Lexical Cohesion Found In The Editor’s Note Of Indonesia Tatler Traveller Magazine
ISSN: 2302-920X
Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud
Vol 16.1 Juli 2016: 269 – 275
Lexical Cohesion Found In The Editor’s Note Of Indonesia Tatler Traveller Magazine
Sang Ayu Dwi Janu Pratiwi1*, I Made Rajeg2, Ni Ketut Sri Rahayuni3 123English Department, Faculty of Letters and Culture, Udayana University [[email protected]]1 [[email protected]]2
Corresponding Author
Studi yang berjudul "The Analysis of Lexical Cohesion In The Editor’s Note of Indonesia Tatler Traveller Magazine” ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis jenis kohesi leksikal yang sering terjadi dalam teks dan konteks situasi yang terdapat dalam teks tertulis.
Data yang digunakan dalam studi ini berupa catatan penulis dalam majalah Indonesia Tatler Traveller Issue 1. Analisis data ini didasarkan pada teori kohesi oleh Halliday (1985) dan Hasan (1976) dan Nunan (1993).
Temuan dari studi ini menyatakan bahwa jenis kohesi leksikal yang ditemukan pada catatan penulis ini adalah pengulangan, sinonim, dan antonim.
Kata kunci: kohesi leksikal, pengulangan, kolokasi, dan konteks situasi.
1. Background of the study
A text is related to the cohesiveness of the text itself. Based on Halliday and Hasan (1976:227), cohesion is the relationship between sentences in a text and the sentences of a text can only follow one after the other in particular aspect of them through certain connections. Cohesion itself can be divided into two categories, grammatical and lexical cohesion. And in this study, the discussion is focused on the use of lexical cohesion and the context of situation in editor’s note.
Hoey (1991) in Nunan’s book, Introducing Discourse Analysis (1993 ;31) argues that lexical cohesion is the single most important form of cohesion, accounting for something like forty per cent of cohesive ties in texts. There are two major types of lexical cohesion which involves the repetition of lexical item, synonym or near synoym, super ordinate, and general word. Meanwhile, collocation is a form of lexical cohesion that is achieved through the association of lexical items regularly co-occurs.
The analysis of context of situation becomes the second important things in this study after the analysis of lexical cohesion.
Analyze the lexical cohesion and context of situation in editor's note of the English magazine is interesting since the trouble to understand the meaning of the word often happened.
2. Problems
Based on the background above, there are two problems which can be identified, they are:
a.) What types of lexical cohesion are found in the editor’s note of Indonesia Tatler Traveller Magazine ?
b.) How the context of situation is reflected in the written text in the editor’s note of Indonesia Tatler Traveller Magazine ?
3. Aims
The aims of this study are:
1. To find out the types of lexical cohésion in editor' s note of Indonesia Tatler Traveller Magazine.
2. To analyse how the context of situation reflects in the written texts in the editor's note Indonesia Tatler Traveller Magazine.
4. Research Method
The method used in this study is qualitative method since the data was based predominantly on non-numerical data by calculating the frequency of the occurrence of the types of lexical cohesion in the data. The writer observed data, which come from documented data taken from the editor’s note of Indonesia Tatler Traveller Magazine Issue 1. There are three aspects of the research method. They are data source, data collection and data analysis.
5. Result and Discussion
This part deals with the result and the discussion of the data. The data analysis is divided into two parts; classification of lexical cohesion such as reiteration and collocation, analyze context of situation. Reiteration which involves the repetition of lexical item, synonym or near-synonym, superordinate, and general word. Collocation which involves antonym, the same ordered series. The context of situation (in Halliday and Hasan 1985) which involves field, tenor, and mode.
a. Repetition
Repetition is one kind of reiteration which shows the same lexical items that is repeated in the text and commonly functions as reference. In the text that analyzed in this study, repetition dominates the other parts of the other lexical cohesion. The repitition occured for 14 times in the text. Here is one of the repetition that were found in the editor’s note of Indonesia Tatler Traveller Magazine.
1. Issue
- Another issue of Indonesia Tatler Traveller means another list of must-visit destinations this year. (p.1, s1)
- In this issue, we cover a number of countries and places that have left an indelible mark in our hearts. (p.1, s.2)
- From our cover story featuring Bangkok to our Western destinations, and to famous delicacies originating from the East, this issue sure has it all covered. (p.1, s.3)
Issue (p.1, s.1)
Issue (p.1, s.2)
Issue (p.1, s.3)
In this editor’s letter, the word issue is reapeated three times. Generally, the word issue means the act or process of publishing printed matter or something proceeding from a specified source. In this written text, the word issue in p.1, s.1, p.1, s.2, and p.1, s.3, explain the action shown by the editor in writing the editor’s note in Indonesia Tatler Traveller Magazine.
b. Synonym
Synonym occurs when lexical cohesion results from the choice of lexical item that is in some sense synonymous with a preceding one. In other words, synonym is a kind of reiteration which deals with the sameness meaning of words in the text. Here is one of the synonym that were found in the editor’s note of Indonesia Tatler Traveller Magazine.
1. Beautiful = Stunning
(a) Similarly, the Wat Arun Temple is an iconic sight in the beautiful capital of Thailand. (p.2, s.3)
(b) Despite the stunning views, sceneries and quality of life offered by the West, nothing quite beats the taste of Oriental. (p.4, s.1)
The word beautiful is synonym to the word stunning. Both of beautiful and stunning involves sense or mind, especially when refer to someone or something appearance. The word beautiful in (p.2, s.3) explain about the scenery in Thailand. In (p.4, s1) the word stunning is explaining about the scenery that the western has.
c. Antonym
Antonym is the oppositeness as a kind of meaning. In other words, antonym can be described as the oppositeness of experiental meaning and it involves grabble opposites between the items. Here is one of the antonym that were found in the editor’s note of Indonesia Tatler Traveller Magazine.
a) Moving on into our Western destinations, we stop by the vibrant London and Vancouver. (p.3, s.1)
b) Moving on into our Western destinations, we stop by the vibrant London and Vancouver. (p.3, s.1)
The word moving on in the above paragraph are the antonym of the word stop, because the both word have opposite meanings. The word moving on means to order somebody to move away from the sceneof an accident, etc. while the word stop means not move or no longer move.
d. Analysis of Context of Situation
Halliday classifies the context of situation into three, those are field of discourse, (what are the text is all about), tenor of discourse (the role of participans), and mode of discourse (the medium of the text).
Here are the field, tenor, and mode that were found in the editor’s note of Indonesia Tatler Traveller Magazine.
1. Field
Another issue of Indonesia Tatler Traveller Magazine means another list of must visit destination .From our cover story featuring Bangkok to our Western destinations, and to famous delicacies orginating from the East.
2. Tenor
The participans who involves in the editor’s note are the editor publisher and the readers.
3. Mode
The mode of the editor’s note in Indonesia Tatler Traveller Magazine is a written text. The language used by the writer is common language or understandable language so the readers can understand the text easily.
The text showed monologues in which a text itself is the whole part of the relevance activity. The purpose of the text is to give general information of the whole content of the magazine in terms of the latest issue of Indonesia Tatler Traveller Magazine.
6. Conclusion
The analysis shows both reiteration and collocation were found in the text. The reiterations found in the editor’s note was repetition and synonym or near synonym only. While the collocation found in the editor ‘s note was antonym, and the same ordered series only. The types of lexical cohesion were dominated by reiteration. The type of reiteration was dominated by repetition which appears eight times in the text. The context of situation also found in the text that has been analyzed. Every text has context of situation in order to get social phenonomena that is conveyed by the text itself and so does in the editor’s note of Indonesia Tatler Traveller Magazine. The text has three features of context of situation namely field, tenor, and mode. The field of text is the latest issue of destinations that was talked in the editor’s note of Indonesia Tatler Traveller Magazine edition March 2015 Issue 1.
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Indonesia Tatler Traveller Magazine, March 2015 Issue 1.
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