ISSN: 2302-920X
E-Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Sastra dan Budaya Unud
Vol 14.2 Pebruari 2016: 7-13
Ayu Rahmawati
email: [email protected]
English Department, Faculty Of Letters And Cultures Udayana University
Judul tulisan ini adalah "Indonesian - English Code Switching In Torashyngu's Novel Beauty and the Best" terutama ditujukan untuk mengetahui fenomena dari alih kode yang digunakan oleh penulis di novel. Bidang ilmu ini diharapkan dapat menjawab dua pertanyaan secara langsung, yaitu tipe-tipe alih kode dan alasan dari penggunaan alih kode dalam novel "Beauty and the Best". Teori utama alih kode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini yang dikemukakan oleh Appel dan Musyken (1987) dan teori-teori pendukung dikemukakan oleh Grosjean (1983), Wardhough (1986) dan Romaine (1998). Appel dan Musyken membedakan tiga tipe dari alih kode diantaranya: tag switching, inter-sential switching dan intra-sential switching. Sedangkan, alasan dari penggunaan alih kode dikemukakan oleh Grosjean yang terbagi menjadi sepuluh alasan alih kode.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah penelitian kepustakaan. Penelitian kepustakaan digunakan karena sumber data penelitian ini diambil dari novel. Data dari tipe-tipe alih kode dianalisis melalui pemeriksaan dan dikategorikan masing-masing berdasarkan dari setiap tipe dan untuk alasan alih kode dianalisis melalui kuosioner yang mana dikirimkan ke penulis novel melalui e-mail. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis sudah memilih tujuh dari sepuluh alasan penggunaan alih kode yang di klasifikasikan oleh Grosjean.
Kata kunci: Alih kode, dwi bahasa, campur kode
Code switching is the use of two or more linguistics varieties in the same conversation and interaction. Grosjean (1982: 145) defines code switching as the alternate use of two or more languages in the same utterances or conversation.
(1) What types of code switching are used in the novel “Beauty and the Best”?
(2) What are the reasons of using code switching in the novel?
(1) To analyze and identify the types of code switching in the novel.
(2) To find out the reasons of using code switching in the novel "Beauty and the Best".
Methodology is an important thing to produce a good writing. To write a scientific paper, certain academic procedures must be followed. The methodology used in analyzing the data collection in this paper includes the following elements: data source, data collection and data analysis.
Data source is where the data were taken. This research used primary data. The data of this study was taken from the novel entitled “Beauty and the Best” by Luna Torashyngu. This novel was produced on November 2010 in Jakarta. The reasons of using code switching were found out through questionnaire, which was sent by e-mail to the writer. The data was chosen because it is interesting and there are many words that switch from Indonesian into English that used in the novel.
The method that was used in collecting data is library research. The data was taken by note taking technique. The first step, the novel was read carefully, which is used as data source.
The second step the data were chosen, determined and classified by note taking. The last step the data were fixed to the types and reasons of code switching.
The data were analyzed based on the theories of sociolinguistics in this study. The collected data were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively based on the theories applied in this study. First, the data were classified in order to find out the types of code switching. Then, the data were analyzed whether they belong to tag switching, inter-sential switching, or intra-sential switching based on the theory proposed by Appel and Muysken (1987). The last step was analyzing the reasons of using code switching that used by the writer based on the theory proposed by Grosjean (1982).
This chapter presents the analysis of the code switching in the novel "Beauty and the Best" by Luna Torashyngu. In order to with the problem and theories applied in this study, the analysis will be focused on two basic points they are: three types of code switching such as: tag switching, inter-sential switching and intra-sential switching. The last, reasons for code switching will be discussed based on the theory proposed by Grosjean (1982).
Code-switching is the alternation in the use of two languages (or even more) in the same discourse. The switch can happen within words, clauses, or sentences. However, there is only a switch in the language, not an integration of the word, clause or sentence into the other language.
According to Appel and Muysken published in 1987 in their book Language Contact and Bilingualism tag switching may involve in exclamation, a tag or a parenthesis in another language than the rest of the sentence for emphasis. Tag is a word or phrase that is added to a sentence for emphasize. While, exclamation is a short sound, word or phrase expressing sudden surprise, pain, or begging.
Inter-sential switching occurs between sentences, as their name indicates. Inter-sential switching involves a switch at a clause or sentence boundary, where language of each clause or sentence is different one another.
Intra-sential switching occurs in the beginning, in the middle, and in the end of a sentence. This type of intimate switching is often called code mixing. Here, switching in different types occurs within the clause or sentence boundary. It may include mixing with word boundary.
According to Grosjean (1982:152) there are some reasons for code switching. They are as follows:
1. To fill a linguistic need for lexical item, set phrase, discourse marker, or a sentence filler;
2. To continue the last language used (triggering);
3. To quote someone;
4. To specify addressee;
5. To qualify message: amplify or emphasize;
6. To specify speaker involvement (personalize message);
7. To mark and emphasize group identity (solidarity);
8. To convey confidentiality, anger, and annoyance;
9. To exclude someone from conversation;
10. To change role of speaker: raise status, add authority, and show expertise.
The reasons for using code switching in this study were analyzed based on questioner, which was sent to Luna Torashyngu the writer of the novel "Beauty and the Best". According to the writer there are seven reasons for using code switching in the novel "Beauty and the Best", they are: To fill a linguistic need for lexical item set phrase, discourse marker, or a sentence filler; To continue the Last Language used (triggering); To specify Addressee; To Qualify message: amplify or emphasize; To mark and Emphasize Group Identity (Solidarity); To Convey confidentially, anger and annoyance; and To change Role of Speaker: Raise Status, Add Authority, Show Expertise. Seven of ten reasons for using code switching from the theory proposed by Grosjean (1982).
There are some points that can be proposed as the conclusion of this paper. After analyzing the data taken from the novel entitled "Beauty and the Beast" some points it can be drawn as follows:
The types of code switching occur in the data covers are as follows: tag switching, intra-sential switching and inter-sential switching. Tag switching may involve in exclamation, a tag or a parenthesis in another language than the rest of the
sentence for emphasis. It occurs in the beginning of the sentence. However, tag switching can be placed in the middle or the end of the sentence. Then, inter-sential switching involves a switch at a clause or sentence boundary, where language of each clause or sentence is different one another. It occurs in the beginning, in the middle, or in the end of the sentence. Last type is intra-sential switching occurs in the form of words or phrase and could be placed in the beginning, in the middle, and in the end of the sentence.
The reasons of using code switching were analyzed based on questioner, which was sent to Luna Torashyngu the writer of the novel "Beauty and the Best". From ten reasons of using code switching proposed by Grosjean, the writers choose seven of them on the questioner. They are: To fill a linguistic need for lexical item, set phrase, discourse marker, or a sentence filler; To continue the last language used (triggering); To specify addressee; To mark and emphasize group identity (solidarity); To change role of speaker: raise status, add authority, show expertise; To qualify message: amplify or emphasize; and To convey confidentially, anger and annoyance.
Then, the three reasons that are not applicable they are: To specify speaker involvement; To quote someone; and To exclude someone from conversation.
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