ISSN: 2302-920X
Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud
Vol 16.2 Agustus 2016: 235-240
Putu Dyan Safira Tarayanti1*, I Gusti Agung Istri Aryani2, Ni Luh Putu Krisnawati3
English Department Faculty Of Arts Udayana University 1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]] 3[[email protected]]
Corresponding Author
Dalam proses penerjemahan, makna dalam sebuah bahasa baik bahasa terucap atau bahasa tertulis terkadang diungkapkan secara implisit. Pengimplisitan makna dilakukan karena beberapa faktor seperti penghematan dalam penggunaan kata, menghindari pengulangan kata, atau bahkan untuk membuat sebuah karya sastra lebih menarik (apabila makna tersebut diimplisitkan dalam karya sastra). Novel yang merupakan salah satu karya sastra terkadang mengandung beberapa makna implisit di dalam kalimat – kalimat atau dialog – dialognya. Peneitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengetahui jenis makna implisit apa saja yang terkandung dalam novel dan bagaimana penerjemah menerjemahkan makna implisit tersebut ke dalam bahasa sasaran. Jenis – jenis makna implisit diklasifikasikan dengan teori dari Larson (1998) dan Halliday dan Hasan (1976) sedangkan prosedur penerjemahan diklasifikasikan dengan teori dari Vinay dan Darbelnet (in Venuti, 2000) dan Catford (1965). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis makna implisit yang terdapat dalam novel adalah makna implisit referensial, organisasional, dan situasional, sedangkan prosedur penerjemahan yang digunakan oleh penerjemah untuk menerjemahkan makna implisit tersebut adalah penerjemahan parsial, literal dan adaptasi.
Kata Kunci: penerjemahan, makna implisit, prosedur penerjemahan
In English, the meaning of the language whether it is spoken or written can be stated implicitly. In spoken English, the speakers sometimes leave the meaning implicit rather than explicit to hide the real meaning and want their interlocutors to find out what they mean. On the other hand, in written language, the writers or the authors of literary work like novel or poetry leave the meaning implicit to save
words and prevent the waste of words. They also want the reader to find out the meaning in order to make their work more interesting and arouse the reader’s curiosity.
English novels, as literary works, are often translated into other languages nowadays. In the process of making the novel, the author sometimes leave some meanings implicit rather than explicit in order to make their work more interesting. The translators who translate the novel need to find out the real meaning in order to be able to deliver the messages appropriately in the target language. These implicit meanings need to be solved in order to avoid ambiguity in the future; besides, the readers also need to know the real meaning in order to know the whole story and the messages which the author intends to deliver.
Based on the background above, the problems that can be analyzed in this study are as follows:
a. What types of implicit meaning are found in novel Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan and its Indonesian translation Percy Jackson dan Dewa - Dewi Olympia: Pencuri Petir by Femmy Syahrani?
b. What procedures of translation are used in the process of translating the implicit meaning in Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan and its Indonesian translation Percy Jackson dan Dewa – Dewi Olympia: Pencuri Petir by Femmy Syahrani?
The aims of this study are:
a. To find out the implicit meanings in the novel Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan.
b. To identify the procedures of translation used in the process of translating implicit meanings in Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan and its Indonesian translation
The data were directly collected from an English novel entitled Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2013) written by Rick Riordan (7th edition) as the source language and its Indonesian translation entitled Percy Jackson dan Dewa - Dewi Olympia: Pencuri Petir (2015) translated by Femmy Syahrani (14th edition). These novels were chosen since there were a lot of sentences and dialogues stated implicitly by the author. Moreover, the translation process of the novel also needs attention to know the procedures of translation used by the author in the process of translating the implicit meanings in the novel.
Library research method and note taking techniques were used in the process of collecting the data. There were some steps in the process, started by reading both the English version of the novel Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2013) written by Rick Riordan as the source language and its Indonesian translation entitled Percy Jackson dan Dewa - Dewi Olympia: Pencuri Petir (2015) by Femmy Syahrani as the target language. Next, the sentences and dialogues that contain implicit meaning were identified, and last the data were grouped into two types; the English version and Indonesian version in order to make them easily analyzed.
The qualitative method through descriptive explanation technique was used in this study. There were some steps in the process of analyzing the data started by categorizing the types of implicit meanings found in the English version of the novel Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2013) written by Rick Riordan as the source language and its Indonesian translation entitled Percy Jackson dan Dewa - Dewi Olympia: Pencuri Petir (2015) by Femmy Syahrani as the target language. Next, the data were classified into the types of implicit meanings and then they were divided in tables to make it systematic. Then, the data were analyzed using the theory of implicit meaning by Larson (1998), and supported by the theory proposed by Halliday and Hasan (1976) about types of references and substitution. The theory from Vinay and Darbelnet (in Venuti, 2000) about procedures of translation and a theory proposed
by Catford (1965) about the extent translation were also used in this study. The data were presented descriptively in form of table and text.
According to Larson (1998: 44-47), there are three types of implicit meanings, they are referential meaning, organizational meaning and situational meaning. Halliday and Hasan (1976: 37-91) also proposed some types of referential (personal, demonstrative and comparative reference) and substitution (nominal, verbal, and clausal). Vinay and Darbelnet (in Venuti, 2000: 84-93) defined seven procedures of translation, they are borrowing, calque, literal translation, transposition, modulation, equivalence, and adaptation. Meanwhile Catford (1965: 21) proposed the theory about extent translation (full vs. partial) which is known as types of translation. Here are the examples of implicit meanings based on their types and procedures of translation used to translate the meanings.
5.1. Referential Meaning
Source Language
Target Language
Some of the kids were whispering: "Did you see—"
"—the water—"
"—like it grabbed her—"
(Riordan, 2013:10)
Beberapa anak berbisik: ‚Tadi lihat nggak—‚
‚—seolah-olah menyambar Nancy—‚
(Syahrani, 2015:11)
In table above, the data show a personal reference. The pronoun it refers to water (noun) in the previous statement and the implied information is about an event that happened to Nancy. In the target language the pronoun it is left implicit because the word “airnya” has been mentioned in previous sentence. In this data, partial translation was used to translate the implicit meaning. The pronoun it which refers water (air) is omitted in the sentence “seolah-olah menyambar Nancy” to prevent ineffectiveness in
using words. The pronoun it is left untranslated in order to keep the information implicit and avoid the ineffectiveness in the use of words.
5.2. Organizational Meaning
Source Language
Target Language
Now 'Crusty,' anybody can say that." "You're right. It's got a good ring to it." His eyes lit up. "You think so?" (Riordan, 2013:280)
“Nah, ‘Crusty’, semua orang bisa
Kau benar. Kedengarannya lebih enak..
Matanya berbinar. “Menurutmu begitu?” (Syahrani, 2015:326)
In the table above the organizational meaning is indicated by substitution form. So changes whole clause in the sentence It's got a good ring to it. The lexical item so indicates the implied agreement between Percy and the bed seller in the use of name Crusty instead of Procrustes. The author left the information implicit in order to avoid repetition and ineffectiveness in the use of words. Literal translation procedure was used in this data. The word so means maka; begitu in the target language. The translator decided to leave it implicit in the source language since if the information was stated explicitly as Menurutmu kedengaran lebih enak dengan nama Crusty? the sentence would be too long and not effective anymore.
5.3. Situational Meaning
Source Language |
Target Language |
My heart sank. Grover had a summer home. I'd never considered that his family might be as rich as the others at Yancy. (Riordan, 2013:24) |
Hatiku melesak. Grover punya alamat liburan. Selama ini aku tak pernah terpikir bahwa keluarganya mungkin saja kaya seperti anak-anak lain di Yancy. (Syahrani, 2015:28) |
In the table above, the types of implicit meaning is the situational meaning which is caused by the cultural background between the two languages. Summer home is the implied information about Camp Half Blood which is known as the main setting in the story. The procedure of translation used in the process of translating the implicit
meaning is adaptation. The word summer means musim panas while home means rumah in the target language. The translator translated it into alamat liburan which is adapted from the target language instead of rumah musim panas, since rumah musim panas is unknown in the target language’s culture; therefore, the translator used another term in order to make the information acceptable in the target language.
It can be concluded that the types of implicit meaning found in the novel are referential meaning, organizational meaning, and situational meaning. The procedures of translation used to translate implicit meanings are partial translation, literal translation, and adaptation. Moreover, the role played by the translators in the process of translating the implicit meaning is also really important, since they have to find the real meaning first and then deliver the meaning into the target language appropriately.
Catford, J.C. 1965. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Oxford University Press.
Halliday, M.A.K. dan Ruqiya Hasan. 1976. Cohesion in English. London: University of Essex.
Larson, M. L. 1998. Meaning-Based Translation: A Guide to Cross-Language Equivalence. Lanham: University Press of America Inc.
Riordan, Rick. 2013. Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lightning Thief (7th edition). London: Penguin Books Ltd.
Riordan, Rick. 2015. Percy Jackson and Dewa – Dewi Olympia: Pencuri Petir (14th edition). Translator: Femmy Syahrani. Jakarta: Mizan Fantasi.
Vinay, Jean-Paul and Darbelnet Jean. 2000. A Methodology for Translation. In Venuti (ed.) 2000, London: Routledge.
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