ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 20.1 Agustus 2017: 131-138

Hyperbole in Frozen Movie

I Gusti Ayu Winda Paramita

English Department, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University [[email protected]]


Penelitian yang berjudul Hyperbole in Frozen movie ini berfokus untuk mengetahui hiperbola pada film Frozen. Saat ini banyak orang sengaja membesar-besarkan ucapan mereka untuk tujuan tertentu. Hiperbola adalah kiasan untuk efek sastra yang khas dan berlebihan, atau suatu ungkapan untuk membuat sesuatu terlihat lebih besar dari sebenarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bentuk hiperbola dan menganalisis jenis makna hiperbola.

Data dalam penelitian ini diambil dari film Frozen. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode dokumentasi dan menganalisis data dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data dianalisis menggunakan teori Claridge untuk menganalisis bentuk-bentuk dari hiperbola. Data selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan teori makna oleh Leech, untuk mengetahui jenis makna hiperbola dalam naskah film tersebut.

Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa semua bentuk hiperbola ditemukan dalam naskah film, yaitu: kata tunggal hiperbola, hiperbola phrasal, hiperbola kausal, hiperbola angka, peran superlatif, perbandingan, dan pengulangan. Hiperbola digunakan dalam film untuk melebih-lebihkan, menekankan, membandingkan, menunjukkan kedalaman emosi, untuk sesuatu yang tidak mungkin terjadi dan memberi informasi tambahan. Dua dari tujuh jenis makna bisa ditemukan di film Frozen, yaitu makna konotatif dan makna afektif. Sejauh makna diperhatikan, makna konseptual, makna gaya, makna reflektif, makna kolektif dan tematik tidak ditemukan karena data tersebut tidak sesuai dengan definisi dari makna konseptual, makna gaya, makna reflektif, makna kolektif dan tematik.

Kata kunci: hiperbola, naskah film, makna, ekspresi

  • 1.    Background

Language is the process or set of processes used to ensure that is agreement between the speaker and recipient for meanings assigned to the symbols and the schema for combining them used for each communication.

Language is used extensively in literature. According to Hornby (1983) “literature is defined as the writing or study of books, etc valued as works of art.” Literature is established as the expression of what people have seen in life.

In literature, expressions are written in figurative style. According to Knickerbocker &Reninger (1963:367), Figurative is sometimes called metaphorical languages or simply metaphor because its Greek ancestor metapherein means to carry meaning beyond its literal meaning.

Hyperbole is exaggeration for a specific literary effect and overstatement. On the other hand, hyperbole is an expression to make something look bigger or greater than it really is. Kennedy, X. J. (1983:687) stated that the word hyperbole is derived from Greek language, that are ‘hyper’ which means ‘over’ and ‘ballien’ means to ‘throw’. So, from the meaning it can be said that hyperbole or over statement is a statement containing exaggeration to emphasize a point.

The research is focused only on one of kind of figurative language, hyperbolic. Hyperbole is interesting to be analyzed because hyperbole means that all the expressions have to be understood based on the context, not based on dictionary. The research discusses this topic due to the fact that there are only a few studies which analyze hyperbole as a topic and people

usually unconsciously use hyperbole in everyday life to make the situation more dramatic and exaggerated

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

There are some problems arising and need to be discussed. The problems are as follows:

  • 1.    What are the forms of hyperbole used in Frozen movie?

  • 2.    How meanings are conveyed by the hyperbolic expression found in Frozen movie?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

The specific aims of the study are

  • 1)    To identify the forms of hyperbole used in Frozen movie.

  • 2)    To analyze the meanings conveyed by the hyperbole expression found in Frozen movie.

  • 4.    Research Method

There are three components of research method in this study; they are Data Source, Data Collection, and Data Analysis.

  • 4.1    Data Source

The data source was taken from a movie entitled “Frozen”. The Frozen movie was written by Jennifer Lee on

23rd September 2013. These movie script was chosen as the data source because the movie is very interesting and it has won the Disney awards and box office ratings. There are a few persons who use movie script as the data source; mostly they use song lyrics to discuss the figurative language.

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The method used to collect the data is documentation method. The data were collected using the following steps: the first step was downloading the movie script from the internet. The second step was watching the movie (Frozen). The third step was reading and finding sentences that contain hyperbole from the Disney Movie script. Then the forth step was classifying the hyperbole found in Disney Movie script. The last step was identifying data recorded in the data cards.

  • 4.3    Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

The method and technique of analyzing data used in this study was the descriptive qualitative method. The data was analyzed using the following steps, the first step was identifying the hyperbole on each sentence, the second

step was analyzing the meaning of those hyperboles, and the last step was presenting the data.

  • 5.    Result and Discussion

The data were qualitatively and descriptively collected and analyzed using the Claridge’s theory (2011:44) the forms of Hyperbole and Leech’s theory (1974: 10) types of meaning.

  • 5.1    The Analysis of Forms of Hyperbole used in Frozen movie

The findings include seven forms of hyperbole by Claridge’s theory. The data are shown first then followed by the analysis; the analysis contains setting explanation, the implicit meaning and analysis of the form of hyperbole.

Data 1:

“For the first time in forever, there’ll be music, there’ll be light, for the first time in forever, I’ll be dancing through the night.”

In the first data, the first hyperbole is when Anna said "For the first time in forever". “Forever” that Anna says does not mean really forever but it refers to a very long time. In the sentence the hyperbolic word is forever, if the word forever is removed from the sentence, the element of hyperbole in that sentence will also completely

disappear. The single-word hyperbole with the word ‘forever’ exaggerates the emotion that Anna said.

Data 2:

“Oh, me sore eyes can’t wait to see the Queen and the Princess. I bet they’re absolutely lovely.”

“Sore” that the Irisman does not refer to a sense of sick or pain but the metaphorical expression of something. The Irishman refers to his eyes using the phrase “me sore eyes”. In Ireland, the possessive pronoun for the first person is expressed using the word “me” instead of “my” just like in British or American English.

This data is phrasal hyperbole because phrasal hyperbole is a combination of words and sense. “Me sore” refers to sense; it is something that can only be felt. “Eyes” is a word explained by the sense. The phrase “me sore eyes” expresses how he cannot wait to meet the queen and the word is applied to make things seem to be exaggerated and because it is in accordance with the Irishman feelings which was very impatient and passionate.

Data 3:

“For the first time in forever, there’ll be music, there’ll be light, for the first time in forever, I’ll be dancing through the night.”

The hyperbole is when Anna said “I’ll be dancing through the night”. She does not mean to dance all night until dawn. She will dance only until the midnight. The “through the night” is a phrasal hyperbole which expresses Anna’s feeling and excitement for the situation. The speaker exaggerated the language to show how happy she was at the day and wanted to dance until the night. In this phrase ‘through the night’ expresses something impossible to happen. It is impossible for a woman to dance all night long. This is clearly a hyperbole.

Data 4:

“I’ve started talking to the pictures on the walls.”

The meaning of the sentence "I've started talking to the pictures on the walls" gives an impression that Anna was talking to the wall, while in fact she was just talking to herself. Talking is an activity that involves the speaker and

hearer, it is impossible for a wall to be a hearer. The data is clausal hyperbole, because clausal hyperbole is a hyperbolic style which occurs by combining one or more words.

Data 5:

“Beautiful! Powerful! Dangerous! Cold! Ice has a magic can’t be controlled. Stronger than one, stronger than ten, stronger than a hundred men!

The data contain numerical hyperbole and the use of numerical hyperbole with the word ‘hundred’ makes the situation become bigger and impossible to happen. In the reality it would not be possible if some men could stronger than a hundred men.

Data 6:

“Yeah. I bet Elsa’s the nicest, gentlest, warmest person ever. Oh, look at that. I’ve been impaled”

In that sentence, there are 3 superlatives: nicest, gentlest, and warmest. Superlative makes something sound so excessive and extreme. These superlatives are used by Olaf to exaggerate the meaning that he wanted to convey.

The word "nicest" is chosen because Olaf considers Elsa is a very kind person and she has also created him. Even though Elsa has covered Arendelle in thick pile of snow, Olaf still consider her as the best person he had ever met. Olaf also uses the word "gentlest" to show that he knew the softer side of Elsa even when she shows herself as a strong and decisive queen. Elsa never shows her weakness to other people and Olaf still says that she is the gentlest person he ever meet. The word "warmest" that Olaf said does not refer to warm temperatures, it refers to how friendly Elsa is. He chooses the word "warmer" to emphasize how friendly she is.

Data 7:

“There’s twenty feet of fresh powder down there; it’ll be like landing on a pillow....Hopefully”

The word “like” in the sentence is classified into comparison hyperbole because the speaker uses the sentence to exaggerate her feelings and persuade the hearer to jump. It compares between heavy snow and pillow in similar level. The word 'pillow' is used to indicate the heavy snow.

Data 8:

“Beautiful! Powerful! Dangerous! Cold! Ice has a magic can’t be controlled. Stronger than one, stronger than ten, stronger than a hundred men!”

The data contain repetition hyperbole. The word ‘stronger’ is repeated for three times, the repetition of the word ‘stronger’ gives emphasis that the ice harvesters were very stronger than the other men.

Data 9:

“Arendelle’s in deep deep deep deep snow.”

The sentence ‘Arendelle's in deep deep deep deep snow’ that Anna said is clearly a repetition hyperbole. It contains repetition hyperbole because the pronunciation of the word 'deep' is repeated for four times. Anna did it to exaggerate what she meant and conveyed it to Queen Elsa. Anna said that their kingdom was snowy. By repeating the word 'deep' Anna succeed in exaggerating the sentence.

  • 5.2    The Types of Meaning

In this analysis, there were some conversations considered as form of

hyperbole found in the movie entitled Frozen. The finding is shown first then followed by analysis, the analysis contains the analysis of the seven types of meanings.

  • 5.2.1    Connotative Meaning

  • 1)    “For the first time in forever, there’ll be music, there’ll be light, for the first time in forever, I’ll be dancing through the night.”

Based on the conversation above, the sentence 'For the first time in forever' is in the category of connotative meaning because the meaning of the word 'forever' in the Oxford dictionary, which means 'For all future time' but it does not mean the same as what the speaker wants to convey. ‘Forever’ that the speaker means is for a quite long time since the last it happened but not for her whole life. It is clear that the sentence contains of Connotative meaning.

  • 2)    “Beautiful! Powerful! Dangerous! Cold! Ice has a magic can’t be controlled. Stronger than one, stronger than ten, stronger than a hundred men!”

Stronger than one, stronger than the, stronger than a hundred men' is clearly

connotative meaning, the speakers do not actually say that they are more powerful than a hundred men. But they are strong men. It is seen from the pictures showing their big muscles. But it does not match their words saying that they are more powerful than a hundred men.

  • 3)    Arendelle’s in deep deep deep deep snow.

Based on the conversation above, Arendelle's in deep deep deep deep snow. It is connotative meaning because the word 'deep' used in the sentence has a different meaning from the message that speaker wants to convey. The speaker wants to emphasize that the kingdom is covered in thick pile of snow. The meaning of the word ‘deep’ in the oxford is 'Extending far down from the top or surface'. The word 'deep' is less appropriate if it is used to convey the message that the speaker wants to explain.

  • 5.2.2    Affective Meaning

  • 1)    Oh, me sore eyes can’t wait to see the Queen and the Princess. I bet they’re absolutely lovely.

The sentence, ‘me sore eyes can’t wait to see the queen’ is affective

meaning. The speaker wants to convey his happy feeling to meet the queen using the word 'sore'. The word 'sore' does not really mean ill or pain. But the word 'sore' selected is to emphasize how happy his feeling is at the time. The speaker's voice also sounds very cheerful and happy when he said that sentence.

  • 2)    Yeah. I bet Elsa’s the nicest, gentlest, warmest person ever. Oh, look at that. I’ve been impaled.

The data has affective meaning because the sentence shows how happy Olaf is. The affective meaning can also be seen from his hands and eye gesture. It is like he imagines that Elsa is a nice, gentle and warm person. Although in reality it is not the same as Olaf imagined.


There are seven forms of hyperbole found in this movie, namely: single word hyperbole, phrasal hyperbole, causal hyperbole, numerical hyperbole, the role of superlative, comparison, and repetition. The analysis consists of the hyperbolic form and the implied meanings.

Furthermore, two out of seven types of meaning are found in Frozen movie, namely connotative meaning and affective meaning. The other types of meaning, such as conceptual meaning, stylistic meaning, reflective meaning, collocative meaning and thematic meaning are not found because the findings do not match the definition of conceptual meaning, stylistic meaning, reflective meaning, collocative and thematic meaning.

In general, all of the findings have non literal meaning because each of the data has implied meaning or more than one meaning behind the literal meaning


Claridge, C. (2011). Hyperbole in

English: A Corpus-based Study of Exaggeration Cambridge.

England: Cambrige University.

Hornby, A. (1983). Oxford Advance

Leaner's Dictionary of Current English. New York: Oxford University Press.

Knickerbocker, K. a. (1963).

Interpreting Literature. New

York. Chicago. San Fransisco.

Toronto : Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Leech, G. (1974). Meaning and the English verb. London: Lacaster University.