The Slang Words Used In “21 Jump Street” Movie Script By Michael Bacall
ISSN: 2302-920X
Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud
Vol 16.3 September 2016: 222 - 228
The Slang Words Used In “21 Jump Street” Movie Script By Michael Bacall
Ni Putu Devi Septirahyuni1*, I Nyoman Sedeng2, Putu Lirishati Soethama3 123English Department Faculty Of Arts Udayana University 1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]] 3[[email protected]]
Corresponding Author
Slang adalah bahasa Inggris non-formal yang dibuat dan digunakan oleh orang-orang dalam komunitas tertentu. Sebagian besar slang adalah hasil kreatifitas anak muda. Mereka menggunakan jenis bahasa ini dalam situasi informal atau tempat seperti rumah, sekolah, universitas, pasar, dan sebagainya. Kadang-kadang, mereka menciptakan kata baru dari bahasa mereka sendiri dan hanya dapat dipahami oleh komunitas mereka saja. Berbicara tentang film, merupakan sumber hiburan yang populer bagi pelajar, mahasiswa atau remaja. Ini adalah termasuk salah satu faktor dari penyebaran dunia slangism secara luas. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada analisis jenis slang, pembentukan kata, dan makna kata-kata slang yang digunakan dalam naskah film 21 Jump Street. Setelah menganalisa data, jenis slang yang digunakan oleh karakter dalam naskah film umumnya dalam bentuk slang primer, slang lainnya adalah slang sekunder. Selain itu, jenis pembentukan kata dalam menciptakan slang yang digunakan oleh karakter dalam naskah film ditemukan Pemotongan kata, Penggabungan, Pinjaman, Singkatan, dan Penggabungan dua kata. Dari analisis makna kata, sebagian besar digunakan untuk mengekspresikan perasaan atau emosi seseorang, terutama dalam marah atau terkejut tentang sesuatu atau seseorang. Satu kata slang bisa memiliki beberapa arti lain. Setiap makna slang dijelaskan berdasarkan konteks dalam dialog atau percakapan film. Kosakata slang sangat kaya di bidang tertentu seperti seksualitas, kekerasan, kejahatan, danobat-obatan.
Kata kunci: Slang, informal, film
Slang is non-formal or casual spoken English which is created and used by people in a certain community. Slang words are usually called slangism. It is a sprinkle of color in a language, since slang is unusual and unique. It is also classified into language variation. As the general rule, it is not use in the formal spoken language or writing because it is humorous, ribald, or shocking. Most slang is the product of the youth. They use this kind of language in informal situation or place like home, school,
university, market, and so on. Sometimes, they create new word from their own language and it can be understood only in their community. This kind of language variety is designed to make speech more casual and playful. However, it may not always be suitable for formal speech. Talking about movie, it is the source of entertainment which is popular for students or teenagers. It includes one of the factors of the spreading of slangism worldwide. According to Rooney (2005) slang has common meaning, (1) Slang is very casual speech or written words, expressions, and usages that are causal, vivid and playful replacements for standard ones, and are usually considered in formal context; (2) language of an exclusive group: a form of language used by particular group of people is often deliberately created to exclude people outside the group. Therefore, the movie entitled “21 Jump Street” was analyzed based on the meaning of slang words used in every slang expression in the movie.
Based on the background mentioned above, the problem of the study is formulated, as follows: What types and word formation of slang are used in 21 Jump Street movie script? What meaning of slang words are used in 21 Jump Street movie script?
In accordance with the problem of the study, the aims of this study are to find out types and word formation, also analyze the meaning of slang words used in 21 Jump Street movie script.
This part of study consists of four elements. They are data source, method and techniques of collecting data, method and techniques of analyzing data, method and techniques of presenting analysis.
The data were taken from 21 Jump Street movie script which was downloaded from the internet and used as primary data. The movie was chosen as the data source in this study because it contains many expressions of slang words in conversations. There were found 153 slang expressions spoken by the characters when they were talking to one another. However, only 50 slang expressions were taken as data in this study.
The data of the study were collected by means of documentatary method, by observing the script of the “21 Jump Street” movie as well as watching and listening to the movie carefully in order to identify what kinds of slang words and slang expressions were found in this movie. These were the steps that were used in collecting data; watching the movie to support this study, reading the script of the movie thoroughly to find out the sentences which would be considered slang words and slang expressions, note taking of the data that were categorized into slang words or slang expressions and ordering them into the list.
The collected data were analyzed using the qualitative method. These were the steps used in analyzing the data; identifying the slang expressions from the script of the movie “21 Jump Street”, classifying the data into slang words list from the script of the movie, analyzing what types of slang words found in the script of the movie, analyzing the meaning of the slang expressions found in the script of the movie.
The data analyzed were presented descriptively. In order to answer the first problem, the data were classified into two types based on Slang word and the data were classified into six word formations in creating slang based on the slang word theory. The second problems were analyzed by using paragraphs rather than statistical numerals..
This chapter deals with data presentation, analysis of types, word formations and meaning of slang expressions used by the characters in the 21 Jump Street movie script. As the data already collected from the movie script, there were found 153 slang expressions spoken by the characters when they were talking to one another. However, only 50 slang expressions were taken as data in this study.
21 Jump Street is a 2012 American action comedy film directed by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, starring Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum, and scripted by Michael Bacall from a story by him and Hill. An adaptation of the 1987 television series of the same name by Stephen J. Cannell and Patrick Hasburgh, the film follows two police officers who are forced to relive high school when they are assigned to go undercover as high school students to prevent the outbreak of a new synthetic drug and arrest its supplier. The data were taken randomly from the conversation between the characters found in the movie script 21 Jump Street. The characters were Greg Jenko or Brad, Schmidt or Doug, Melody, Molly Tracey, Eric Molson, Mr. Walters, Domingo, Captain Dickson, Zack, Mr. Gordon, Ms. Griggs, Tom Hanzen, Deputy Chief Maroy and Police officers.
The analysis in this chapter focuses on types and word formation of slang used in the movie. In analyzing types of slang the theory of Chapman (1988) was used, and the theory of Bauer (1983) and Zorc (1993) was used to analyze the formation of slang words.
Primary slang is a kind of slang in a general way, used by everyone and they are familiar with it. From the conversation and language spoken by the characters in the movie script 21 Jump Street written by Michael Bacall, many slang expressions could be identified as the primary slang. However, only few examples were taken randomly. The secondary slang is the slang word that is only used by a specific kind of group and spreading through people in society. There were some of secondary slang words randomly taken from the script.
According to Bauer (1983), word formation is a traditional label, and one which is useful, but it does not generally cover all possible ways of forming everything that can be called a word. Word formation can also be contrasted with the formation of idiomatic expressions, though sometimes words can be formed from multi-word phrases. The discussion of the process of creating slang was supported by word formation which consists of clipped word, compounding word, borrowing word, backward formation, abbreviation, and blending word.
The meanings of slang words are described based on Thematic Dictionary of American Slang. The meaning explained is not only the meaning based on dictionaries, but also meaning in whole context of the sentence. Frequently, the creation of slang is taken from certain evidence. The meaning attached is closely related to its metaphorical meaning. By exploring the story behind, it would be helpful for us to understand from which the meaning of slang is developed. In analyzing the meaning of slang word used by the characters in the movie script 21 Jump Street The Online American Slang Dictionary (2015) was used.
The types of slang used by the characters in the movie script are generally in form of primary slang, because almost all of the slangs in the movie are very natural to it speakers that makes the conversation lively with it. The other slang expressions belong to the secondary slang which are not so much to fix one group as to express one’s attitude and resourcefulness by pretending momentarily to be the member of street gang or criminal or drug user. Besides, the slang expressions used by the characters in the movie script 21 Jump Street written by Michael Bacall found are clipped word, compounding, borrowing, abbreviation, and blending. From the data analysis, there are several meanings of slang word, mostly used to express about someone’s feeling or emotion, especially when being surprised at something or somebody. One slang word could have some other meanings. Each meaning of slang is based on the context of the dialog or conversation, or the meaning could be found in Slang dictionary. Slang words are particularly rich in certain domain such as sexuality, violence, crimes, and drugs.
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