ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 17.1 Oktober 2016: 35 - 41

Illocutionary Acts In The Movie Divergent

Della Maharani1*, I Nyoman Aryawibawa2, Ni Ketut Sri Rahayuni3

123English Department Faculty Of Arts Udayana University

1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]] 3[[email protected]]

Corresponding Author


Komunikasi yang dilakukan orang banyak kadang dapat menimbulkan kesalahpahaman karena terkadang pembicara menyampaikannya bersamaan dengan tindak tutur. Ini terjadi karena salah satu pihak tidak dapat memahami sepenuhnya maksud dan tujuan pembicara dalam sebuah percakapan. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tipe tindak tutur yang terdapat pada film berjudul Divergent. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mencoba untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana konteks situasi mendukung tindak tutur di dalam film Divergent. Penelitian perpustakaan digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dari film dan metode descriptif kualitatif digunakan untuk menganalisa data. Teori- teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisa data adalah klasifikasi tindak ilokusi dari Searle (1976) dan teori konteks situasi dari Halliday (1985). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hanya terdapat empat dari lima tipe tindak ilokusi yang terdapat di film Divergent: representatif, direktif, commisif dan ekspresif. Sedangkan deklaratif ilokusi tidak ditemukan di film Divergent. Teori konteks situasi dari Halliday (1985) menunjukkan bagaiman konteks situasi mendukung tindak tutur ilokusi yang terdapat pada film Divergent.

Kata kunci: tindak tutur, tindak ilokusi dan konteks situasi.

  • 1.    Background of the Study

As human beings, we live in the world by interacting with others in order to complete our needs. Communication itself is the sharing of experiences, ideas, information, knowledge and opinions while interacting with another person (Mead, 1926). The language used to communicate with others sometimes triggers misunderstanding in communication itself. When people communicate with others, they might be performing more acts at the same time while they are uttering something. This kind of acts is called speech acts. People may not realize while they are performing speech acts. Therefore, we can assume that it is important for people to avoid

misunderstanding of the real intent of someone’s utterances (speech acts) in our daily life.

Speech acts especially illocutionary acts can be found in our daily conversation in unwritten even written texts; one of the examples is movie or movie script. Movie is a literary work which can deliver a message from the speaker (actor/actress or script writer) to the hearer (audience). The message of the movie can be found in the dialogue or the action of the casts because the dialogue/script of the movie may express thoughts, experiences and human feelings about something whether it has happened or not. This study focuses on speech acts especially illocutionary acts because it is important for the reader to know and understand what illocutionary acts are. Speech acts are also important for people to avoid the communication gap which may be influenced by many factors.

  • 2.   Problem of the Study

From the background presented above, there are 2 (two) problems to discuss in the present study; they are:

  • a.    What types of illocutionary acts are identified in the movie Divergent?

  • b.    How does the context of situation support the illocutionary act in the movie Divergent?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

Related to the problems in this undergraduate thesis there are two aims that are expected to be achieved; they are:

  • a.    To identify what type of illocutionary acts used in the Divergent movie.

  • b.    To explain the context of situation that supports the illocutionary act in the movie Divergent.

  • 4.    Research Method

The data of this undergraduate thesis were taken from the movie script Divergent. The movie script Divergent was obtained by doing browsing on the internet. The

dialogues in the movie are the sources of the data and taken as the sample conversations which contain illocutionary acts. The data were selected because in the movie Divergent there are some parts which contain utterances that are suitable with the topic of this undergraduate thesis. The sample dialogues in this study are the dialogues that can be classified as the illocutionary acts.

In this study, the method of collecting data is library research. In the library research, there are no respondents or informants involved. The movie script was obtained by doing browsing on the internet in the movie script website. The data were collected in order to find out the kinds of illocutionary acts and the context of situation in the movie Divergent. The techniques of collecting data in this study are watching, reading and note taking. First, the data were collected by watching the movie and finding out the illocutionary act by reading the movie script from the downloaded document carefully. Then, it was followed by paying attention to its context of situation. If there is something important, those important data were noted down.

After the all the data were collected, they were analyzed using the method and technique of analyzing data. The analysis in this undergraduate thesis is the descriptive analysis which describes the data based on certain theories. The data source needs to be analyzed using descriptive qualitative method to make the data described as clear as possible. The collected data were analyzed based on the theories which are related to the undergraduate thesis. The first step was classifing the utterances found in the movie Divergent based on the appropriate illocutionary acts’ types. After classifying the basic types of illocutionary acts found in the movie script Divergent, the data were classified using the speech act theory proposed by Searle (1976) whether they were considered representatives, directives, commisives, expressives or declaratives illocutionary acts. The next step was to analyze the intended meaning of the utterances and find out the context of situation which supports the participants in such dialogues using the context of situation proposed by Halliday (1985).

  • 5.    Result and Discussion

In the theory proposed by Searle (1976), it is stated that there are 5 (five) types of illocutionary acts; they are representatives, directives, commisives, expressives, declaratives. In the movie used in this undergraduate thesis only 4 (Four) types of illocutionary acts were found; they are representatives, directives, commisive and expressive as will be discussed in the following paragraphs.

  • 5.1.    Representative Illocutionary Acts

FOUR: You’ll be trained separately from the Dauntless-born, but you’ll be ranked together. After initiations, ranking will determine what jobs you move into. (00:34:27)

Representative illocutionary acts is the act that commits the speaker to truth of the expressed proposition, and thus carries a truth-value. The speaker expresses the speaker’s belief. The utterance above can be categorized as representative illocutionary act because the speaker Four expressed his belief that the new-transferred member should be trained separately from the Dauntless-born.

The contexts of situation support the representative illocutionary act above especially the tenor of discourse. The speaker named Four is one of the best instructors in Dauntless while the hearer is all the new-transferred members in Dauntless. The speaker informs the hearer how the new members will be trained.

  • 5.2.    Directive Illocutionary Acts

FOUR: (Metal clanking loudly)

I want everyone in the Pit! Two minutes! (00:33:58)

The illocution act above can be categorized as directive illocution because based on the theory proposed by Searle in 1976, directive illocutionary acts are performed when the speaker directs the hearer to do something. In the data above, the speaker commanded the hearers to wake up and gather in the Pit within the time limit. At the scene where the utterance was uttered, the speaker used the declarative sentence to

command the hearer, in this case, all the new members of Dauntless to gather in the Pit right after they just arrived in Dauntless.

In the utterance above, the context of situation which supports the directive illocutionary acts is the tenor of discourse. The tenor of discourse refers to the participants involved in a conversation. The speaker in the dialogue above is the main male character named Four that plays as an instructor in the faction named Dauntless. Meanwhile, the hearers in the dialogue above are all the new-transferred members of Dauntless. The speaker instructed the hearer to wake up and begin their first training.

  • 5.3.    Commisive Illocutionary Acts

TRIS : As soon as the other find out, they’re gonna kill me.

FOUR : I’m not gonna let that happen. (01:28:32)

The utterance above can be categorized as commissive illocutionary acts because, according to Searle (1976), the commisive illocutionary act is intended to commit the speaker to do some future course of action. The commisive illocutionary act caused the speaker to do certain act in the future. The utterance above shows that the speaker performed the commissive illocutionary act by uttering promise to the hearer. By looking at the dialogue above, it can be seen that the act of promising can be delivered without using the word promise literarily.

The context of situation which support the commisive illocutionary acts above is the tenor of discourse. The participants involved in the conversation above are the speaker Four and the hearer Tris. Both of them are the main characters in the movie used in this study entitled Divergent. The relationship between them in the scene where the conversation occurred showed a good relationship since Four was one of the instructors in Dauntless who helped Tris the new member in the Dauntless more than once without Tris asking for.

  • 5.4.    Expressive Illocutionary Acts

CALEB: I should have believed you. I left as soon as I realized. (01:57:29)

The utterance spoken by one of the characters in the movie Divergent named Caleb can be categorized as expressive illocutionary act. As stated by Searle (1976) the expressive illocutionary act is the one which expresses the speaker’s psychological state specified in the sincerity condition.

The context of situation that support the expressive illocutionary acts above is the tenor of discourse. Tenor of discourse analyzed the participants involved in the conversation and their relationship. Caleb Prior, the supporting character in the movie, used in this undergraduate thesis was the speaker in the dialogue above. Meanwhile, the hearer of the utterance was his own sister Tris. The relationship before the attack was not so good because when Caleb joined Erudite; he changed the bad way and Tris tried to make him realize but he did not believe it. In the scene when the dialogue above occurred, their relationship was getting better because Caleb realized his mistake and regretted it while giving hug to her only sister.

  • 6.    Conclusion

It can be concluded that there are only four types of illocutionary acts out of five types found in the movie Divergent; they are representatives, directives, commisive and expressive. The illocutionary acts that mostly appear in the discussions were directives, followed by representatives, expressives and lastly commisives. The contexts of situation (field of discourse, tenor of discourse and mode of discourse) which mostly supported the illocutionary acts was the tenor of discourse.

  • 7.    Bibliography

Austin, J.L. 1970. How to do Things with Words. New York: Oxford University Press.

Daugherty, Evan. Divergent. Movie Script. 2014. (Accessed on November 4th, 2014) available from URL:

Halliday, M.A.K & Hasan, Ruqaiya. 1985. Language, context, and text: Aspect of language in a social-semiotic perspective. Australia: Deakin University, Victoria 3217

Searle, J.R.1969. Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy of Languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Wijana, I Dewa Putu. 1996. Dasar- Dasar Pragmatik. -1st ed. Yogyakarta: Andi Yogyakarta.