The Three Dimensions Of The Main Character In “Snow White And The Huntsman” Movie Script
ISSN: 2302-920X
Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud
Vol 16.3 September 2016: 154-162
The Three Dimensions
Of The Main Character In “Snow White And The Huntsman” Movie Script
Luh Wulan Astarini1*, I Gede Putu Sudana2, Sang Ayu Isnu Maharani3
123English Department Facultyof Arts Udayana University
1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]]
Corresponding Author
Studi yang berjudul The Three Dimensions of the Main Character in “Snow White and the Huntsman” Movie Script fokus menganalisa tiga dimensi yaitu fisiologis, psikologis dan sosiologis dari Snow White sebagai karakter utama. Studi ini juga menganalisis hubungan antara tiga dimensi, yaitu dimensi fisiologis dan psikologis, psikologis dan sosiologis, serta sosiologis dan fisiologis. Tujuan studi ini adalah menganalisis tiga dimensi dan hubungan ketiganya.
Ada tiga teori yang digunakan sebagai referensi dalam studi ini. Teori pertama mengadopsi buku berjudul Theory of Literature oleh Wellek dan Warren (1955). Teori kedua Practical Psychology oleh Karl S. Bernhardt (1953). Teori ketiga Theory of Sociology: An Introduction oleh Roucek dan Warren (1963).
Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa dari dimensi fisiologis, Snow White digambarkan sebagai wanita dewasa yang cantik. Dimensi psikologis, Snow White digambarkan sebagai gadis yang berhati tulus. Dimensi sosiologis, Snow White digambarkan sebagai seseorang dengan kepribadian pemimpin. Hubungan antara dimensi fisiologis dan psikologis Snow White adalah kecantikan wajahnya sejalan dengan kebaikannya. Hubungan antara dimensi psikologis dan sosiologis adalah bahwa ia menggabungkan kepribadiannya yang dapat meyakinkan orang dan sikapnya yang tidak pernah mudah menyerah. Hubungan antara dimensi sosiologis dan fisiologis dilihat dari kasta dan usia. Snow White mendapat kasta sebagai seorang putri ketika dia masih kecil dan menjadi ratu ketika dia dewasa.
Kata kunci: Karakter Utama, Tiga Dimensi, Karakter Analisis.
Literature is a creation which communicatively presents the author’s intent for aesthetic purpose. Literature has its genre; it can be divided into fiction and non-fiction. Fiction is an imaginative story or fantastical work; like fairy tales, short stories even
novels. And non-fiction is the opposite of fiction; it contains facts such as autobiographies, diaries and essays.
The fiction of literature can be analyzed using two approaches; they are intrinsic and extrinsic approaches. The intrinsic approach analyzes the internal part of a story; it consists of the analysis of theme, plot, setting and characters in the story. While the extrinsic approach analyzes what comes from outside the story which affects and is still related to the flow of the story in literature.
A movie script, as one of the fiction literature, used as the data source in this study is a fantasy movie entitled “Snow White and The Huntsman” which narrates a beautiful princess named Snow White and a huntsman, as her friend, who helped her defeat Ravenna, her stepmother, who killed Snow White’s father and usurped her father’s throne and power in the kingdom. The analysis focuses more on the character Snow White as the main character in this movie script. Character is a person who takes a role in a story and pictured by the specific description of three dimensions of the character; they are physiology, which is the study of the human body (Tokay, 1957: 1) and psychology that includes the human motivation, feeling and emotion (Bernhardt, 1953:45) and sociology which is the study of human beings in their group of relationship which studies interaction within and among groups of people (Roucek and Warren, 1963:3).
Analyzing the main character in the movie script is interesting because it gives a different sense to analyze the three dimensions of the main character by reading the movie script. The main character is analyzed by seeing the description of the three dimensions of the character; the physiological, psychological and sociological dimensions. The description is given in detail in the movie script.
Based on the background above, there are three problems of interest to be discussed as follows:
1) What are physiological, psychological and sociological dimensions of the main character in the “Snow White and The Huntsman” movie script?
2) What is the relation among the three dimensions of the main character in the “Snow White and the Huntsman” movie script?
The aims of this study are:
1) To explain what are physiological, psychological and sociological dimensions of the main character in the “Snow White and the Huntsman” movie script.
2) To describe the relation among the three dimensions of the main character in the “Snow White and the Huntsman” movie script.
The primary data in this undergraduate paper were a movie script entitled Snow White and the Huntsman. The method and technique used in collecting data was documentary method. The data in this study were analyzed qualitatively based on the physiological theory by Tokay (1957: 1), psychological theory by (Bernhardt, 1953:45) and the sociological theory by Roucek and Warren (1963:23-112).
This part deals with the result and the discussion of the data. The data analysis is divided into two parts. The first part analyzes the three dimensions of Snow White as the main character in this movie script and the second part analyzes the interrelation among the three dimensions of Snow White. The first part analyzes the physiological, psychological, sociological dimensions. The second part analyzes the interrelation among the physiological and psychological, psychological and sociological dimensions and also the interrelation among sociological and physiological dimensions.
The Three Dimensions of Snow White
1. Physiological dimension
The physiological dimension can be analyzed from age, sex, and face of the main character in the movie script. The analysis of the physiological dimension of the main character “Snow White” is discussed as follows.
a. Sex and age
1. At the beginning of the story in the Snow White and the Huntsman movie script, Snow White was identified as a newborn baby girl who was being carried by his father, King Magnus.
Soon after, a daughter was born to the Queen and was named "Snow White." With a radiant smile, the Queen offers SNOW WHITE to her proud father, KING MAGNUS.
b. Face
1. Snow White was pictured as a most beautiful girl, even her beauty beat Ravenna’s beauty. It was proofed at the time when Ravenna asked the magic mirror about who the most beautiful girl, then the mirror replied that Snow White was the prettiest.
RAVENNA stares into her mirror now, rejuvenated.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who is the fairest of them all?
Snow White.
Ravenna is shocked by this, staggers a bit.
2. Psychological dimension
Psychology is the study of human behavior. The psychological dimension is related to the human mentality and emotion. The psychological dimension of the character can be seen through the analysis of the human motivation, feeling and emotion
a. Human motivation
1. Snow White was pictured as someone who never easily gives up on something. It is proofed when she kept trying to attack Ravenna, her wicked stepmother, to defeat Ravenna in a fight, in order to give a freedom to her people.
I will... defeat... you... I am the only...
You cannot defeat ME?.you are but a child!
(whispers to Ravenna)
By fairest blood... it is undone!
Ravenna looks down. Three drops of blood fall onto Snow
White's armor.
Ravenna is aging at an incredible pace. Her body gives way and she slumps to the floor, below the mirror.
She looks at the mirror above her, gasping, reaching out,
her pale eyes looking for a friend, a miracle... but
b. Felling and emotions
1. Snow White was pictured as someone with high empathy. This characteristic of emotion was shown by her when she saw the death of her dwarf friend, Gus. It made her so anguished when she saw her friend sacrificing himself to save her.
Gus launches himself -- and takes the arrow meant for Snow
White. Before Aldan can load another arrow -- William
fires an arrow of his own, striking him in the chest. The
Yakut topples over, dead at last but still astride his
Snow White falls to her knees in anguish, cradling the
dying Gus. He smiles weakly, holding her gaze, then whispers:
I shan't leave you, Miss.
3. Sociological dimension
Sociological dimension is the study between one person and the society or social interaction. The sociological dimension is divided into personality and social status system.
a. Personality
1. Snow White was described as someone who had a personality of a commander because she succeed to convince everyone to join her to come together to attack Ravenna and everyone was kneeling in front of her as a sign that they all followed her and became the leader in this attack.
If Ravenna comes for me, I will ride to meet her. And if she doesn't, I will ride to meet her.
Alone if I must.
But if you would join me, I will gladly give my life for you. For this land and its people have lost too much. Duke Hammond stares at her for a moment, then BOWS. A beat, then William follows, then all the Lords and Knights. His eyes fixed on Snow White, Eric bows too. Then Beith. Then Muir and his son, Quert. Then Coll and Duir. And finally even Gort and Nion.
Snow White stands alone, overwhelmed by the faith of the kneeling warriors, and the responsibility on her shoulders.
b. Social status system
1. The caste of Snow White in this movie script was described as a royal princess of the royal family. She got this caste because of her birth as a royal descent from the marriage of King Magnus and his Queen.
We find ourselves in a crowded chamber full of MIDWIVES and PHYSICIANS
Soon after, a daughter was born to the Queen and was named "Snow White."
The Interrelation among the Three Dimensions
1. Physiological and psychological dimensions
On the physiological dimension, Snow White was described as a beautiful girl, and her beauty was adored by everybody in the Kingdom. By her beauty, it did not make her arrogant. Precisely, in her psychological dimension, she was described as a girl with a sincere heart who helped and cared for others. Her beauty face was in line with her beauty heart, which is why she said that she had a rare beauty.
We found it in the woods.
The Queen takes the wounded magpie from Snow White.
It will heal in time.
Snow White's eyes are fixed on the little bird.
I'll look after it.
You possess a rare beauty, my love. In here.
(She touches Snow white's heart)
Never lose it. Hold it dear. You will need its strength to one day become Queen.
2. Psychological and sociological dimensions
The relation between the psychological and sociological dimension is that she combines her commander personality; as someone who can convince people with her manner; who never easily give up to anything.
I am ready to ride by your side, my lord, when you face the Queen in battle.
The Duke looks speechless for a moment.
There will be no battle, your highness.
The best thing you can do for your people is stay safe behind these walls.
The Queen cannot be defeated. She cannot be killed. And
therefore there can be no victory.
Snow White hesitates, her heart pounding, then replies:
I can vanquish her. Defeat her. I am the only one. She told me so herself.
If Ravenna comes for me, I will ride to meet her. And if she
doesn't, I will ride to meet her.
Alone if I must.
But if you would join me, I will gladly give my life for you.
For this land and its people have lost too much.
Eric and the dwarves couldn't look prouder.
Duke Hammond stares at her for a moment, then BOWS. A beat, then
William follows, then all the Lords and Knights.
Snow White stands alone, overwhelmed by the faith of the kneeling warriors, and the responsibility on her shoulders.
3. Sociological and physiological dimensions
The relation between the sociological and physiological dimensions of Snow White could be observed from the relation between her caste and age. Snow White gets her
caste as a princess when she was a little girl and becomes a queen when she is grown up.
Soon after, a daughter was born to the Queen and was named "Snow White."
The baby's CRIES grow louder as the King cradles her gently in his arms, turning towards a mirror.
Backlit in a golden hue. A crown is placed on her head.
We're in...
Packed for the coronation.
Hail to the Queen!
And then the huntsman smiles and leaves.
It can be concluded that the character Snow White already described the three dimensions of character; physiological dimension, psychological dimension and sociological dimension. The three dimensions of Snow White had been described in detail by seeing the dialogue in the movie script which is associated to the description of each dimension.
Bernhardt, Karl S. 1953. Practical Psychology. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Book Company.
Tomkins, Silvan. 1978. Script Theory. New York: Other Press.
Ventura, Thomas. 2002. Psychoanalysis. All psych journals: psychoanalysis. Allpsych Journal.
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