ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 16.3 September 2016: 216 - 221

The Analysis Of Semantic Types Of Adjective Classes In Adjective Noun Collocation With References To The Novel Insurgent And The Fault In Our Stars

Ni Nyoman Sukanadi1*, Ni Luh Nyoman Seri Malini2, I Komang Sumaryana3 123English Departement Faculty Of Arts, Udayana University 1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]] 3[[email protected]]

*Corresponding Author


Penlitian yang berjudul The Analysis of Semantic Type of Adjective Classes in Adjective Noun Collocation with References to the Novel Insurgent and The Fault in Our Stars ini bertujuan untuk meneliti dan menganalisis jenis dari kelas kata sifat yang ada dalam kolokasi kata sifat dan kata benda. Penelitian ini bermaksud menganalisis kolokasi kata sifat dan kata benda serta menganalisa makna dari kolokasi tersebut secara rinci. Data dari penelitian ini diambil dari dua novel yang berjudul “insurgent”dan “The Fault in Our Stars” yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2012. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode dokumentasi dan dianalisa dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dikemukakan oleh Quirk (1973) tentang “semantic types of adjective”. Berdasarkan analisa, ditemukan delapan jenis dari kata sifat. Yaitu “intensifying adjective”, “post determiners and limiter adjective”, “subjective measure”, “objective measure”, “denoting age”, “denoting color”, “denoting material”, and “denoting provenance or style”. Dari analisa juga ditemukan hampir semua contoh termasuk kedalam jenis “collocation based on the item”. empat contoh lainnya termasuk kedalam jenis “collocation strictest sense”. Dan semua contoh dari kolokasi kata sifat- kata benda termasuk kedalam jenis “collocation based on the range”.

Kata kunci: semantic types of adjective classes, kata sifat, kolokasi kata sifat- kata benda.

  • 1.    Background of Study

A word cannot stand by itself because it does not have meaning. A word can have meaning when it entries a sentence or a clause. The combination of word is a word related with another word. As we know that, there are so many kinds of word combinations. However, this writing focused on collocation. Collocation is the way

words combine in a language to produce natural-sounding speech and writing,” which emphasizes production in the target language rather than only comprehension.

In collocation, a word has its own restriction, such as some are based wholly on the meaning of the item, some are based on the range, and some combinations are collocation in the restriction sense, involving neither meaning nor range.

  • 2.    Problems of Study

Based on the phenomena in the background above, some problems can be discussed clearly in this study. The problems are formulated as follow:

  • a)    What are the semantic types of adjective in adjective noun collocation that found in the novel entitled Insurgent and The Fault in Our Stars?

  • b)    What are the meanings of adjective noun collocation that found in the novel entitled Insurgent and The Fault in Our Stars?

  • 1.    Aims of Study

In this writing, there are two kinds of aims, they are:

  • a)    To find out the semantic types of adjective in adjective noun collocation are found in the novel entitled Insurgent and The Fault in Our Stars.

  • b)    To analyze meanings of the adjective noun collocation found in the novel entitled Insurgent and The Fault in Our Stars.

  • 2.    Research Method

The methodology includes the data source, the method and technique of collecting data, which includes some steps in analyzing the data. In this writing, the data sources are novels entitled Insurgent and The Fault in Our Stars. These novels were used as data source because provide many adjective noun collocations which support this writing.

The study used documentation method in collecting the data. The method was done by reviewing the literature mentioned above. Second, the texts in detail are found to find out the collocation written down in the texts. The collocation was only limited to adjective noun. Third, the words were noted and quoted on the texts that show the adjective noun collocation. Fourth, data were identified, grouped and classified

according to its kinds. Finally, the meaning inside was found and explanation or reason was given based on the theory.

The collected data was analyzed by qualitative method. The collected data analyzed based on explanation of the theory in theoretical framework. The theory of semantic type of adjective in adjective noun collocation is analyzed by theory of Quirk (1973) and their meanings are explained. Each part of the data is given the same set of analysis in accordance with the general overview in order to draw a conclusion.

  • 3.   Result and Discussion

    • 3.1   Intensifying Adjectives

Intensifying adjectives have a heightening or lowering effect on the noun they modify. Some adjectives are considered as intensifying adjectives, such as real, perfect and poor.

For example:

  • a. but that my headache was caused by poor oxygenation (Green, 2012: 34)

The collocation poor oxygenation is considered as collocation based on the meaning of the item. Poor oxygenation means the process of oxygenation which has a low or inferior standard or quality (Macmillan: 2010). The adjective poor is lowering effect of the noun oxygenation.

  • 3.2    Post Determiners and Limiter Adjectives

Post determiners and limiter adjectives are used to particularize the reference of nouns. This class commonly co-occurs with nouns to specify the noun itself.

For example:

  • a) I am not the only person with bathing in mind (Roth, 2012:43)

The collocation only person is considered as collocation based on the meaning of the item. This collocation is predicted from its individual words. The collocation only person means limitation of human being as individual. The meaning of the adjective only is combined with the meaning of noun person. The collocation only person, the word only is used specify the noun person. In contrast, the combination lone person is

not easily understood and not heard naturally. Although the word only and lone are synonyms.

  • 3.3    General Adjective Susceptible to the Subjective Measures

This kind of adjective is commonly used to denote feelings, ideas and experiences. It is used based on personal taste or opinions

For example:

  • a. You’re giving us a bad reputation among the Candor (Roth,2012:58)

The collocation bad reputation is considered as collocation based on the meaning of the item. Bad reputation means the loss of other people’s respect because of something bad that you have done (Macmillan:2010).

  • 3.4    General Adjective Susceptible to Objective Measure (Size or Shape)

This kind of adjectives is denoting size or shape. It is susceptible which is commonly used to denote size of an object.

For example:

  • a) It’s no big deal.” (Green, 2012:67)

The collocation big deal is considered as collocation based on the strictest sense. Big deal is used for showing that you do not think that something is very good or impressive (Macmillan: 2010). Big deal here are not words that occur in neutral context but words that have a single meaning, and the meaning is determined by their context of the sentence. The collocation big deal is easily understood. In contrast, the combination large deal not easily understood and not heard naturally. Although the word big and large are synonyms.

  • 3.5    Adjectives Denoting Age

The adjectives that are commonly used to denote age such as young, new and old.

For example:

  • a. My old man. He always knew just what to say (Green, 2012:78)

The collocation old man is considered as collocation based on the strictest sense. Old man used for talking to a male friend or name used for talking to someone in a friendly way (Macmillan:2010). In this case, someone talk about her father and she calls her father “old man”. Here the meaning of this collocation is determined by the context of the sentence.

  • 3.6    Adjective Denoting Color

Color is determined as a visible quality that objects have, produced by the way they reflect light. Here, by using the words of color, a person can specify something in term of its color.

For example:

  • a. I would wade in the White River (Green, 2012:21)

The adjective white is combined together with the noun river. This collocation is considered as collocation based on the strictest sense. White river is a river that flows in two main branches through Indiana, past Indianapolis, to the Wabash River. White river here are not words that occur in the neutral context but words that have a single meaning and the meaning is determined by their context of the sentence. In this context someone talks about the place, White river is the name of river not river in white color.

  • 4    Conclusion

After analyzing all the data which are taken from the novels, it can be concluded that all kinds of semantic type of adjective noun adjective collocation can be found in the novels like intensifying adjective, post determiners and limiter adjectives, subjective measure, object measure (size and shape), adjectives age, denoting color, denoting material and denoting provenance or style.

All examples of noun adjective collocation are included into collocation based on the meaning of the item, except: big bang, big deal, old man, and white river. They are collocation based on strictest sense or have secondary meaning in certain context of situation.

The type of collocational is based on the range. All examples of noun adjectives collocation can be classified into this type because they can go together with a set of words that have some semantic features in common. These words collocate with an adjective to form collocational ranges which have the semantic features.

  • 5    Bibliography

Hornby, A.S. (1995). Oxford Advance Learner’s dictionary of Current English. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Hornby, A.S. (2010). Oxford Advance Learner’s dictionary. Oxford University Press, Oxford New York.

Leech, G.N. (1974). Semantic: The Study of Meaning. Middlesex: Penguin Book Ltd.

Quirk, R. and Greenbaum, S. (1973). A University Grammar of English. Longman, Longman.

Macmillan. D.A. (2010). Macmillan Collocation Dictionary - How it was written -Macmillan". Global Trade Book, Britain and the United States Available from: [Accessed 1 July 2015].