ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 16.3 September 2016: 163 - 170

Code Switching In The Short Story At The Cadian Ball By Kate Chopin

Luki Widianita1, Ketut Artawa2, I Nyoman Arya Wibawa3 123English Department, Faculty Of Arts Udayana University 1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]] 3[[email protected]]


Corresponding Author


Makalah ini yang berjudul "Code Switching in the short story at the cadian ball by kate chopin". Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis alih kode di dalam cerita pendek yang berjudul at the cadian ball by kate chopin. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berdasarkan pada teori Poplack (Dalam Romaine, 1995) yang membagi jenis alih kode dalam tag switching, inter sentential switching dan intra sentential switching. Dan untuk alasan code switching, berdasarkan teori dari Grosjean (1982). Data diambil dari seluruh bagian cerita pendek. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengindetifikasi dan mengklarifikasi ahli kode berdasarkan jenis ahli kode dan alasan ahli kode. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan ada tiga jenis ahli kode, mereka adalah:tag switching, inter sentential switching, dan intra sentential switching. code switching yang paling dominan ditemukan dalam short story ini adalah intra sentential switching, sedangkan yang paling sedikit adalah tag switching. untuk alasan, hanya ditemukan 4 dari 10 jenis alasan, yaitu: Continue the last language used (triggering). Specify addressee. Qualify message: amplify or emphasize (“topper” in argument). Convey confidentiality, anger, annoyance.

Kata Kunci: Code Switching, Short story, Tipe-Tipe dari Code Switching, AlasanAlasan dari Code Switching .

  • 1.    Background

Bilingual occurs when a person speaks more than two languages. Language contact inevitably leads to bilingualism. Bilingualism is a present in practically every country of the world, in all classes of society, and in all age groups (Grosjean, 1982:1). Although in bilingualism the two languages can be kept separately, but switching code from one to the other language often occurs in a bilingual, because the ability to use two languages often make the bilinguals switch their languages. switch their languages.

Code switching can be found in the occasion of conversation, speech, lectures or other kind of communication delivered both written and spoken forms.

Based on the cases mentioned previously, it is aroused me to explore further about various code switching in short story untitled At the Cadian Ball by Kate Chopin. This topic is interesting to be analyzed because this short story almost represented the phenomenon of code switching in French-English.

  • 2.    Problems

  • 1.    What types of code switching found in the short story At the Cadian Ball by Kate Chopin?

  • 2.    Why do people switch the code in the short story At the Cadian Ball by Kate Chopin?

  • 3.    Aims

  • 1 . To identify types of code switching are found in the short storyAt the Cadian Ball by Kate Chopin

  • 2 .To explain the reasons of code switching in the short story At the Cadian Ball by Kate Chopin

  • 4.    Research Methods

    4.1    Data source

The data of this study was taken from the short story At the Cadian Ball by Kate Chopin. This short story was chosen as the data source because it almost represented the phenomenon of code switching in English – French.

  • 4.2    Methods and Techniques of Collecting Data

The method used in collecting data for this study is documentation method. The process of collecting the data was divided into several steps. First, the data was collected manually by reading the data source thoroughly and then note-taking the narrations and conversations that contains code switching related to the problems. Finally, the data which is categorized as code switching, were classified into types and reasons of code switching.

  • 4.3    Methods and Techniques of Analyzing Data

After all the data were collected, the analysis of the data can be done. The analysis of the data used the descriptive method, in which each data will be presented and explained based on theory which will be adopted. For the types code switching, the theory is proposed by Poplcak. And for the reasons of code switching, the theory is stated by Groesjean (1982:151). In this study, the data was analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The descriptive was supported by some technique in data analysis. First, classify to the types of code switching. Second, described the types and reason qualitatively.

  • 5.    Result and Discussion

This chapter presents the analysis of the data that have been collected. The analysis is based on the types of code switching and the reasons of code switching. The analysis starts with types of code switching used by the writer in the short story at the cadian ball and followed by the reasons of code switching.

  • 5.1    Types of Code Switching in the short story at the cadian ball by kate chopin

    1.    Tag Switching

  • 1.    “Bon Dieu! You know that makes me crazy, w'at you sayin'. You mean that,Calixta? You ent goin' turn roun' agin?" (222)

According to French dictionary Bon Dieu! Means Oh God. In the data above occurred a switching which is classified as tag switching, because according to Poplack (1995) stated “tag switching occurs when a tag from different language is inserted into an utterance in other languages”. Furthermore, tag switching can be categorized in this utterance because the insertion of French utterance “Bon Dieu!” in the beginning of the utterance. The utterance Bon Dieu! is a tag. This utterance used by the writer of short story in order to expressing pain feeling.

  • 2.    Intra Sentential Switching

  • 1.  W‟ere has Monsieur Alcée gone?” she reiterated, stamping her bare foot. “I

won‟tstan‟ any non sense or any lies; mine, Bruce.” (80)

According to French dictionary Monsieur mean Mr. or Gentlemen. In the data above occurred a switching which is classified as intra sentential switching, because according to Poplack (1995) stated “intra sentential switching is a switch which occurs within a sentence or clause boundary”. Furthermore, in this utterance, the type of code switching occurs within sentence boundary and this type of code switching appears in the middle of sentence.

  • 3.    Inter Sentential Switching

  • 1.    “Par exemple!” she muttered disdainfully, as she turned from him, deftly adjusting the careful toilet that he had so brutally disarranged (50)

According to French dictionary Par exemple! mean for example. In the data above occurred a switching which is classified as inter sentential switching, because according to Poplack (1995) stated “inter sentential switching is a switch which occurs within the clause or sentence boundary”. Furthermore, in this utterance, the type of code switching occurs between utterances.

  • 5.2    Reasons of code switching in the short story at the cadian ball by kate chopin

    1.    Continue the last language used (triggering)

  • 1.    “I don‟ want to kiss you, Bobinôt,” she said, turning away again, “not to-day.

Some other time. Bontédivine! Ent you satisfy, yet!” (226).

According to French dictionary Bontédivine! mean God’s goodness. In this case, the reason why the writer of short story used this term Bonté divine! because the writer of short story continue the last language used. This utterance also showed by the interjection mark after the expression.

  • 2.    Specify Addressee

  • 1 .“The Cadian ball,” she repeated contemptuously. “Humph! Par exemple!Niceconduc‟ for a Labal-lière. An‟ he needs a saddle-bag, fill‟ with clothes, to go to the „Cadian ball!” (99)

The finding above can be categorized as reason “specify addressee”. In this case, the reason why the writer of short story used this term Par exemple!

Because the writer of short story wants to explain certain purpose that to depise or demean others and also described by the previous English utterance

  • 3.    Convey confidentiality, anger, and annoyance

  • 1.    “Bon Dieu! You know that makes me crazy, w'at you sayin'. You mean that, Calixta? You entgoin' turn roun' agin?"(222)

According to French dictionary Par exemple!mean for example. The utterance Par exemple!can be categorized for reason “Specify Addressee”. In this case, the reason why the writer of short story used this utterance because the writer of short story wants to say something personal and this utterance also showed by the interjection mark after the utterance.

  • 4.    Qualify a message: amplify or emphasize

  • 1.    There were broad galleries all around it. There was a room at one side where sober-faced men were playing cards. Another, in which babies were sleeping, was called le parc aux. (110)

The finding above can be categorized as “Qualify a message: amplify or emphasize”, because the writer of short story amplifies this utterance that the name of place. The utterance le parcaux is putted in the last of the utterance in order to amplify the information

  • 5.    Specify speakers involvement (personalize message)

  • 1.    Bruce, w‟ere has Monsieur Alcée gone?” she asked. (77)

Here, the writer of short story spoke about Monsieur. According to French dictionary Monsieur means Mister. The French utterance symbolize the term of addressee for a person somewhat older than the character of short story.

While, English symbolized personal involvement about giving someone question with question

  • 6.    Conclusion

In the previous chapter, code switching which is used by the writer of short story has been discussed. The writer of short story uses all types of code switching classified by Poplack. They are tag switching, inter-sentential switching, and also intra-sentential switching. The type of code switching that mostly occurs in the data is intra sentential switching, while the less occurrence is tag switching.

From ten reasons of code switching stated by Grosjean, four of them are applicable here. Those are: Continue the last language used (triggering). Specify addressee. Qualify message: amplify or emphasize (“topper” in argument). Convey confidentiality, anger, annoyance. I do realize that this paper is far from being perfect. Hopefully, this paper is useful for everyone who is concerned sociolinguistic, especially in analyzing short story.

  • 7.    Bibliography

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