ISSN: 2302-920X
E-Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Sastra dan Budaya Unud
Vol 14.2 Pebruari 2016: 14-19
Gde Agus Arya Mahendra email: [email protected]
English Department Faculty Of Letters And Culture Udayana University
Makalah ini menganalisa dan membahas komponen-komponen dari frase nomina yang dapat ditemukan pada artikel yang berjudul “After The Bali Bombing – The Long Road To Recovery" yang dibuat oleh The Australian Journal of Emergency Management. Artikel ini dipilih karena banyak terdapat frase nomina. Berdasarkan tahapan-tahapan analisis, dapat ditemukan bahwa struktur frase nomina terdiri dari 3 komponen, yaitu the head, the pre-modification dan the postmodification. Untuk mengetahui sumber data, data harus dibaca, lalu digarisbawahi dan dicatat. Data dianalisa secara deskriptif kualitatif, dengan maksud data dianalisa berkaitan dengan masalah yang didasarkan pada teori.
Kata kumci : frase nomina, modifikasi, struktur
Phrases are divided in terms of two components, the head as the lexical category and the projection as the phrasal category. Phrasal categories are headed by the lexical categories. A phrase consists of head and one modifier or a head and more than one modifier. The head of a noun phrase is a noun, the virtue of the fact that it is headed by a noun that the phrase is a noun phrase. Phrase is said to
be a projection of its head. ( Quirk, et. al). In English, among the five different types of phrase. There are noun phrases, verb phrases, adjectives phrases, adverb phrases, and prepositional phrases. Noun phrases are the most common playing various syntactic functions in the sentence and clause structure, are subject, object and complement. All of them are use to things that people want to talk about people, objects, concepts, processes, and all kind of entities. (Quirk, et. al)
Based on the background above, there were two problems analyzed. The analysis of the English noun phrase structure was analyzed as follows :
a) What types of noun phrase structure are found in “After The Bali Bombing – The Long Road To Recovery"
b) Which noun phrase occurs the most frequence NP in the text?
The general purpose of this writing was to apply the available linguistic theory, such as :
a) To identify the types of English Noun Phrase structures that can be found in the text of “After The Bali Bombing – The Long Road To Recovery".
b) To classify the most noun phrase that occurs in the text.
The data of this study were taken from the article written by The Australian Journal of Emergency Management entitled “After The Bali Bombing – The Long Road To Recovery". There are a lot of noun phrase in this article. The data of the English noun phrase structure from data source were analyzed descriptive qualitatively.
5. Result and Discussion
5.1 Types of English Noun Phrase Structure In the Article “After The Bali Bombing – The Long Road To Recovery"
5.1.1 Pre-modification Noun Phrase
It means that the head noun is modified by various pre-modification, adjective, participle, noun, genetive or adverb placed before the head other than determinatives.
“This co-ordinating committee” (in the text)
The pre-modification noun phrase “this co-ordinating committee”, is slightly different. The head noun “committee” is modified by determiner “This” and noun “co-ordinating” is included in –ing participle. The explanation of the data can be described as follows :
This co-ordinating committee
Determiner Noun (-ing participle) Head Noun
It means that the head noun is modified by many kinds of post-mofication and positioned after the head noun.
“The fact that prospective clientele” (in the text)
The post-modification noun phrase is achieved by finite clause “that prospective clientele”. The pronoun “that” act as the marker of the postmodification. The post-modification noun phrase completed by the use of determiner “the” . The explanation of the data can be described as follows :
The fact that prospective clientele
Determiner Head Noun Finite Clause
5.1.3 Multi-modification Noun Phrase
This type includes the noun phrase which comes when the head noun of noun phrase has more than a single pre-modification or post-modification. Multimodification usually consists of the head noun, the determinative, the premodification and the post-modification.
“The tragic events of October 12, 2002” (in the text)
The head noun “events” of the multi-modification noun phrase “the tragic events of October 12, 2002 “ is formed by pre-modification and post-modification noun phrase. Word “The” acts as determiner and adjective “tragic” acts as premodification.
Then, post-modification is shown by the prepositional phrase “of October 12, 2002”. The preposition “of “ functions to give information and complete the head noun. The component of the multi-modification noun phrase can be drawn as follows :
The tragic events of October 12, 2002
Determiner Adjective Head Noun Prepositional Phrase
The noun phrase consists of the head, determiner, pre-modification, and postmodification. The types of complex noun phrase were categorized based on the component used to form the noun phrase. The types of noun phrase are premodification noun phrase, post-modification noun phrase, and multi-modification noun phrase.
Anonim. tt. A Study of the Noun Phrase in Spoken and Written English. Available at:
Gurtner, Yetta. 2004. After The Bali Bombing – The Long Road To Recovery. Australia : The Australian Journal of Emergency Management. Available at :
Jaya, I Nyoman Purnawan. 2009. “The Analysis of English Noun Phrase Structures Found in Tropical Living Magazine and Internasional Bali Post” undergraduate paper. Denpasar: Faculty of Letters Udayana University.
Quirk, Randolph and Greenbaum, Sidney 1981. A University Grammar of English. (Serial online). Available at :
Saputra, Putu Eddy. 2010. “English Noun Phrase Structure in Now! Bali Magazine and Bali Advertiser News Paper” undergraduate paper. Denpasar: Faculty of Letters Udayana Univesity.
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Discussion and feedback