ISSN: 2302-920X
E-Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Sastra dan Budaya Unud
Vol 14.2 Pebruari 2016: 1-6
Anak Agung Ngurah Bagus Wira Udayana
email: [email protected]
English Department, Faculty of Letters and Culture, Udayana University
Judul penelitian ini adalah Karakterisasi, Moral dan Nilai Sosial dalam Novel The Hundred Year Old man Who Climbed Out The Window And Disappeared. Pembahasan penelitian ini difokuskan pada analisis metode karakterisasi digunakan untuk mengkarakterisasi karakter utama dan analisis nilai-nilai moral dan sosial tokoh utama dalam novel. Data penelitian ini diambil dari novel The Hundred Year Old man Who Climbed Out The Window And Disappeared ditulis oleh Jonas Jonasson. Ada dua teori dasar yang diterapkan dan dapat mendukung penelitian ini. Teori sastra yang berkaitan dengan karakterisasi dari Kenney (1966) dan teori nilai yang berkaitan dengan nilai moral dari Carol K. Sigelman (1995) dan Bernhardt (1952), nilai sosial dari Warren dan Roucek (1963). Teori akan digunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang terkait dalam penelitian ini.
Dari analisis penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tokoh utama dalam novel ini adalah Allan Karlsson, seorang pria berusia seratus tahun. Allan digambarkan sebagai karakter kompleks karena karakternya digambarkan dari dua sisi buruk dan baik. Karakter perubahannya ketika ia tumbuh dari anak sampai ia menjadi dewasa. Penulis menggunakan metode diskursif untuk mengkarakterisasi karakter utama, Allan Karlsson. Ada banyak nilai-nilai moral dan sosial yang ditemukan dalam karakter Allan Karlsson. Dalam hidupnya, ia selalu dihadapkan ke arah sosial masalah dalam keluarganya, teman-temannya, di masyarakat dan isu-isu sosial di negara ini. Dari semua itu, Allan bisa menentukan sikapnya terhadap sesuatu yang baik dan sesuatu yang buruk. Allan, sebagai makhluk sosial, ia selalu berusaha untuk membantu orang lain dalam bukunya hidup, meskipun kadang-kadang ia membuat beberapa kesalahan, dia selalu berusaha untuk memperbaiki masalah sehingga semuanya akan kembali normal.
Kata kunci: karakterisasi, nilai moral, nilai sosial, Novel
1. Background of the study
Literature can be defined as the art of writing or creative writing which expresses spirit, thought, feeling, ideas, experience that expressed by human beings. Most of the literary works always have moral and social values. The novel as a kind of literary work, is the reflection of life that could be created depending on the auhor’s experiences which contain values for people’s lives. Moral values are values concerning principles of right and wrong and the standards of behavior (Hornby, 2011:285). The social value is value or the quality of the relations between people in communities (Hornby, 2011:421). The novel that most people like to read, they enjoy reading novel because they can learn many things. That is why here deep analysis on a novel entitled “The Hundred Year Old Man who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared” written by Jonas Jonasson. It is an interesting story that is full of moral and social values which are very useful for life and education.
2. Problems of the study
In analyzing moral and social values , there are some problems that may appear. The problems addressed in this study are:
1. What methods of characterization are used to characterize the main character in novel?
2. What moral and social values are found in the main character in novel?
3. Aims of the study
Related to the previous question, this study covers 2 major aims of study:
1. To find out the methods of characterization used to characterize the main character in the novel.
2. To analyze the moral and social values of the main character in the novel.
4. Research Method
The data was taken from novel The Hundred Year Old Man who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared written by Jonas Jonasson (2009). The data is collected by using the qualitative method and it is collected through the documentation method. The data was analized by using the descriptive method on moral and social values presented by the author. This method is used in presenting the analysis through the words and sentences without using table.
5. Result and Discussion
5.1 Characterization Method
(Chapter 1, page 7)
You might think he could have made up his mind earlier, and been man enough to tell the others of his decision. But Allan Karlsson had never been given to pondering things too long. So the idea had barely taken hold in the old man’s head before he opened the window of his room on the ground floor of the Old People’s Home in the town of Malmköping, and stepped out – into the flowerbed. This manoeuvre required a bit of effort, since Allan was one hundred years old.
The author says that that although Allan is a hundred years old, he is not a clever man to make a decision, it can be seen in the sentence, “You might think he could have made up his mind earlier, and been man enough to tell the others of his decision. But Allan Karlsson had never been given to pondering things too long.” Allan is not thinking about his decision correctly, even seem lika a desperate person. However, he still making and choosing his the decision to continue his wishes. On the other hand, he does not know what he would face later on, because Allan took the decision in a hurry. Based on Kenney’s theory (1966:34), the author used the discursive method to describe his character in the story. From the underlined sentence, the author clearly tells the character’s of Allan Karlsson who is not a clever man to make a decision.
5.2 Moral Values
(Chapter 2, page 8)
Allan Karlsson hesitated as he stood in the flowerbed that ran along one side of the Old People’s Home. He was on the run from his own birthday party, another unusual thing for a hundred year-old, not least because even being one hundred is pretty rare.
Better to be on his way while he could, Allan thought, as he stepped out of the flowerbed on creaking knees. In his wallet, as far as he could remember, he had a few hundred-crown notes saved – a good thing since he’d need some cash if he was going into hiding.
He turned to take one last look at the Old People’s Home that – until a few moments ago – he had thought would be his last residence on Earth, and then he told himself that he could die some other time, in some other place
Allan convinces himself to go out of the nursing home, but he thought that he could die if he came out. Allan already had a place to stay, lots of friends, but on his hundredth birthday he still decided to leave the nursing home. It is relevant with Sigelman’s theory (1995:330), A cognitive component which is focusing to conceptualize right or wrong and make decisions about how to behave. It can be seen from the sentence, “He turned to take one last look at the Old People’s Home that – until a few moments ago – he had thought would be his last residence on Earth, and then he told himself that he could die some other time, in some other place”. Based on Bernhardt’s theory (1952:53), think negative or be ungrateful with something is can be said as a wrong attitude. The moral values that can be seen here is we always should think positive and should be grateful for what we have today, because nothing is perfect in this world.
5.3 Social Values
(Chapter 2, page 11) Yes, Allan thought it would. The little man told him that the bus left from outside the terminal door and that it would be most convenient to buy a ticket directly from the driver.
Allan wondered what the little man did behind the window if he didn’t sell tickets, but he didn’t say anything. The little man possibly wondered the same thing. Allan thanked him for his help and tried to tip the hat he had in his haste not brought along.
Although the little man did not talk too much with Allan, at least he gives Allan an information to continue his journey. Allan thanked the little man. It can be considered as social interaction, it is a process in which the responses of each party become, successively, stimuli for the responses of each others. Interaction is basic in the sense that is inderlines all social process (Warren and Roucek, 1963: 41). It can be seen from the sentence, “The little man told him that the bus left from outside the terminal door and that it would be most convenient to buy a ticket directly from the driver.” There is a social value that can be seen from Allan’s attitude who appreciates the help of the little man with gratitude. We should appreciate the slightest help from anyone else, because we are social beings whose lives to help each other.
6. Conclusion
The main character in the novel “The Hundred Year Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared” is Allan Karlsson, a hundred year old man. Allan was described as a round character because his character is described from two side bad and good. His characters changes when he grows up from child until he become an adult. The author used the discursive method to characterize the main character, Allan Karlsson. The author explains all about Allan’s character in the story of the novel directly. The author succeed to explain the attitude of Allan, how he interacts with his family, his friends and the society. There are many moral and social values found in the character Allan Karlsson. In his life, he always faced towards social issues in his family, his friends, in the community and social issues in the country.
From it all, Allan could determine his attitude toward something good and something bad. Allan, as a social being, he is always trying to help others in his life, although sometimes he made some mistakes, he always tried to fix the problem so everything is going back to normal.
7. Bibliography
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