ISSN: 2302-920X
Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud
Vol 16.2 Agustus 2016: 241-245
Putu Indry Prabhaswari1*, I G.A.G. Sosiowati2, Putu Ayu Asty Senja Pratiwi3 [123]English Department Faculty Of Arts, Udayana University 1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]] 3[[email protected]]
Corresponding Author
Judul dari skripsi ini adalah idiom yang berkaitan dengan tubuh yang ditemukan pada tiga novel terlaris. Tujuan dari skripsi ini untuk menemukan jenis dan arti idiom yang berkaitan dengan tubuh dan juga tipe yang paling sering muncul di novel.
Teori yang digunakan pada skripsi ini yaitu Teori dari Palmer (1976) tentang jenis idiom dan Teori dari Leech (1974) tentang arti idiom. Tiga novel terlaris dipilih sebagai data pada skrips ini. Dari data tersebut ditemukan idiom yang berkaitan dengan tubuh. Idiom yang berkaitan dengan tubuh ditentukan dengan melihat arti dari setiap kata pada idiom tersebut bukan pada arti yang berkaitan dengan keadaan yang ada. Metode yang dipakai dalam skripsi ini adalah penelitian pustaka. Data yang terkumpul di baca dengan hati – hati, lalu ditentukan apakah idiom tersebut berkaitan dengan tubuhatau tidak, kemudian diidentifikasi jenis dan arti dari idiom tersebut berdasarkan pada teori.
Idiom yang paling sering ditemukan adalah phrasal verb. Arti idiom yang ditemukan pada skripsi ini adalah arti konotatif, arti konseptual, dan arti afektif.
Kata kunci: idiom, arti idiom, jenis idiom
1. Background of the Study
The idioms were analyzed in this study because idioms still exist in our daily life and many people do not really understand their meanings. Three best seller novels were chosen; they are romantic and classic novels which have more expressions of idiom than others. Furthermore, this study is useful to many people who read the novels and do not really understand their meanings. We can find idioms in our daily life because they are a kind of idiomatic expressions which make such novels enjoyable to read. The purpose of this study is to know what types of idiomatic expressions which mostly appear in such novels. Many idioms are chosen by the writer in a novel as the writer wants to construct and convey the connotative meaning; the idiomatic expressions make the readers feel enjoy and more imaginative when they read the novel. This study can
enrich the result of research in universities and increase the reader’s knowledge of idiomatic expressions. Most previous studies have analyzed idioms but they have used songs as the data source. This study used several novels as data source. The idioms which are discussed are those which are related to the body. An example of an idiom of the body is kick the bucket, meaning committing suicide. Kick is a verb which is done using so it is called the idiom which is related to the body. This study used three best seller novels as the data source.
1. What types of the body- related idioms are found in three best seller novels and which one mostly appears?
2. What are meanings of body related idioms are found in those found in the three best seller novels?
1. To classify the types of the body-related idioms which are found in three best seller novels and which one mostly appears?
2. To analyze the meanings of body related idioms which are found in the three best seller novels.
The data were taken directly from the primary data source; they are romantic and adventure novels entitled Insurgent by Roth (2012), Twilight by Meyer (2003) and Frankenstein by Shelley (2008). Every idiom which is related to the body was found in the novels. The method which was used in this study to collect data is the documentation method. The method and technique of collecting can be described in three steps they are reading the novel carefully, finding the idioms related to the body by asking questions what you use to … or directly noting the idioms made up of parts of
the body, and noting down every phrase which was identified to be an idiom related to the body found in the novels.
The collected data were checked using the sources providing the information and the idioms were listed. The sources are the Oxford Advanced Learnerʼs Dictionary 7th and the handbook of English Idioms by Lou.
Method and technique of analyzing data were qualitatively method in accordance with the theories. The process of analyzing data is as follows first, The collected data were categorized based on the theories proposed by Palmer (1976), After finding the types of idioms, the meaning of each idiom was described based on the three types of meaning adopted from the theory proposed by Geoffrey Leech (1974), then relating the meaning of each idiom to the story to make it easily understandable, after that finding the types of idioms which mostly in the best seller novels. Finally, the problems of the study were solved and the result of the research can be shared and learnt.
“I breathe out, and the pressure is still there.”
The idiom ‘breathe out’ was found in the novel entitled Insurgent. The combination of the words ‘breathe’ and ‘out’ has a new meaning; therefore, it is called a idiom. ‘Breathe out’ is related to the body based on the word breathe. Breathe is the action of human to inhale and exhale by using the nose; that is why breathe is stated to be related to the body. Based on the theory proposed by Palmer (1976) concerning the types of idiom, ‘breathe outʼ is a phrasal verb because it consists of ʻbreatheʼ as verb and ʻoutʼ as adverb. The meaning of breathe out is exhale. Based on the theory by Leech (1974) about meaning of idiom, ʻbreathe outʼ has conceptual meaning because breathe out is the central meaning of the expression.
“I kept my eyes down on the reading list the teacher had given me.”
An idiom ‘my eyes downʼ was found. The combination of the meaning of individual words ‘my eyes’ and ‘down’ has new meaning which is different from the
meaning of ‘my eyes down’; therefore, it is called idiom. The ideom ‘My eyes down’ is related to the body because there is the word ‘eyes’ in the idiom. Based on the theory proposed by Palmer (1976) concerning the types of idiom, ‘my eyes downʼ is a partial idiom, because it consists of my eyes which has its usual meaning of the ‘eye’ and down which means looking something behind. So if the meaning is joined together it becomes looking something behind with the eyes or it can be concluded that the meaning of my eyes down is reading something. Based on the theory proposed by Leech (1974) concerning meaning, the idiom ʻmy eyes downʼ contains conceptual meaning because it refers to its purely conceptual content.
“She replied that she had been looking for the child and demanded earnestly if anything had been heard concerning him.”
An idiom ‘looking forʼ on page 91 of the novel entitled Frankeinstein was found. The individual meaning of ‘looking for’ is different from that of collective meaning, that is, why looking for is stated to be an idiom. The ideom ‘looking for’ is related to the body by looking at the word ‘looking’. The eyes are used for looking at something, so looking is related to the body. Based on the theory proposed by Palmer (1976) about the types of idiom, ‘looking forʼ is a prepositional verb because consists of ʻlookingʼ as a verb and ʻforʼ as a preposition. The meaning of looking for is searching. Based on the theory by Leech (1974) about meaning of idioms, the idiom ʻlooking forʼ contains the connotative meaning because it refers to its purely conceptual content.
This study has analyzed three best seller novels. They are Insurgent by Roth (2012), Twilight by Meyer (2003) and Frankenstein by Shelley (2008). A number of idioms were found in such novels. Such idioms are categorized based on the Palmer’s theory about types of idiom. The types of idioms, based on Palmer (1976), which mostly appear are phrasal verbs. All types were found in such three best seller novels.
Anonymous. “Best Sellers” Available on (Cited on June 30th 2015)
Hornby, A.S. 2010. Oxford Advanced Learnerʼs dictionary. Great Britain: London, Oxford.
Leech, geoffrey. 1974. Semantics. Great Britain: Hazel Watson & Viney Ltd.
Lou, Robby. 2007. The handbook of English Idioms. Jakarta
Meyer, Stephenie. 2003. Twilight . Arizona: Suburban
Palmer, F.R. 1976. Semantics: A New Outline. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Roth, Veronica. 2012. Insurgent. Second edition, Divergent Trilogy:United States
Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. 1816. Switzerland
Welby, Victoria Lady.1983. What Is Meaning? Studies in the Development of Significance. John Bejamins.
Discussion and feedback