ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 16.3 September 2016: 65 – 70

The Analysis Of Reference In Bhagavad-Gita

Gowinda Prasada1*, Yana Qomariana2, Ni Ketut Sri Rahayuni3 123English Department Faculty Of Artsudayana University 1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]] 3

3[[email protected]]


Corresponding Author


Penelitian ini berjudul The Analysis of Reference in Bhagavad-Gita.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis referensi dan menganalisis bagaimana referensi yang digunakan dalam Bhagavad-Gita. Sumber data diambil dari buku Bhagavad-Gita As it is oleh A.C. Bhakti vedanta Swami Prabhu pada diterbitkan oleh Bhakti vedanta Book Trust padatahun 1972, Mumbai. Teori-teori utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diadopsi dari teori kohesi oleh Halliday dan Hasan (1975), dan teori dari David Nunan (1993). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode dokumentasi. Diawali dengan membaca dan memahami. Setelah itu, beberapa kalimat yang terdiri dari referensi ditandai dan ditulis dalam beberapa lembar kertas sebagai informasi. Kalimat-kalimat yang sudah di dapat diklasifikasikan menurut jenis referensi. Data dianalisis berdasarkan teori yang diaplikasikan.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semua jenis referensi ditemukan yaitu: referensi personal, referensi demonstratif, dan referensi komparatif.

Kata kunci: kohesi, referensi, personal, demonstrative, komparatif

  • 1.    Background of the study

Discourse is a complex of social, psychological, and linguistic phenomena subject both to the rules of grammar, which all speakers of a language know implicitly, and to the general principles of discourse coherence.

Generally, a good text has to be coherent. The important thing in organizing a text is to provide the thing that is coming next after the beginning. In order to make a coherent text, several items are used, namely, cohesive devices in organizing the text. Grammatical cohesion consists of reference, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction.

Reference is very important to make a text unified since it displays a referential item which refers to something or someone within the text. According to Halliday and Hasan (1976), reference is specific nature of information that is signalled for retrieval.

The reference of information retrieved is the referential meaning. The reference consists of Personal Reference, Demonstrative Reference, and Comparative Reference.

Reference can be found in every text such as books, novels, newspapers, magazines, etc. Book is one of the most important media that contains much information and knowledge. Bhagavad-Gita can be classified as one of religious books. Bhagavad-Gita is very popular especially for Hindus because it is one of the Hindu scriptures which is written in Sanskrit originally.Bhagavad-Gita contains the dialogues between Prince Arjuna and his Charioteer Krishna. It is a part of the Hindu scripture, epic Mahabharata which is written in the form of a book. The contents of BhagavadGita are important and interesting because they describe morality and how to know the Personality of Godhead. Bhagavad-Gita is a religious book that is published in many languages including English, Sanskrit, French, Indonesian, Spanish, and many other languages. There are many references that can be found in Bhagavad-Gita. Based on description above, it is interesting to analyze text that is found in Bhagavad-Gita.

  • 2.    Problems of the study

There are two problems of the study:

  • 1.    What types of references occurring in “Bhagavad-Gita”?

  • 2.    How are the reference items presented in “Bhagavad-Gita”?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

Based on the problem of study, the aims of the study are:

  • 1    To identify the types of reference occurring in “Bhagavad-Gita”.

  • 2    To analyze the reference items presented in “Bhagavad-Gita”.

  • 4.    Research Method

Methodology is the important factor that should be used as a guide by the researcher. Methodology is a set of procedures in the systematic study that are applied within a discipline. It is the way to observe the data source in steps. The steps or the procedures of the research method, guide the researcher to find the answers through the

data source, the method and technique of collecting data, and method and technique analysing data.

  • 4.1    Data source

The data source in this study was taken from Bhagavad-GitaAs It Is by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. It was published by The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust in 1972, Mumbai and printed at Rekha Printers. Bhagavad-Gita is a book that is very popular especially for Hindus. Bhagavad-Gita contains the dialogues between prince Arjuna and his charioteer Krishna in epic Mahabhrata. Bhagavad-Gita also describes about morality and how to know the Personality of Godhead. Bhagavad-Gita is published in many languages including English, Sanskrit, French, Indonesian, Spanish, and many other languages. It is popular all over the world. Moreover, there were many reference items that could be found in Bhagavad-Gita. Based on the description above, this data source was interesting to be analyzed.

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The method applied in this study was the documentation method. Documentation method is the use of sources or documents to support the viewpoint or argument of an academic work. In this study, the discussion was limited in order to get the points of the study and to avoid the uncontrolled discussion. The study was concentrated on the purport or explanation of Bhagavad-Gita chapter 1 and the texts were randomly selected. The texts which were chosen are text 3 and text 11. There were some steps taken in collecting the data:

  • 1    Reading carefully the text to get a deeper understanding.

  • 2    Preparing to make a list of the words in the sentences containing reference.

  • 3    Rewriting and noting down the sentences according to the types of reference.

  • 4.3    Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

The data were qualitatively analyzed based on the theory Cohesion by Halliday and Hasan. All the data were classified based on the types of the reference. The analysis

was continued by analyzing how reference items were presented in Bhagavad-Gita. To know how the references are presented must be known at first, and then it can be determined whether refernces refer to outside the text (exophoric) or inside the text (endophoric). When referring to the items inside the text, it may references may refer to the items cataphorically or anaphorically. The reference items found in every sentence were circled typed in bold. The theory of cohesion by Halliday and Hasan was used to determine the types of references in the text to answer the first and second problems. Besides, the theory of discourse proposed by David Nunanwas used to support the analysis of the types of reference.

  • 4.4    Method and Technique of Presenting the Data Analysis

This study used descriptive method in presenting the data analysis. First, in order to answer the first problem, the data were classified into the types of references, by showing the data in the form of sentences. The data were typed in bold and circled. Finally, in the second problem, the data were typed in bold, circled, and arrow was also used. Then, the result of the data analysis is described descriptively and in form of a table. As a result, the readers can understand it easily.

  • 5.    Result and Discussion

The Analysis of Reference Item in the Bhagavad-Gita

  • 5.1    The Aanalysis of Personal Reference

As a result of this quarrel, Drupada performed a great sacrifice, by which he (1) received the benediction of having a son who would be able to kill Dronacarya.

(Sentence 3) There is one personal reference he (1) of third sentence in the last clause. It is categorized as anaphoric reference. Personal reference he (1) refers to Drupadathat has already been mentioned in the third sentence, second clause. Referncehe takes the position as subject and refers to singular male person. The use of personal reference he in this sentence is to reduce the monotonous the lexical item choice.

  • 5.2    The Analysis of Demonstrative Reference

As a result of this (15) quarrel, Drupada performed a great sacrifice, by which he received the benediction of having a son who would be able to kill Dronacarya.

(sentence 3)

In the sentence 3, demonstrative reference this (15)refers to the quarrel which is mentioned at the following the word. So this demonstrative reference can be categorized as ancataphoric reference. Demonstrative reference this is used to refer to something singular.

  • 5.3    The Analysis of Comparative Reference

By this he wanted to point out also that he should not be similarly(26) lenient in battle against the Pandavas, who were also Dronacarya’s affectionate students.

(sentence 7).

In the sentence above, reference similarly is kind of general comparison. It cataphorically refers to Pandavasandand anaphorically refers to he.

  • 6.    Conclusion

Based on the analysis and discussion in the previous chapter, the following points can be concluded that there are all types of reference that can be found in the Bhagavad-Gita by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada chapter 1 text 3 and 11 which are named text 1 and text 2. All types of referential cohesion appear, namely: Personal references, Demonstrative references and Comparative references. Kinds of personal references that occur in the Bhagavad-Gita are: referenceshe, it, she and they. All of the demonstrative references appear such as: selective nominal demonstrative, neutral demonstrative adverb. Selective nominal demonstrative that appear in the text are this (singular and plural). The neutral demonstrative also appears namely, the. In addition, the comparative reference which occurs is general comparison. The general

comparison that occurs issimilarly. The particular comparisons that occur are most, less, and -est.

  • 7.    Bibliography

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