case, there are two kinds of elements. They are Head (H) and Modifier (M). The pattern in this phrase structure level is simpler than the pattern in clause and sentence structure level. The examples above show that the pattern M-H is changing into HM (Head-Modifier) in TL. It can be concluded that there is a formal correspondence between SL-pattern and TL-pattern and also the translator is successful in changing the structure shift without changing the meaning itself so in this case the structural shift is well implemented.

  • 6.    Conclusion

In the process of translation, the source language structure in the target language is shifted to reach the closest translation equivalent in the target language translation. In the translation process, it was found that there is a structural shift. The changing process in structure level involves the S (Subject), P (Predicator), O (Object), C (Complement), A (Adverb) elements. In the phrasal structure shifts found in the translation of the novel, there is a reversed structure between English and Bahasa Indonesia. In English phrase, the structure can be ordered modifier and head. In the contrary, phrase structure in Indonesia is often reversed with the one in English which head is put before modifier. The words that can be classified as modifier are adjective and noun.

  • 7.    Bibliography

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